Since this shit was released, I've had 10+ adults ask me if I have seen it...

Since this shit was released, I've had 10+ adults ask me if I have seen it. What in the ever living fuck is happening with society? The response is always the same when I tell them no. These are not families either but rather people around the same age

>Are you SERIOUS user, like wtf

Is Hollywood at it again or are we just absolutely fucking brainwashed to the stupidest trends now?

Other urls found in this thread:

In all likelihood they were kids when the first movie came out and were excited for a sequel

in all likelihood, you're bitter as fuck about a cartoon fish movie

I overhead this one poofter looking guy say he's gonna see it

Even the first one sucked ass. Just paying to see it for "nostalgic" reasons doesn't make it better. That just means you have not grown up.

He's got a point. You're bitter about a fish movie.

And for once, it's an animated movie not pushing some bullshit leftist agenda.

It's pushing the agenda of "stop fucking up our oceans". And that's ok.

Unfortunately it goes straight over everyone's heads, and soon, the blue tang will be extinct. I've already seen their prices skyrocket at my local reef shops. It's sad.

And unfortunately, the blue tang isn't something that breeds super easily like the clownfish. bye blue tang :(

>mfw 18
Waiting for this.

Didn't go see Looking for Dory tho.

Doesn't it have some dykes in a quick shot?

The fact it's pushing ANY message at all is exactly the problem. So now that I have a grasp on what it's even about it looks like Jewywood is at it again

Am I the only one who watched Frozen, Inside Out, etc.?

Because it's Pixar and people always love to jump on the Pixar bandwagon.

I want the circle jerk to end too, but I don't think it will.

I like to watch Disney and Pixar movies for the cool animation and music. Shit is comfy. Haven't seen Finding Dory or Zootopia yet.

Monsters university was probably the gayest movie ever tho

I didn't like the first one

Adults have always been childish as fuck about this stuff, it's just adults have never ordinarily been childless until recently

Probably just to please Ellen or some shit That's extremely insightful.

>Little boys fifty years ago liked westerns, cars, guns, adventure, sports, and Disney shit
>Grown men fifty years ago liked westerns, cars, guns, adventure, sports, and Disney shit
>Men and women literally retain interests from childhood and simply advance them into more sophisticated forms as they age.
>tfw men are just boys but taller and with more money.

Don't believe me? Go back in time to any given military base or fortification, when the men weren't working, and toss a ball into the middle. Then just wait.

>tfw opposing sides playing soccer/football because its Christmas and we can't kill each other on Christmas.

I'm with you on that and I just saw both last week with my younger cousins. Finding Dory was weak, the only reason it was made in my opinion was to Jew millennials with nostalgia. Zootopia was actually pretty clever.

Pixar makes good movies every now and then

This movie however, was pure shit. Painful and obnoxious to sit through

>Masturbates to Japanese cartoons
Autism: The Thread

Dude I'm 24 I see movies when they're convenient

getting kids/parents to acknowledge climate change/reef damage is a pretty good message

>He has no experience in government
>He doesn't know anything about foreign or domestic policy
>He wants to destroy freedom of speech
>Wants to deport millions of people
>Wants to violate religious liberty laws
>Thinks vaccines cause autism
>Doesn't believe in climate change
Almost like you haven't actually put any thought into this

>Not liking a Pixar sequel that has been anticipated for 14 years.

I bet you watch anime you degenerate weeb.

Oh my kek. I am a very happy man right now.

Not really. Nothing explicitly implies they're lesbians or even romantically interested in each other

>he wants to destroy freedom of speech
cite it faggot
>wants to deport millions of people
Its called enforcing immigration laws
>violate religious liberty laws
Except a travel ban is legal. you're not a citizen, you're not on US soil, you don't have any rights you're guaranteed in this country

Ask them if they are voting Hillary
Then laugh and walk off

hope that faggot burns!!!

>Liking Zootopia
>Literally riddled with SJW and feminist propaganda

>monster university was the gayest thing ever.
Come on user that was one of the better pixar movies in recent years.

"What would Dory do?"

>cite it faggot

>wants to deport millions of people
I don't give a shit about legality. Just because something is legal doesn't mean it's smart or good.

>Except a travel ban is legal

>Make a law that says Muslims can't come into country
This isn't a law regarding religion! Nevermind that it regards religion
>Pass law allowing gays to get married
Truly retarded people

>>Literally riddled with SJW and feminist propaganda

now I know what my wife meant when she said it was too scary for our kids to watch it

>Saying this as you post on an image forum originally intended for discussing japanese animation

Did you watch it or are you just shitposting. I saw Angry Birds last week too and I was extremely disappointed Sup Forums. It turned out that the pigs weren't Muslim and they actually were evil white colonialists. Zootopia was the far better movie in terms of message and story telling.

Just say "No, I don't have kids" to them. Even if you know they don't have kids either.

have they mentioned this yet to you OP?

