Which section is the best?

which section is the best?

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and why is it purple?

green because dude weed lmao

it's purple




Because freedom

purple let's you legally blow your own brains out withwhatever you want, which solves a whole ton of problems

Purple life, yo.


>Sup Forums hates globalism
>but loves libertarianism

green has freedom too

And blue if you are a libertarian conservative. (Conservative worldview personally but no imposing of your ideas in others through force, works well if you're a constitutionalist conservative)

The Axis are the wrong way round.

So far

Purple: 7
Green: 3
Blue: 1



...we're a little schizophrenic in that regard.

right down the middle between green and purple

i always thought mega corporations love government regulations because they dis-proportionally hurt small business.

why do you think Clinton has so many corporations backing her?

This is

We're all more "Nationalistic Libertarians" as in libertarian in our borders but not outside them.

Big business will always want to tear those borders down though, they're contradicting ideologies. Capitalism needs some regulation to function, it is not a perfect system.

master race here

>Clinton is pro regulation

The line between Purple and Blue

Businesses bribe government anyway.

That can be fixed too.
>Ban lobbying altogether
>Limit campaign spending
>More transparency across all three branches
>Give congress control of the federal reserve

Yeah it is. Everyone complaining about "muh true Capitalism" needs to end up surrendering to globalism. That's why I, at least, am not for completely free capitalism.



Staddling between purple and blue.

>which section is the best?
none because polcom fundamentally can't score nationalism

Whats weird is that I think all the SJW BS and safe spaces are the dumbest thing in the fucking world.

Then make a neutered government that cannot give such favors away, instead of what is being done by growing it.

Blue obviously

Leftists should be shot, hung and gassed

I decided to black out all the areas of the scale that are unacceptable

I can explain my reasoning, but its pretty self explanitory

You statist piece of trash...

well you should feel that, considering how libertarian you are

>i swear people dont understand how the compass works

Purple>Power Gap>Green=Blue>Shit>Power Canyon>Commie Red

>socially free
so you want fags with mutilated penises shitting next to seven year old girls

>someone who blacksout the bottom
>says its unaccaptable

no suprise here, freedom is hard to accept

blue my dude

Nice, comrades

Comfy automated communism when?

so you support transgenderism, pedophilia, and pretty much anything, murder, robbery, vigilantism

the only thought behind extreme libertarianism is that since everyone can do everything, society would balance out because no one would do anything wrong in fear of revenge killings

>Following an ideology created entirely by jews
Why are you even on Sup Forums

Kek, I love these

social enforment is the way of a free society
and complete freedom is the way of the individual

what i support or dont support is up to me and my arguments, what is allowed or not allowed is up to society, and what is freedom is up to nature alone.

Purple is for libertarian cucks and purple drankers

Now there's an ism I can get behind.

All ideologies were created by Jews.

posting mustard race

>Adam Smith


Shieeet we wuz Führer n shieet goi

Jews mainstream ideologies they created were Capitalism and Communism.

Which are both following one set of rules, Marxism.

>da joooooos

nobody cares. White gentiles usually lose sorry.


We still live, you can still lose.

Purple in a homogeneous nation, blue in a multicultural nation.

Only one that matters


>hehe these goyims in Germany don't know what hit them with the revolution in 1919
>What, who's this hitler fellow?