If you owned a movie theater, what sort of food would you serve? Me? I'd serve crab legs

If you owned a movie theater, what sort of food would you serve? Me? I'd serve crab legs.

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Vodka, water, and plain toast.

roasted falcon

It would specialize in tendies.

Best cinema food coming through

baked beans served out of cauldron and rye bread

>not custumizing your anvil and using it as a hotplate and grilling you crabslegs/falcon meat in situ


>If you owned a movie theater, what sort of food would you serve? Me? I'd serve crab legs.

Most modern movie theatres already have those ya mong. I would know, just went to see Hacksaw Ridge. Accidentally spilled my butter on my new Sketchers though, that kinda sucked

Liquor ball sandwiches


Could you imagine the smell of that place just after a few months? Crab juice soaking into the seats just marinating. Fucking gross dude. Bad choice. Delicious though.

For me, it's the McDouble


I'm not eating there any more.

tortilla chips filled with molten marshmallows.

This guy gets it

Sup Forums.

>stealing a joke from collegehumor

A handful of theaters in my area started offering pizza recently. I haven't tried it yet but it sounds like an awesome idea.

I've always felt like there aren't enough places that specialize in chicken tenders. The cost of production might be a little high for a movie theater, but just to have a food stand or something that serves tendies in different flavors along with fries and ice cream would be amazing.

These guys get it.

This guy takes it up the butt because he's a gay homofag that hates good things

Your and gentelman and a scholar, my melanin enriched friend!

Have you been living under a rock? Mcdoubles have been $1.25+ for like the past decade.

Well yeah, that's why I don't eat there anymore. It's not news, I'm just saying I only eat at places with a dollar menu.

Don't get me started on the 59ยข items from Taco Bell.


chilis on the side, maybe as a garnish

Mcdoubles haven't existed for a decade, fatso
Also, check these mcdoubles

tenders are criminally underserved in the fast food industry

>Taco Bell
>59 cent items
Nigger what? Since when? Every time I go there every fucking item is like $2.50 or more.

>being this new

You've just proven my point, mcdoubles were never $1.

Nice point, retard.

Raising Canes is the only good tier chicken tender place.
I'd pay a shit ton for them to feature in my theatre.

>tfw mommy gets you tendies and they're made just right

Unlimited chicken wings

Just look at this shit

>Raising Canes


I just moved to Las Vegas from LA where there were only 2 within like 50 miles from where I lived. Here in Vegas there's like a fucking dozen, and half of them are no more than 10 miles away at most. Fucking BLESSED.

If you haven't tried it, go for it. Best 7-9 bucks you'll spend at a fast food spot.