>we shouldn't have to follow the law if it hurts our feefees
They've got no fucking rights, they aren't citizens. As long as we aren't oppressing their human rights there's no reason for us not to ship them off.

>>He has no experience in government
So? George Washington had no experience of government before he, y'know, founded your country and laid out its defining principles and became its first president for two consecutive terms.
>>He doesn't know anything about foreign or domestic policy
How do you know?
>>He wants to destroy freedom of speech
Citation needed
>>Wants to deport millions of people
Why is this bad?
>>Wants to violate religious liberty laws
This is potentially bad, but then again a lot of Muslims are desperate to kill all of you.
>>Thinks vaccines cause autism
It's not been disproven. Expert opinions keep changing.
>>Doesn't believe in climate change
*doesn't believe climate change is as man-made as the supporters (many of which are corporations who just happen to be making billions of dollars in profit from climate change) say it is.

>I don't give a shit about legality. Just because something is legal doesn't mean it's smart or good.

>Fuck borders and laws

Typical leftist.

this post actually describes Obama

>someone says they don't like an animated children's movie
>well you're just bitter!
Sup Forums really is inhabited by 12 year olds

Better than this fish faggotry you fucking mutt.

>any media supporting any narrative making people think in any way shape or form is a problem


Ponyo was better than this crap

With you bro! Modern animation is fucking beautiful and ridiculously expressive.

Maybe they're like that show about the two middle aged bffs who raise a kid together. I don't remember what it's called. But both the women are pretty attractive imo.

>So? George Washington had no experience of government before he, y'know, founded your country and laid out its defining principles and became its first president for two consecutive terms.
Yes he did. He ran the Continental Army and was a delegate to several Continental Congresses.

>How do you know?
Because he's said nothing but nonsense everytime he's been asked. He's either ignorant or playing some sort of demented con game, which is arguably worse.

>Citation needed
>I want to open up libel laws so I can sue and bully people who write mean things about me

>Why is this bad?
It's an economic nightmare, that's why.

>This is potentially bad, but then again a lot of Muslims are desperate to kill all of you.
Well that'd be nice if we didn't have a constitution that directly forbade any and all sort of government action against religion. Rather disturbing he doesn't feel compelled to acknowledge the first amendment.

>It's not been disproven. Expert opinions keep changing.
Yeah, no. That's nonsense.

>*doesn't believe climate change is as man-made as the supporters (many of which are corporations who just happen to be making billions of dollars in profit from climate change) say it is.
Well that's just silly. You're silly user.

You can't enjoy something because it's pushing a message? Can't you just ignore that it's pushing a message and still enjoy it?

>tfw The Incredibles 2 is next
fuck I've been wanting that shit since it got video games

nu male faggot. it's a kids movie about nothing grow the fuck up.

>I don't give a shit about legality. Just because something is legal doesn't mean it's smart or good.

But it's both. Fuck illegal immigrants

>This isn't a law regarding religion! Nevermind that it regards religion

You don't need to draft a new law to make an immigration ban you fucking retard.

I grew up watching Disney and Pixar films. I will keep watching them until I die or they become insufferable disjointed from the magic that made them so memorable.

I am aware the pixel jew has ensnared me in his web of nostalgia and blast advertising. I do not care. Most people cannot name 3 Presidents before Bush. Almost everyone can sing along with hakuna matata. The imprint is too strong and honestly endearing.

The story is mostly generic with some nice "action" sequences and the colors are appealing. The lesbians were short and mostly unnoticeable unless you looked for it. It could have easily been mistaken for two female friends.

>I don't know shit about libel laws
The way it works out now is that you can say whatever the fuck you want about a public figure, even if it's untrue or slanderous to the point of being damaging. Changing that so people can't just print bullshit isn't an affront to free speech, it's affording public figures the same rights everyone else gets,

>It's an economic nightmare, that's why.
How so?

>Well that'd be nice if we didn't have a constitution that directly forbade any and all sort of government action against religion
We actually don't, just that they can't outlaw beliefs and opinions. Besides, non-citizens aren't protected by the constitution.

>Yeah, no. That's nonsense.
>Well that's just silly. You're silly user
Well, I'm convinced.

People love Pixar shit, for some reason.

They're all the same to me. The jokes and the facial expressions, it's like they just changed some of the colors.

I bet you went and saw the latest .star wars and marvel movie

Pixar now does all the shit we used to make fun of Dreamworks for doing.

I wonder if 2ch has threads like this about Ghibli.


They go to see it so they can post on Facebook that they are "now watching Finding Dory" to show how le quirky and fun they are.

>Besides, non-citizens aren't protected by the constitution.
That's not true in the slightest. Even if it were, the first amendment is specifically a restriction on the government, not a granting of rights.

>been anticipated for 14 years.
Really? Pretty sure Pixar got jewed into making it thanks to contractual obligations. As far as I know they had no plans to make a sequel.

With the massive number of cash-in sequels they're planning right now (Toy Story 4 and Frozen 2 come to mind) I had assumed this was another of them.

