ITT: Essential soycore

ITT: Essential soycore

Attached: reddit the jew.jpg (1280x720, 130K)

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You start, OP.



Why are you faggots so obsessed with white liquids?

>soy is a liquid
am*rican education

being insecure about yr masculinity will do that to ya. They gotta keep buying big guns to compensate.

Why are you so obsessed with america? Im european myself and not the guy you responded to but everywhere i go online theres always this one smug, huge cunt of a european bringing america into it. Get that superiority complex checked.

Lack of real interpersonal relationships + compensation

never fucking @ me again, filthy amerimutt

Im dutch you insufferable faggot

>muh heritage
never change, mutts
Actually soy contains phytoestrogens, not mammalian oestrogen. Scientific research shows there is no link between oestrogen levels in humans and consumption of phytoestrogens. Feminization of men due to consumption of soy is a myth.

This but unironically

el americANO jajjjjj

He did, soymale

>I was only 21 years old, I loved Jordan Peterson so much
>I had watched all his lectures and his Channel 4 interview where he DESTROYS Cathy Newman
>I read "12 Rules For Life" every night after cleaning my room before bed
>I say to myself "JBP is love, JBP is life"
>My sjw dad overhears me and calls me "lobster boy"
>I knew it was because he was jealous of my high openness and conscientiousness
>I yell and tell him Jordan Peterson is my real dad
>He slaps me and sends me to go to sleep
>Im crying now, and my face hurts
>The intolerant left strikes again!
>I lay in bed and its really cold
>A warmth is moving towards me.
>I feel something touch me
>Its Jordan Peterson
>I am so happy
>He whispers in to my ear "A lot of young men come to me... You're next Bucko!"
>He grabs me with his (orderly) masculine hands and puts me on my hands and knees
>I'm ready
>I spread my ass cheeks for Peterson
>He penetrates my butthole
>It hurts so much but I do it for JBP
>I can feel my butt tearing as my eyes start to water
>I push against his force
>I want to please him
>He squeals as he fills my butt with his love
>My dad walks in
>JBP looks him straight in the eye and says "Remember the story of Cain and Abel? Well, read it then Daddy-O!"
>he leaves through my window
>JBP is love. JBP is life.

Attached: the dark professor.jpg (620x414, 8K)


nice meme soycuck
Actually soy contains phytoestrogens, not mammalian oestrogen. Scientific research shows there is no link between oestrogen levels in humans and consumption of phytoestrogens. Feminization of men due to consumption of soy is a myth.

Dumber than a brick.

i consider myself a fan of BP, this is quality satire

You misspelled "facts".

Agreed, I like him too but that's some funny shit right there.

Why is that bear's ear so long?

I lol'd

You come to my gym, watch me pump xurious and pump weights and say that to my face

Fuck you my guns have nothing to do with my insecurity.

Attached: 1487710221939.jpg (1672x2084, 1.04M)


Why is that bear's ear so long?