Why do many Scandanvians have Asiatic eyes?

Why do many Scandanvians have Asiatic eyes?

I think it's more prevalent than in the Slav

It's the weather. Cold, storms, etc. eyes need to be protected. Same why Asians have those eyes. There are even Germans, especially in the southern region (alps) with Asiatic eyes.

they had more historical access to people with arctic genes

It's due to natural selection, some Africans have eyes like that too. It really has nothing to do with racemixing

She's not Scandinavian

I'm pretty sure she's not an Eskimo

She doesn't live in Scandinavia, she doesn't come from Scandinavia.

What else would she be, Sven?

American obviously

nordic, they love their terms

If she's not an eskimo then she's Jewish.

Also Iceland is not Scandinavia, they are Celtic.

>Värmland is not Swedish, they are Finnish

So she's still NOT Scandinavian.

epicanthic folds aren't exclusive to asians

Yes they are. We need to genocide EVERYONE that has them in our populations.

Germans are Hun rapebabies, get over it.

Whatever she is it's all viking

>tfw no Unnur Birna gf to make Asians with

I know this is meme but do I look asian to you?

Unironically this guy looks turbo-Savonian

If he asked his parents where they are from he would probably kill himself

My eye is not Asiatic

They're all Finns in denial

You can see it's slight Asiatic in shape.

Like a tilted lemon

Yes they are, I made this pic

Clean up your fucking eyebrows ffs they look like porcupines

Only fags do their eyebrows.


Nothing wrong with a man taking care of looking civil and presentable

I'd post my eye to show you perfection but then again I'm not retarded

we must kill those subhumans

I can find you and kill you

The epicanthic fold ("Asian eyes") isn't rare among Icelanders like Björk, Finns and Sami. Remember - there isn't a "clear cut" between Caucasian and East Asian, the thing works more like a continuum.

You can also find some Poles with the fold. inb4 proszę nie "byliśmy sarmaci i kurwa"

slanted eye doesn't mean epiphanic fold, which creates a single fold past the point where they join

stfu you gook apologist, i dont want those ghenghis rapebabies in my country

sry but it's the high cheeks

says the actual fucking mongrel rapebabies lmao fucking subhuman slav

He's not a Slovak. He's a Gypsy with brain problems.

even more pathetic

Baltic people have it too

Also I always thought that Bjork is finnish

more Bjork pls

Iceland is actually the most scandinavian nation ever.
History isn't your strong point I suppose.

That is called hooded eyes


No. It's the most Celtic of them, Iceland was first inhabited by Celtics before the Scandinavians. Which means they are a mixture of the two. Most Scandinavian is Norway.

Also Finns have Asiatic genes. Coming from the mongol empire.
True Scandinavians have no such genes.

So I don't get it? How are these eyes supposed to help in their environment?

Pretty sire she is Bjork. Love her music.

ice age

>mongol empire

fun meem

How, theyre like 50% Celtic