Trailer Park Boys Thread

>beauty is in the eye when you hold her
>denial and error
>elemental school
>escape goat
>fire retarded
>friends with the benedicts
>get two birds stoned at once
>happy however after
>let guy bonds be guy bonds
>mating name
>sweet empowered chicken
>whole different kettle and dish

Other urls found in this thread:

Shit show


First five seasons are great 6 is good and should've been the last everything else is mediocre at best

>supply and command
>rocket appliance


>worst case ontario
>smarter than eisenstein

>I don't wanna say atodaso but I fuckin atodaso


Before Rickisms there was Rayisms

No one wants to admit to eating nine cans of ravioli

Letterkenny is better

Also Netflix shouldn't have brought them back.
Mockumentary/fake reality was the only thing that kept it fresh at the end.

letterkenny is pretty fucking good

pick me up some jalapeno chips


Survival of the fitness boys

>tropical earthquake

Fuck off randu. We know your on the burgers again

Fuck off randy you fucking cheeseburger sasquatch

It makes me feel inadequate as an urban-Canadian and unconsciously resentful of the rural population.

frig off bobandy


Randy and Mr. Lahey is still the most realistic potrayal of a gay couple I've seen in cinema to this date.

you whorin' again, randy


Season 6 had the perfect feel good ending too

They really should have stopped there

how do i into this show?

Just bee yourself.

the beginning

>dont woory it's all water under the fridge man

i just realized all the episodes are on netflix
i thought only season 10 and the movies were available

Seasons 8 and 9 weren't even completely horrible, they had some charm to them, kind of like how It's Always Sunny went from "great" to "just good" before becoming outright shit.

Season 10 and the Europe side-series were absolute cancer, though. It was as if they had set a challenge for themselves to see just how many celebrities they shamelessly fellate in the span of a year. All of the heart and integrity of the show is utterly gone at this point. Season 11 can only be worse, now that J-Roc has left too.

I really wish they'd just end the main series soon. I still like most of the side content like the podcasts, but it hurts to see them driving it into the ground like this.

do though it's fuckin funny as fuck

frig off randy


like netflix would be able to stop beating the dead horse

this is the curse of not being able to stop while its still good

I was legit disturbed by the old drunk dude. Don't know why but he was so off putting that i dropped the show. My least favorite character from any TV show.

i've only seen the first few seasons and absolutely adore the characters.

should i just stop now to save the heartbreak?

Up through 7 is watchable, stop after that.

You're fucking 10 ply bud

Man he passed with flying fucking carpets

fuck The King

He took that blame. When someone takes the blame you can't take it back

>let's let guybonds be guybonds
>because when you're bonded, no one gets hurt

Stop watching at the end of season 6. Its the perfect ending to the show and everything after will leave feeling disappointed.

>saw them live last year
>literally just one of their netflix specials that they used to do like 10 years ago
>i've seen literally everything they do on stage several times already
>they make randy walk around and collect money from people for a fucking lottery

would have walked out if i hadn't payed a bunch of money for the fucking ticket too.
