Why is our language so much CHADian than most of other languages?

Why is our language so much CHADian than most of other languages?

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try again

>you could've learned chadian arabic
>learned the virgin english instead

But Portuguese sounds like effeminate Russian...

Probably never heard real Portuguese only Brazillian Colonial Shit.

>Our language
Stop lying to yourself, Diogo.

Spanish and Italian are chaddier.

Brazilian portuguese is much better. Also, its common people say that portuguese from portugal sounds like russian(sounds like russian for me too), so, I'm sure he's speaking about your shit accent.

We have perfected the language.

Is it true it's easier for portuguese people to understand brazilian portuguese than the other way around?
Portuguese portuguese sounds like they're holding a shitload of cum in their mouth

>low iq spanish

>low iq spanish

>be spanish speaker
>do not understand portuguese
>Implyes that ur shit language is better

All Brazilians can understand Spanish as well, but I never meet a Spanish speaker who understand Portuguese, you guys are usually dumb, Manuelito.



portuguese is really easy to understand for spanish speakers
I challenge you to post a generic portuguese statement and ill translate it using only my castillian intellect

como cu

Então explica, por que todos os falantes de espanhol que encontrei durante toda minha vida na internet nunca entendiam o que eu dizia? Sempre pediam para escrever em inglês porque não entendiam o português.


>like ass
I doubt I got this right though lol

>Then explain, why do all spanish speakers that I encountered in my life on the internet never got what I said? They always told me to write in english because they didn't understand portuguese
I dont know desu but portuguese is nearly identical to spanish, let me translate that to spanish and you'll see
'Entonces explica, por qué todos los hablantes de español que encontré durante mi vida en el internet nunca entendían lo que yo decía? Siempre pedían que escriba en inglés porque no entendían el portugués.'

>like ass
Kek, you are using translator your cheater. He said "eat ass".

>como cu
>like ass
are you some kind of dumb nigger
remove your goofy ass language from this thread right now

i hate moortuguese
to much shhhhh

'como' in spanish is 'like'
I didn't use translator. Castillian descendants have something called honour and dignity, menino

Como is "like" here too, but can be "I eat" depending of the context.

Ele é COMO você : He's like you
Eu COMO sopa de macaco : I eat sopa de macaco.

yeah, if there are two things people that come on Sup Forums have they're honour and dignity

it works the same way here
most spanish speakers understand written portuguese if they make an effort. Spoken portuguese is just nonsense though you speak too fast and you have that characteristic sung speech thing that makes thing harder

>Então explica, por que todos os falantes de espanhol que encontrei durante toda minha vida na internet nunca entendiam o que eu dizia? Sempre pediam para escrever em inglês porque não entendiam o português.

>Entonces explica, ¿Por qué todos los hablantes de español que encontré durante toda mi vida en el internet nunca entendían lo que yo decía? Siempre me pedían escribir en inglés porque no entendían el portugués.

Now tell me, why does Portuguese looks and sounds like down syndrome Spanish?

why does spanish sound like a brown, short fat man with a moustache and gardening clothes who can only speak nasally speaking broken portuguese ironically?

portuguese and spanish are both shit languages

>calls Portuguese dwns syndrome Spanish
>have stuff like ¿ and ¡

aztec pls

don't call some mexican an aztec dude
the aztecs were a proud, respectable society

It's funny, because Brazilians always end up incredibly butthurt whenever there is a language thread. Portuguese is nothing more than poor man's Galician, which in turn is nothing more than poor man's Spanish.

if anybody at least implies portuguese sounds worse than spanish I don't get butthurt, I get legit offended.

>he thinks we are butthurt
do you want to see REAL butthurt? Ok, let's do it

Spanish speakers from Sup Forums, please tell me this: which Spanish dialect is the best-sounding one?
- Galician
- Asturian
- Aragonese
- Catalan
- Castilian
- Norteño
- Rioplatense
- Cuyano
- Guaranítico
- Bajacaliforniense
- Occidental
- Bajío
- Altiplano
- Sureño Central
- Costeño
- Chiapaneco
- Yucateco
- Norteño del Noreste
- Norteño del Noroeste


kek :)


Rioplatense and Castillian obviously.

probably because we get bombarded with the brazilian language everyday.
From the music to the telenovelas that our 3rd public tv station (SIC) has been airing since forever,

plus Globo and Record have been part of our basic cable packages since the start.
i know my mom would watch it ALL the time

I think it´s Italian

>globo and record

im sorry


when was the last time a portuguese song hit 3 billion views of youtube? ah yeah right, never.

Spanish is one of the most studied languages in the world along with English, meanwhile portuguese is an irrelevant ooga booga language only spoken by monkeys in the jungle.

literature in portuguese? non existent. do apes even write?
Spanish literature? I don't have enough fingers in both my hands to list all the spanish-speaking novel laureates in literature and all-times classics.

Both your languages are awful and shitty

Thankfully my country doesn't speak either

it will soon though

>Why is our language so much CHADian than most of other languages?

>brazilian poortugues

excuse me macaco? the best language is spanish is literally made for conquer other's shitty meme languages like yours and nations like america and what can be better than spanish? Rio platense spanish accent aka the pussy destroyer

>2/10 favelada
>proud of it
user i....

He's pointing out Argentina is white.

typical apezilian, don't get pickynho senhor dos santos

>2/10 favelada

don't talk to your mother like tha

we are amerindian

no need to point anything

>>be spanish speaker
>>do not understand portuguese
t. Macaco

please change the ching shirt color to look like canada and is perfect

Que mierda decis, si se entiende perfectamente

>literature in portuguese? non existent.
You're joking, right?

>proud of Despacito

Our language sounds like a improvement when you compare it to original portuguese. Call it brazilian if you will. Pt-pt sounds corny as fuck and funny sometimes. They speak like they have a potato inside their mouths.

The French risqué accent