4-D Chess. Please listen to what I have to say

Holy geez. So Trump really is playing 4-D chess. I just realized something.

People very much base their political opinions on how they feel in their bodies. Physiologically, I mean. For instance the media that hates Mr. Trump lies about him constantly and blatantly takes things that he's said and morph it into the forever holocaust. This gets blood pressure to rise, gives way to anxiety, fear, all the negative stuff. This can be associated with a particular thing in people's minds. If you show a picture of Trump, particularly a bad one that makes him look like an angry white male, then a person's programming will interpret that as bad. As bad as they feel. We could call this "programming" or "conditioning." Weak people, these skinny beta males are ashamed and scared of strength, and miserable bitter cunts see white people being strong as an oppressor.

Other urls found in this thread:


Canada what kind of maple syrup are you using. Does Tim Hortons now made weed infused coffee?

I feel like not enough people have come up to you today and called you a faggot to your face.

Too fucking funny ^^


Guys.. The leftists don't actually think.. They only *feel* and are easily manipulated as a result. I don't mean this as an insult but as an insight into the mind of the leftist. That's why they feel justified in attacking people physically and economically -- those that are interpreted to be enemies are literally as bad and scary as they feel! That's why they don't use reason -- this is how they learned to navigate the waters of political consciousness. Slogans were always suggestions, nothing more.

Trump knows that people are programmed this way, and he knows that nobody will look at him with genuine eyes -- eyes that weren't given to them by their educational and media handlers. The soviet subversion campaigns were extraordinarily effective. Because people won't look at him from a genuine standpoint, he decides to piss people off, which will expose them to his message, and to authentic information. Red pill cluster bombs of spicy truth in his twitter account. To get people on our side. This man is actually a genius. Or at least incredibly effective at what he does. A worldwide business and billions of dollars are not jokes. Most people would fail what he has managed to do.

This is why the media keeps associating nigel farage with the 350 million mistake. Brexit with racism and xenophobia. Trump with much the same. Putin with much of the same.
It doesn't matter if the poll is fake, most people won't check. People will be told that there is a poll that has been signed x amount of times, makes it seem more acceptable to demand a recount. If we're not careful, there may very well be a recount. nigel farage being excluded from the negotiations is a very bad sign. I think it means that a betrayal is going to happen. I will make a prediction -- Brexit will fail because it will be betrayed by the those who do the negotiating. Farage is genuine about his desires. The elite used him to win the vote (never would have happened without him) and now a bunch of unscrupulous double crossers have locked him out and are going to ruin everything. Even if I'm wrong, which I hope I am, we should be suspicious.

Look at pic related, look at what results come up from this search. The message telling their truth is everywhere. This the battle ground for the war we are fighting.

The media says that enemies are everywhere, and that no action is off the table when it comes to dealing with them. The more fear that is induced in the conditioned, the larger a base nefarious powers have to act upon in order to further the political goal or agenda. People, if they don't know any better (which is most), will believe anything that is accepted by others, anything on the mainstream media.

The real war is a war of consciousness. What determines a winner is who gets there first. What we're doing is actually quite important. You see, we're the defenders of genuine, honest thought. Though we may not be perfect and though we may meme a lot, we're the ones who are actually willing to examine things and speak our honest thoughts about them. That's incredibly important, you see? Many people don't do that now. To honest people, mental constructions of thought are illuminating. To the conditioned, the contemporary leftist, mental constructions of thought are opaque in their intent -- it is not illuminating or beautiful, but rather a crude, incomplete and outright false rendition of reality, intended to confirm itself and subvert the unconditioned. They will repeat it until you agree -- no attempt will be made to meet you halfway. When you don't conform, they will intimidate you. In our lifetime we may very well see leftists in the west shedding blood. Circumstances will dictate that.

Negros are a wild card, certainly destructive, but an easily manipulable one. Black communities were deliberately destroyed by our government in order to destabilize the country. They, though they very well may be intellectually inferior on average compared to other races, are entirely capable of forming and sustaining healthy communities. The influences that were given to them, drugs and negro gangster culture, completely obliterated them. They never had a chance.

I'm sorry guys, Gord broke out of the insane asylum this morning, we'll get him back in pronto.

tell me where i err

fake and gay

He would have to leave the house for that.

you guys are dumb

OP sits on fists

This thread is now legally a legal marijuana safe space.

Dude... t-t-this actually makes some sense... but then how do you explain the rise of trump up til now? I mean c'mon, not all trump supporters are redpilled faggots.

Dank Yo


your missing a big part.

PC is marketing.

Its to get people falling into a certain demographic by eliminating outliers and getting insiders to be more predictable.

Its for marketing the companies that have the system bought. Condition people in PC and they will by PC programmed products and turn they're ire against things the companies claim is anti-PC.
They're using marketing strategies to create personal armies online to shill for their interests.

Everything else is pretty much right.


Hers a bump for the shills in this thread

OP are u there?

chill brah ur just paranoid

I am now. I figured this thread would be more of the same. Thanks for the bump friendo.

End Prohibition.

>Yes he is playing 4-D Chess.

I think it's that people feel much malaise towards the status quo, and he taps into that.
Many are still nationalists, though it is a dirty word nowadays. They are intuitively on our side. They still prefer truth to a narrative.

Yes, I agree, except I think more emphasis should be placed on the social rather than anything else. PC consciousness is almost like a separate hive consciousness, which exists because it is able to insulate itself from the outside world. From inside that vaccuum they can create whatever needs to be created in order to get the people to do whatever they want. They can twist reality to fit whatever suits them (suddenly.. everything is racist, and all people need is any reason to believe it) The insulation from the outside world is manifest as being completely immune to authentic information precisely because it goes against their status quo.

