Good morning Austria!

Good morning rest of the world!

There is nothing better than a Monday morning when you do not have to work.

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I'm at work, but there's nothing to do :3

Warum duast`a des au?

What is the minimum wage in Austria?


if you get "Notstandshilfe" it is 1.080,-- or now a Little bit higher (~ last m. I got 1.120,--)

Ah, that the same as average wage here in Slovenia.


Warum bezeichen sich Ösis eig immer als "deutsch sprechende" aber nicht als deutsch?

If you are not able to know "Oachkatzlschwaoaf" you in the wrong FADEN!

Weil uns vor euch ekelt!

Because we are sick of you!

Is slovenia first world?
Also why does your countryside look like austria and your coast look like italy?

Aber weshalb mein Ö-bruder

Good morning dear neighbor! How are you?


This is just a police operation, not a war!

Ihr geht's uns sooo am Oasch, des is ungeschreiblich!

Do you know the difference between a good and a bad avalanche?

Warum mia autian? Oda wos moansch?

a good one kills germans, i guess

Warum tust du dir ABRBEIT (Rabotaju-Laborare-Hackln) an. Es geht auch so sehr gut

Es mangelt mir an nichts.

Basically correct.

Schlechte Lawine: 1 Schicht Schnee, 1 Schicht Dreck, Geröll und Gatsch, dann wieder 1 Schicht Schnee;

Gute Lawine: Statt dem Gatsch und Geröll sind Deutsche drin.

>Is slovenia first world?
I don't know, it's on par with Spain or Italy in many aspects (we have less unemployment, but slightly lower wages).
>Also why does your countryside look like austria and your coast look like italy?
Because it was part of Austria for a millenia. The coast was part of Venice republic and later Italy.

Good morning, I'm enjoying holidays, how are you?
>that video
Typical holcer slovenians.

why is slovenia and austria so great

Guys, I miss this.

Thanks I'm very good. I have just woken up and think in awe of the working population.

And I like your music! In Slovenia also tractors are musical.

daily reminder that austria is italian

geh weg, pifke Schweinhund

Pensa alla tua storie e piangire!

dem germanz be holdin us caesarz down nah mean

Auf gehts, Buam!

Good morning. I'm not going to university today :3

Without fun, amo molto l-Italia. Soprattuto in primawera e autuno.

Why are you called EasternEmpire, how did that happen?


Kek, there are two types of Slovenians, the ones who like oberkrainer folk music and the ones who like čefurka (balkan folk) music.

>Typical holcer slovenians.
I like them both!

I myself play a completely different music.

I now go to the next city to shop. Maybe I'll go for lunch too.

And do not forget we have to annex Liechtenstein!

Have a nice day!

Sog des dechtasch glei.
I hun koa wahl nit, i muass. Bin grod beim barras.
Iaz muass i awa oft glei buggln

>I hun koa wahl nit

Hofa, bischt`is du?

Auf der Arbeit shitposten

I woas was des hoast

T. Bavarian

Daily Reminder that Austria was a Part oft Bavaria

Na, lei a oamfocha Tirola