I just hate how everyone thinks Finding Nemo was the best Pixar movie. It was the worst imo


Yes, restricting them from outlawing the practice or belief in a religion, not restricting them from legislating on anything that may pertain to a religion. See Reynolds v. United States.

>not pushing some leftist bullshit agenda
Except, you know, for the lesbian couple

>It's an economic nightmare, that's why.
You have a massive black population. A huge proportion of which are unemployed. The vicious cycle is that these people have to often resort to crime to get by, which makes them criminals if they get caught, which often precludes them from employment often in the future.

By opening the jobs up to these people by removing spic, you could massively reduce the nigger crime rates without falling into the economic nightmare of which you speak.

But no, instead don't look after your own, give them to uncounted people who will work for 2 dollars per hour and the employers who won't pay income taxes on these wages because they're not on the books. MUH ECONOMIC NIGHTMARE indeed.
>Well that'd be nice if we didn't have a constitution that directly forbade any and all sort of government action against religion
When the religion in question does believe in this constitution, and even wants to remove it entirely because of its incompatibility with their religious views and will blow themselves up along with their "enemies" or simply gun their enemies down, a choice needs to be made.
>Yeah, no. That's nonsense.
So why are there studies that do suggest a link?
>Well that's just silly. You're silly user.
Nice argument!

How does John Lasseter's cock taste?

>movie made by Disney/Pixar
>starring and promoted by Ellen Degeneres
>surprised there' subliminal SJW undertones to it
>surprised critics lap it up and throw praise at it

But the internet constantly gives Pixar a pass because 'muh childhood fee-fees'

Honestly, it makes me wonder if the infantilization of the coming generations hasn't been started by Disney in order to pander to them and continue to rely on them as customers.

Jesus Christ, were you molested as a kid or some shit?

It's all bandwagoning. It's not a bad movie, but like the majority of Pixar film's it's been overhyped to a disgusting level.

Now The Incredibles on the other hand....

>Now The Incredibles on the other hand....

Especially Violet Parr.

You are American and you ask that question? Ha!

I liked it. Would recommend. Best animated movie since Big Hero 6

This is a rumor. They might have wanted to do this but backed out idk...
If anything it pushed for straight families - Dory's parents

oh shit

>best animated movie since Big Hero 6

Is that really saying that much?


>Violet Parr

I love Elsa.
I've never seen the movie.


You need to lighten up op


Go see this movie, or you're a fishist!

Bout to go watch it tomorrow

Even Captain Pants isn't safe from Dreamwork brow.

It's going to be a letdown man, the Incredibles was my favorite Pixar movie but there's no way they'll do it justice

money isn't gonna solve the climate problem

hell, from my experiences, the more money you dish out, the less shit gets done.

after BH6 I'm positive they can do it justice

are you sure? the same team's on board. it's gonna be the same over the top spectacle the other one was.

at least I hope so.

>in b4 plot twist, Syndrome saved his memories into a computer and is now out for revenge.

This. Finding Nemo used to be my favorite movie desu. I don't really see anything wrong with going to see the sequel as an adult..

>ITT butthurt op reveals his autism by failing to understand human emotional connections

How many fucking losers do we have on Sup Forums?
>You're just fuckin bitter OP ;^(
It's a children's film! It should be obvious why nobody besides children would enjoy this shit. I'm not bitter. I just got over cartoons when I was a young child.

It's Disney indoctrination. Andrew Stanton knows how to subtext so he gave Disney the middle finger passive aggressively.

>15 seconds of 2 females not even holding hands
But user, you ARE the screeching SJW.

Nostalgia isn't an excuse to force other people into your favorite things. he doesn't share theirs, so why should he have to pay for a movie ticket. those Theaters are shit this day and age.

he can rent it, or wait for it to come to cable, or just pirate it like all you guys.

Pixar did not make Frozen.

Brave was a better movie by a mile, but god damn the Little Mermaid effect.

In my view, starting from Cars 2, every Pixar movie has been shit.

I wanna fuck that fish until she loses her memory!

>pixar film

You do know the first movie caused a huge amount of families to buy tropical fish for their cunt kids only for them to die because cunt kids can't be bothered to take care of said fish. Does more harm in reality.

So... you liked Cars? That movie was horrible.

Did you know real Blue Tangs could slice you? they got razor sharp tips on their tails. food for fap.


>Pixar film
>not Hollywood

Pixar is a part of Disney, and right now Disney runs Hollywood.

So yes, sorry to shatter your little bubble of innocence that makes you think Pixar's this champion of purity..... but no, they're just as degenerate as everyone else AND they are now part of the "establishment" of the film industry.

>not realizing the "omg i neeeeed to see it so nostalgic *emoji* *emoji*" normie memes are viral marketing

Pathetic nu-males. Sure, go ahead and see it. I might watch it eventually as well and I do enjoy Disney movies and shit, but that doesn't change the fact that people are being played. It's just clever advertising, though. Not some conspiracy.