This thread is being shilled really fucking hard.
Keep up the good work OP.


Honestly, I wonder who these people are. They could have just not responded but they seem to pop up every single time.

is this photoshopped?

gay muslim sjw mafia.


what is your objective? the inclusiveness and diversity you exhibit is impressive

"Public Opinion" used to be an aggregate of peoples actual thoughts and opinions. It was often a product of the underlying philosophy of the time (religious, cultural, etc.) Now, public opinion is crafted, dissemenated, and installed by the media. It is self enforced by the self censorship of PC culture. Only on a place like pol with anonymity can people (who number more than it seems in public) come to actually call bullshit without fear of being figuaratively stoned to death.

Its scary world.. even scarier is the speed at which the media forms a consensus of viewpoint and perspective. I would like to believe its just groupthink coincidence and not (((the elites))) but its hard not to believe there isn't some kind of top-down decision making. What motivates it?

im on your side, I want Nation States to be able to prosper and for us to all get out into space and stop the stranglehold of regulations and bloated beauracacies and to stop the commies.

>I just happen to like Weed and Video Games and futurism, Big Bucks to be made we could eventually have our own palaces each and everyone of us.

That and I have to cure MS and other diseseases.

>A 14 year old who recently took the red pill states the obvious and thinks he sounds deep
You are a couple of decades behind m8

It is scary, but there's certainly hope.
Motivation is only a relevant question when asked about the handlers. The conditioned are doing this unconsciously -- everybody believes that they are on the right side of history, after all. They are merely reacting to the influences in their environment, placed there by the handlers.
The handlers seek destruction and a 1984 style world. Orwell wasn't fucking around; though the particulars may vary, they want this collective infantilization to consume all of humanity, with themselves in prominent positions of power and influence of course.
The reason that there is hope is because it is falsehood that is being thrust upon humanity. Everybody intuitively knows truth and morality. The solution is to become individuals, and to know how to navigate the world of information. It isn't information that will save us, but people who are genuinely able to think for themselves. Addictive and emotionally compelling lies are thrust upon all populations that go through the education system and media.. Not to mention each other. This all starts from very, very young. These influences were deliberately fabricated for a specific purpose, anything can be communicated through them. Indoctrination isn't a fucking joke -- nobody seems to understand and yet it's so ubiquitous. The USSR was very similar to 1984, wasn't it?

Expected a shit thread by a leaf.

Got brilliance

10/10 post, but the memes are actually important in enslaving our masters. We're memeing their system against them.

What's the difference between a tabloid and a newspaper? And the difference between reality television and

Are you shy? Genuinely curious.

Yes, I too think that the nation state is the best way.
You pictures though send a mocking image

Think about this.

Someone gets doubles. We freak out about it,and have live reactions very quickly. Memeing things, stating political opinions, etc, but the key here is because of doubles fervor, we are given a valuable measurement of the status quo, making Sup Forums impervious to shills.

Make (the action of doing or creating)
America (directly addressing the nation as an object in and of itself, taking a stance against globalists)
Great (tapping into the latent American Exceptionalism, the city on a hill mentality of America's first pilgrims)
Again (calling back to a bygone era of nostalgic americana)

It's not that we need to forgo memes. Our objective is twofold.
First, we need to counter their memes with our memes. The reason the left can't meme worth a shit is because they have substituted truth for a false narrative. They simplify reality and so it retards their sense of humour. No, not kidding. They are less intelligent, though they are capable to throwing away their bullshit and seeing life for what it is. What is that? What life really is: WITHOUT PRECONCEPTION. To remain detached from every narrative, but simultaneously considering all things. "Open minded" is not just a meme, but it's co opted by cynics. So, form a counter narrative and destroy their arguments. Though they are largely immune to authentic information, if genuine truth is there then people can snap out of it.
Second, we need to remember that memes are just memes. To remember to always be open-minded. That's our strength, that's why we're superior. Because we call bullshit for what it is. Falsehood, though insidious, will always be inferior to truth.

Here's an interesting and truthful take on slam poetry. The left can only parrot and manipulate. Repeat and bludgeon society with crude implements. They can't actually create anything of value, they can only destroy.


Many people still know that bullshit is bullshit, this is an example. They are our allies, though most of them don't know that they're in a war yet.


Ah, has Brexit been betrayed?

1: Right now not much difference at all.. considering current journalistic integrity.

2: its meant to discourage the establishment that is right now.

Yes exactly. It's just propaganda that adults view as legitimate truth.

2. What? Your dude weed pictures?

People who try to make Trump out to be more than he is are dumb. Trump is Trump. He hasn't changed his opinions in 30 years. His success comes from being alpha, which people are drawn to. There's no more to it than that. He's not playing "4D chess".

Yeah they shill less the harder your posed topics marijuana legalization deals with a bunch of factors so they avoid it and since Trump wants Legalization and Clinton doesn't they don't like to talk about it anymore since bernie now supports war and tpp and yeah.

4-D chess is just the hip-way to say playing the propaganda game.

>Neophytes to the great-game concept.

..Or it makes me out to be a stoner that's out of touch with reality.

we are not the same person.
>No matter how much you want to be me.

Oh, please enlighten me Mr. Australian. How does posting pictures of weed in my thread not reflect on me, the OP of the thread?

Nice Try.

does this mean you fuck kids?

are you now in a playground molesting kids because I post this picture?

My flag may be a flower, but at least i'm not a leaf

In comic book form

>need to add speechbubbles.


Hello, David
> using Chrome
>>>>>>>>>> using Windows

So all we need to do is to spam attacks on trump until attacking trump is considered a joke?