Why americans dont racemix like we do?

Why americans dont racemix like we do?

because nigger attitude.

Because they're idiots.
I'm down for racemixing though c:

can't mix what's already mixed


colonized inbreds are racist

in the begginning there were only pure portuguese, kuruminhas and africans

Anglos wanted to genocide them, Iberians wanted to fuck them.

to be frank, exhibited brown features are unappealing

yes but it is not the same case anymore... or do you still wish to genocide them?

because they don't know that's how the most beautiful women are made

they are pretty much done with genociding

>yes but it is not the same case anymore... or do you still wish to genocide them?
The genocide was successful. And the mentality of wanting nothing to do with them impacted the culture in many ways.

yes but africans and latinos still exist

Yeah, but they are still part of the savage "other". American racism is a product of British colonialism. White mans burden, social darwinism, etc.

that is just sad

so the anti-racemixing is a byproduct of systematical racism practiced over centuries.
Why not freely call people opposed to racemixing racists tho?

Old history now, nothing can be done about it. Nowadays our biggest problem is the collective guilt that stems from it.
>Why not freely call people opposed to racemixing racists tho?
We do, and quite often. Being against interracial couples is taboo nowadays. You'll be seen as some backwards 1950's mentality bigot. Like I said before our biggest problem is the overreaction in trying to atone for our past. People have gone overboard and started curbing freedoms in doing so and it spawned this whole alt-right shit you see as a reaction.

Sort of attitude is "oh if I'm always an evil racist bigot because I'm white no matter how I act, than I guess I am one."

well I honestly is due to the individualistic culture of the US

>pure portuguese
What is the period of time to be considered "pure"? We all know Iberians are mixed rapebabies, but the time has passed and now people start to consider them "pure". So, that means the next generations of white and black offspring will be considered "pure" in 300 years? These kind of things really make you think.

Because institutionalized racism exists/did exist. There are cities where all the Indians live, where all the blacks live, etc. There's a few mixed cities, but most people grow up going to schools with people that look like them, so that's what they're comfortable with. This is all conjecture, though.

That's part of the whole anglo protestant tradition. Keep in mind though Anglos have always been hypocrites. Whether it was the British starving out Indians or when there was a huge fuss in the 1960's when Kennedy was elected because he would be our first Catholic president.

that's how it works in brazil and anywhere else in the world. it's a human trait

>that's how it works in brazil and anywhere else in the world. it's a human trait
lol no

Because Americans came here in the 1800s and saw the mongrels south of the border.

if it was that way half of our country wouldnt be mixed

Your country is mixed because whites didnt have white women, and most of it isnt mixed qnd is just pure african with.an ancestor that had sone mixture in the past.

Interracial marriage is more common in the U.S. than Brazil

or maybe they just didn't care

it is true, just take a trip through your country and see how people get darker the further north you go. it's a fact that humans are designed to group together in groups with people who are similar to themselves and fear the ones who aren't. er aren't nothing but fucking animals

enormous flat noses, ugly hair, wide frog lips, ugly faces overall

everything is just working against those people, surely there are some rare instances of beauty, but that's largely when these features are not pronounced

Hell, people from different European ethnicities and religious groups didn't start mixing with each other until the early 20th-century. It was taboo.

that is mainly due to colonization being older in the north not really to racism also Brazil is huge going south to north is almost as much as crossing all Europe

Most of them did actually had white women especially when they found gold here.

still gay

Nigga genes in your kid = ruin your genes