Reminder that 100,000 German women were raped in Berlin after it's surrender, 10,000 dying after...

Reminder that 100,000 German women were raped in Berlin after it's surrender, 10,000 dying after, and not to mention the 1.5 million rapes that happened in East Prussia

Other urls found in this thread:

Reminder that 6,000,000 Jews died in the Holocaust at the hands of mainly Germans.

Reminder that roughly 20 million Soviets died in World War 2.

Only about 6 million of those were from battle

Reminder that 1/10 Americans believe chocolate milk comes from brown cows

Not to mention all the millions of dead slavs


I believe in climate change but not the Holocaust

Rate my opinion

More Russian girls were raped by the Wehrmacht than German girls by Soviet soldiers

I can believe it

[citation needed]

So you believe in something that is up for debate as to what extent it affects the world. As opposed to something that is documented in facts, however the numbers can be debated.

reminder that 200,000 civilians have died in the iraq war

sounds like last new year's eve in Germany?

yeah 200000 (red Cross) vs 6 gorillion

are german women that desirable

Reminder that Poland was wrecked by both tribals and commies.

reminder that there were no wmds and that the only reason the us invaded iraq after supporting saddam for many years was because he dumped the petrodollar for euros

Any proof??

>200000 (red Cross)

Are you even trying

Ghadaffi got off'd for basically the same reason

Blows my mind how naziboos can like Hitler. He was an utter failure who led to the rape and destruction of Germany.
Sure he was able to gain a lot of support for his ideas, but what use is that when you are gonna fuck it all up and lose at the end? If I saw someone convince 1000 people to run off a cliff with him I wouldnt say "wow what a great leader" id think hes a lunatic and so is everyone else that joined him.

It doesn't?

>but what use is that when you are gonna fuck it all up and lose at the end?
the plan was not to lose genius

reminder that 100.000 German women are being raped right now by fugees

because they fanatically believed in endsieg
at least the top so they didn't plan the untergang


Obviously, but at the end he lost due to his decisions.

at least he tried

france, britain etc won and they aren't better off. though now I'm pretty sure you will blame hitler's ghost for orchestrating all post war policy in europe

Well the way I see it by the end of the war the women in Paris and London weren't the ones being raped by Ivan and Vladimir. Not to mention how they dont have a massive guilt complex and have to pay reparations to certain people.

America-san, would you invade me as well, if I tell publicly that I prefer tall blue-eyed Hans to you and abet everyone else to ignore you?

There is no debate

That red cross document only includes the deaths which were fully documents by the Nazis, and it includes all deaths from the holocaust, not just jews, so the number is around ~11-14 million

>There is no debate
For what?

>Climate Change
Even scientists that are pro-climate regulations and stuff agree it's debateable to what extent humans affect the environment

That number can't be accurately quantified, and never will be, since the Nazis didn't keep good enough records.

they are not better because the idea was not to make another weimar

the eu was established to prevent a lot of the things that led to ww2

while germany didn't get so lucky after ww1 and the division of germany was not a humanitarian virtue it was not punished
nor japan in any particular way

the idea had always been to make those belligerents, ie, those capable of global war, to be capable allies

>the idea had always been to make those belligerents, ie, those capable of global war, to be capable allies

contemporary witnesses said the old women tried to dress up the young girls as old women but that didn't help because they raped old women too and at some point they got to the young ones. Wonder if they understood that they fucked a young one or if they thought the vodka was doing its magic

they didn't predict nuclear arms race

yeah right, even the kikes admit that is an inflated number

It is true we can not establish how the holohoax has affected the world, but that doesn't change anything. And neither does the exact percentage regarding climate change.

That article is pure revisionism

It is a documented fact that 2-4 million poles died in the holocaust, along with 2-5 million Russians
Along with around 1 million Gypsies/Free-masons/Commies

>documented fact
>maybe 5-10 million people maybe died maybe cause of a war? lmao
same with your jewry
>it is documented fact that maybe like 5.5 million or sth jews like were there before but are not there now therefore lets ignore the fact there was a war and that these people were in the most strategic positions and were used as cannon fodder by soviets no its therefore fact 6 million chosen aesthetically pleasing babies died in the auschwitz gas chambers because approx 4-6 million are an unexpected negative demographic trend after accounting for birth expectancy

"oh so you're denying [random actual facts you moved the goalposts with]"
no I'm not.

>5-10 million people dying from random events in a war

That's not possible
Unless there was nuclear weapons involved, which did not exist during this time period

Also it's documented fact, from Nazi's admitting to the crimes, spies with knowledge of it, testimonials from victims, etc.

5-10 million civilians I mean, that's not physically possible without nukes, unless the opposing party was killing civilians on purpose