Enjoy the salt from blacks and liberals over #TrumpGirlsBreakInternet

If you want a good laugh take a look at the jealousy among the black responders to this hashtag. You can clearly see many black people hate whites with a passion. The jealousy is so painfully obvious.



Other urls found in this thread:


This is interesting how this triggers them.

the salt is real


Fucking plantation monkeys want to remain enslaved by the democrats forever.

Trump is offering work and hope.

Can people not use fucking words anymore? I don't know what these idiots are trying to say. Mayonnaise and crackers garbage can? They're so primitive.

This is why it is so fun to "trigger" liberals.

WTF?! I hate garbage and crackers now! :(

They speak in pictographs; the only written language they can naturally comprehend.

>Fucking plantation monkeys want to remain enslaved by the democrats forever.

"Since the dawn of history the Negro has owned the continent of Africa – rich beyond the dream of poet’s fancy, crunching acres of diamonds beneath his bare black feet and yet he never picked one up from the dust until a white man showed to him its glittering light.
His land swarmed with powerful and docile animals, yet he never dreamed a harness, cart, or sled.
A hunter by necessity, he never made an axe, spear, or arrowhead worth preserving beyond the moment of its use. He lived as an ox, content to graze for an hour.
In a land of stone and timber he never sawed a foot of lumber, carved a block, or built a house save of broken sticks and mud.
With league on league of ocean strand and miles of inland seas, for four thousand years he watched their surface ripple under the wind, heard the thunder of the surf on his beach, the howl of the storm over his head, gazed on the dim blue horizon calling him to worlds that lie beyond, and yet he never dreamed a sail.”


75% of the hasthag is fat landwhales posting ishiggy niggers gifs.

It is almost like these ghetto black people and liberals believe the internet is just for them and act outraged that anyone else is allowed into their private playground.

What does this even mean, not very effective insults.

All the posts I saw were salt.

Liberal tears are so delicious.

seriously right now it's just the salt keeping the trend alive

what fucking idiots

I have no idea. Is there anyone out there who can translate the monkey speak?

I have no idea whats going on.

Someone explain this to me like im retarded.

What does any of these things even mean?

What the fuck am I looking at?

It's a hashtag where Trump supporting females post pics of themselves. It's based off of some other retarded hashtags like #BlackGirlsBreakTheInternet.

desu it probably wasn't even started by Trump supporters, but bitter anti-Trump people as a joke, and then it took off as the rest of the libtards jumped on board.


I don't understand. Twitter is not the internet, nor does it appear to be "broken" in any way.

This hashtag was started last night by a Trump supporter that goes by the name Baked Alaska. It has worked perfectly making black liberals go insane.

As for what it means it means that Trump Girls are so good looking that the internet will go down by people all looking up Trump Girls.

Is that a Muslim in the bottom left picture?

"dude white people have no culture haha mayo and saltines hahahaha that's all they eat"


>All the posts I saw were salt.


It allows them to virtue signal, which bumps the tag, and lets them continue the process. They're stuck on a self flagellation loop.

If Trump's team notices this they can engineer more tags to do the same and spread the word.

Which one of you is Whitey McPrivilege on twatter?

I think so. allah snackbar! stay thirsty!

why do they hate white people so much?

Liberals BTFO

Hahah what?? Yesterday it was fatassbreaktheinternet. every other day theres some stupid ass breaks the internet type thing

post more trump qt and piss off the librtards

Lets just become #cruzmissles now tripbro

>exploiting the narcissism of young chicks to promote Donald Trump

I bet liberals are salty to see their own tactics used against them, but better.

I thought insulting women based on their appearance was sexist

This is why I stopped using Twitter a while ago.

You aren't allowed to be both black and a Trump supporter. I'm not going to apologize for wanting common core gone, a better tax plan, and Trump's immigration policy. Apparently, I'm what you call a race traitor.

makes you think right?
all these responses are only fueling the tag

These people don't know what they're talking about. There are sexy negresses who want make America great again RIGHT NOW!

It comes down to Existential envy which is directed against the other person’s very nature, is the strongest source of ressentiment. It is as if it whispers continually: “I can forgive everything, but not that you are— that you are what you are—that I am not what you are—indeed that I am not you.”

This form of envy strips the opponent of his very existence, for this existence as such is felt to be a “pressure,” a “reproach,” and an unbearable humiliation.

In other words they wish they were white and hate you for being white and they are not.

The salt is unreal it's just been a great couple of days for Sup Forums.
Doesn't seem to be an end to the tears of liberals just how i like it.

it has to be a fucking spic

he look like a fag

oh fug

>Apparently, I'm what you call a race traitor.

