What is the movie eqivalent of the music of The Smiths?

What is the movie eqivalent of the music of The Smiths?

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I can't think of anything gay and boring enough to compare, sorry

The Cum Suckers Trilogy

Made me kek, but I really can't help it... their music really work for me.

The user above you at least tried.


I don't know. What is a movie that's funny and intentionally overdramatic but people often mistake for being sad?

This may come close in a few terms but is mayb a bit too energetic.

A movie about a poet kinda depressed romantic guy? don't know really, it sounds like a chick flick

perks of being a wallflower

Ok you're a good sport so for an honest reccomendation, check out "The Commitments" if you haven't before.

Morrissey is one of the biggest cunts ever to be shat into existence.

Poor Little White Guy series

Lost in Translation

Brokeback Mountain

Just think of yourself, user, and you'll realize that you are gayer and more boring than the Smiths could ever be.

>t. Boring mexican girl who wants to fuck an old man

most Mike Leigh movies would be a good match

This Is England

Derek Jarman's filmography.

He even shot some videos for The Smiths.

Every kitchen sink drama ever made as its basically 50% of morrissey's influences especially a taste of honey.

A Taste of Honey

Sounds interesting. I am not familiar with the British New Wave movement at all... so I guess this might be a good start.

who the fuck is that to the right of morrissey

British New Wave movement? What are you talking about?

>en.wikipedia.org/wiki/British_New_Wave there you go retard.

You mean faggot movies made for weak numales?

>500 Days of Summer
>Scott Pilgrim
>Perks of Being Wallflower
>Wes Anderson

No retard, what the fuck does that have to do with A Taste of Honey?

Fight club

The sexual equivalent is homossexual sodomy

Some chinese movie

Just read the article.

Naw that's like the music of Bright Eyes or Sufjan Stevens, mid-2000s American indie singer/songwriter. The smiths is definitely British new wave kitchen sink bullshit.

Oh touche.

Go to bed John Peel


>who the fuck is that to the right of morrissey

Fuck off, Morrissey.

death grips the movie

Who is it tho seriously? I only know Morrissey and Johnny Marr (and I think he's at the far right)

Gag the fag

Something that both faggots and MS-13 gangbangers enjoy.

Mala Notte, one of Gus Van Sant's firsy is super gay and boring

>tfw you will never taste prime morrissey cock

I pray most days that Morrissey is the next big death.

That cunt is fucking insufferable and his solo work is completely irredeemable trash

The more you ignore him, the closer he gets. You're wasting your time.

and British football hooligans

they must have the most diverse fanbase in music

Rushmore and the one about the family of rich hipster kids and their shit.