Imagine being so beta that you can only drive auto

Imagine being so beta that you can only drive auto

Wuts dat?

lol only americans are sissy enaf to do that

I don't need to imagine it.

Australians change gears with their butts

>Roughly 3.9% of cars sold in the US are manual
>Only 18% of the population can drive manual

No I change it with YOUR arse with the gearstick being my dick ;)


*steps on clutch (balls)*

standard transmissions only account for 9% of car sales in australia, same goes for canada, yanks are fat and dumb and lazy but this is one of the times where we're fat and dumb and lazy too

Australian Gears

Imagine being so retarded that you have to drive on the Left side

>malta drives on the left side

>visit Maldivas to celebrate wedding
>Crash car

My first car was a 95 Ford Contour with a standard transmission, and 3 of the other 9 cars I've owned have been stick.
I don't get this meme. Outside of snowy/icy conditions, don't see any advantage to a standard tranny.

Retards are the one in red. Your right hand is the one to steer the car and most important that sticks to the steering the whole time. Not to mention the right eye is more active than the left one to observe hazards. Hence the left lane is most suitable to drive on

"There is no technical reason to prefer one side over the other.[7] In healthy populations, traffic safety is thought to be the same regardless of handedness, although some researchers have speculated that LHT may be safer for ageing populations[8] since humans are more commonly right-eye dominant than left-eye dominant.[9]"

Well that settles it then

>Your right hand is the one to steer the car and most important that sticks to the steering the whole time.
Shifting is the more "complex" task, not steering, you dumbass.

give me 5 reasons to buy a manual car over an auto, other than for pissing contest reasons

>Shifting is the more "complex" task, not steering, you dumbass.

He's an idiot but to be fair, steering is a little easier than shifting, even though both become mostly subconscious eventually.

yeah? you ever see someone with two hands on the gearstick in difficult driving conditions?

>american car thieves

that man is kind of cute

Imagine being so poor you have to use a clutch.

>muh better handling
>muh precision
>muh gas
>muh elitism

However, auto has better fuel economy.

Fun fact: our cop cars are required to be automatic transmission. Found out the other day and was a bit weirded out by it.

what, it's vice versa, manual gear saves fuel

>Shifting is the more "complex" task
No it's not, you fucking idiot. Steering requires a far higher degree of reflex and control in sudden changes than a clutch and gear stick does.

>steering is a little easier than shifting
Not in emergency situations, you dumb Clap.

reminder that only Yankees don't know how to drive manual but Southerners do

Maybe if you're a beginner that can't shift gears without pausing for a full 3 seconds to see what position the stick is supposed to go next.
Let go or fuck up with the stick: nothing happens, maybe a little extra wear on the transmission
Let go or fuck up with the wheel: u ded

>He doesn't know CVT

>widely used
your average manual is still more efficient
especially since autos take power away from the engine to engage the clutch, hydropumps, etc, and the best way manufacturers can come up to solve that is throwing a bigger engine in

>Not to mention the right eye is more active than the left one to observe hazards.

Eye dominance varies from person to person. A third of the population is left-eye dominant.

>not taking the Chad bus

The only advantage automatic has is beeing way more comfy in stop-go-stop-go rush hour traffic. Anywhere else it's way more fun and convinient to rack the gears yourself.

And we're talking about a nation that invented heavy duty manual monsters huh

>japan drives on the left
>usa and canada drive on the right

really made me think

Manual cars can range from Four wheel drive cars to race and drift cars so what ever your passion, manual transmission is a no brainer for obvious reasons. For everyday cars like commuting to work I'd argue that manual cars are more fuel efficient especially for me who goes up and down hills, I can bang it down to low gear before the hill and not rev that much while an auto will shift down and rev it's arse hole off to compensate for loss of speed. The qualification of driving manual will help you out at least once in your life and is a skill sought after in many many professions.

I cannot drive at all and I'm 25

Yes but we came out of WWII rich and unscathed so we could afford to improve, crank out and buy the new and more expensive automatic cars as a luxury item.
That's how we wound up going full auto while everybody else was having to rebuild their countries and crank out cheap little manual shitboxes anybody could afford.
Auto transmissions are so good now there's very little advantage to manual other than teenager fucking around for fun but old guys still go on and on about manuals like it's the 1960s and try to convince their kids and grand kids the importance of getting used to manual shifting (which takes about a half an hour of fucking around at most) even though there are almost no manual cars around that you are suddenly going to have to drive for some reason in some weird old guy emergency scenario fantasy.
You can get slightly better gas mileage but the figures used to show that usually come from actual professional drivers and they can only manage a few miles per gallon improvement at best in a manual.

There are even some people so poor they can't even be fat.
Imagine that.

You also live with your mom right?
Very italian indeed

No, I just don't need a car to move around my tiny town, and if I have to go anywhere else I just use public transportation

Automatic is far superior sorry

For american cops it's quite reasonable: they need free hands to shoot at random people.

I've never even driven auto. Does this make me alpha as fuck?

I can drive but I still haven't passed my test at 24

I'm doing it in a couple of weeks. I'll probably fail.

I believe in you

Feels like it doesn't matter anyway

I'll just get a self driving car when they appear. Driving isn't fun to me.

I have a better dad than that.

>gear needs more attention than the steering
Focus on the road, dumbass. Roads are unpredictable, even with gps. Gear shifts are always the same.
It doesnt work that way. You never drive a car, dont you.

Honestly I wish automatic was the norm here, it would be a little easier to get your license and considering how expensive it is here it wouldn't be a bad thing.

It's fun when you finally know how... but struggling to learn makes you feel like a retard, like fucking everyone can do that basic thing but you can't

I don't want to be a sissy american anymore!!!!

PLEASE stop bullying

t. can do both

I fuggen hate manual

Why would I even want to change gears? whats so fun about it?

This :'(