Oh wow, I am also a race traitor. Just, uh, not in the same way.

We wuz hurrikangz

>tfw no trump gf

It never fails.

Why are non-liberal women always the most attractive?

I know her ;]

She wants to get black people off the democratic plantation and back to building strong families and contributing to society.

>take a look
>first thing is an anti-Trump meme based on Bob's Burgers

Shit people like shit shows

had to lol at this one

So much racism against whites, fucking minorities. OUT OUT OUT

Why stop though? It's important that these people be triggered regularly, and as a black Trump supporter, you wield great power in that regard.

Between Brexit and this those poor liberals must be all cried out!

But Tarzan was white



I think i remember reading that those routes were used because they had the "fairest winds" or some shit.
But by the same token, those same routes are perfect conditions for hurricanes to travel.

Im searching for her on twitter but cant seem to find her


All of you need to do your solemn duty and report these cucked liberals and baboon subhumans.

>opposing opinions make me want to kill myself


I'll give you nudes if you pay my rent this month senpai :^]

Lol, it's #killallmuslims all over again.

Almost makes me want to get a twitter account. Just make an edgy hashtag, tweet it to somebody easily triggered, and let virtue signaling make the problematic hash tag a worldwide phenomenon, tricking retards into thinking it's legitimately getting popular since they don't seem to notice that all the posts are salt and butthurt

Because they don't have a reason to be bitter man-haters

twitter is cancer. Even I can't stand it and I visit reddit to troll

>paul (((omitted)))

>lefty blacks and hispanics being incredibly racist

what else is new

>white bread
>white trash

all white people stereotypes or slurs

Is she going to explode?

Looking at naked black grils on the internet is free.

like the lobsters trying to escape the boiling water liberals will try to drag you back in.

Fine by me

>that profile picture

Screams faggot on every level.

My question is this:

I have some pretty close friends that follow me that I still talk to in public. Saying I support Trump among them will, definitely, burn bridges.

I'm thinking about MAYBE creating another account that none of my friends know about. It'll have an updated version of my picture so I'm not hiding my face, but I can be an open Trump supporter.

i don't like Trump but i dislike men who disrespect women even more, raid this fag's youtube channel, pol


>hahahaha white people can play instruments, what a bunch of dumbasses.


I think it is funny

i'd like that girl any time

I think they're trying to copy Egyptian hieroglyphs.

Let me translate

The cracker symbolises white people and civilisation. Essentially bread and salt, but it can also imply gluttony and piggishness.
The Mayo actually symbolises not food, but eggs. An indication of new life of moving on and forward.
Being black the garbage bin symbolises home- a place where smelly trash is kept

So it means White Pig Go Home

He is 100% certified skinny beta who is afraid of seeing attractive women and would rather be overpowered by a negress with higher testosterone than him.

>spirits of the slaves wrecking black peoples shit
they must be jealous they had to be slaves yet the new generation gets welfare.

>not getting the joke

c'mon man

>would rather be overpowered by a negress

I think he'd rather go straight for a black dick to poz his neghole.


There was no question in this post senpai

a lot of liberals are autistic and retarded in a mean spirited way. If they can dox you they will try to get you fired from your job. They have nothing else to do all day because they are 420 losers.

So if you want to do it then do it but I would not recommend putting your image out there.


Sincere question

Is a large portion of the black community overtly similar to maybe some on Sup Forums in that, 'if you don't do what we consider black, you're a degenerate/race traitor/uncle tom'?

If so, has anyone ever pointed out that they are akin to "radical stormfront whites" in that regard?

Shit senpai, most of your friends bernie supporters? I revealed that I support trump in college and only the ones who support bernie burned the bridges, not I

what the fuck? I remember this pic used to have nothing but blacks on the ground. When did the white cucks appear? are we living in another timeline?

attractive women get real compliments and are actually desirable, so they understand how the food chain works on merit and how people aren't created equally

ugly women are all told they're beautiful (out of pity) and still have a lot of sex with desperate men, so they think they're actually just as desirable as anyone, giving them absolutely no insight into merit-based hierarchies

it's only a possibility because women generally operate ENTIRELY and ONLY on social perceptions and acceptance

Post pictures of hot black girls supporting Trump

funny how things work themselves out

Im surprised something about Trump is even trending on twitter

What did he mean by this?



>who is this penis genius?

The difference is we promote adaptive behaviours that result in a stronger civilization, whereas blacks drag anyone who looks like they're going to be successful back down into the gutter.