University makes you dumber

>university makes you dumber
>heh, good luck getting a job with your shitty degree

The fuck? Why is Sup Forums anti-intellectual? Are you going to purge the professors like the commies did after the day of the rope?

I graduated from uni with a stats degree and I have a decent job, and I certainly know more about statistics than before I studied in uni, which also helps me understand the statistics reported in the news and government documents, as well the probabilities of daily life. I also know that statistics can be manipulated to prove anything, and look at reports with a critical eye. Basically, my education has given me a great job and also hardened me against manipulation through statistics.

>Why is Sup Forums anti-intellectual?

It's the image board for poor white kids in rural areas with shitty internet, why do you think they use Sup Forums in the first place? Sup Forums is the one website that is still functional for 56k connections

Also, crab-mentality.

>I'm uneducated, so everyone who is educated must be dumb and unemployed.

Statistically, more education correlates with higher income and less unemployment. These people have no idea what the fuck they are talking about.

I'm just a business management major. I have one semester left, and I have learned a TON of stuff in college.

Statistics blew my fucking mind. It's like magic or something. Taking philosophy courses from successful philosophy writers was also pretty interesting. Before taking those classes, I didn't understand how to build a well-constructed argument.

Tons of other stuff I learned. College is NOT that bad. Yes many of the professors are useless liberal faggots, but many are brilliant as well.

>Gender studies
>woman's studies
>decorative pottery
>Other languages studies
>Why are white people the devil majors

These are the institutions that need to be purged. Just to name a few

At my university, people majoring in useless fields are openly mocked by their peers, their friends, and their family.

I was dating a philosophy major. She was mocked around every corner. Her family didn't even invite the extended family to her graduation because they were so ashamed.

Also, every company I have worked for since college requires a college degree for all positions. It seems to me that many on Sup Forums are either under 18 or come from a blue collar backgrounds where they don't see an immediate benefit from education, education is a novel thing to them.

They literally think that university is nothing but women's studies and liberal arts majors, they have no clue what goes on in universities.

The #1 most popular bachelors degree major is business, with various healthcare profession degrees as the next three most popular.

Accounting majors are actually more popular than liberal arts degrees.

What's wrong with history and linguistics?

>every company I have worked at required a degree for all positions

This. Anything that pays more than $12 an hour usually requires a bachelor's degree in business.

>Statistically, more education correlates with higher income and less unemployment.

Now take into account specific college majors and specific non-degree trades.

>Oh no, the aggregate trend tells a different story than its components

No matter what you're majoring in, you're better off spending 4 years and $40k studying independently, if you actually want to learn something. If all you care about is jewish paperwork, then go to college.

Let's give you an example in good 'ol Nazi-logy.

>get a degree at the university of Berlin 1939
>get a degree by writing "All jews must die because we're better."
>Nazi german government think I'm the smartest man alive for fitting their narrative

Now, let's reverse that
>get a degree at the university in Berlin 2016
>get the degree by writing "Everyone I don't like is Hitler"
>Merkel thinks I'm the smartest man alive for fitting their narrative

We've gone full circle, from critical thinking to whatever fits the current regime.

>Canadian intellectuals

Good luck applying for a job if you tell them you educated yourself

I'm taking stats and about to learn how to run hypothesis tests, I have my ti 84 ready to fuck shit up. Should I be ok?

>The woke portion of the lower 80% are anti-intellectual
Shocking. Enjoy official permanent NEET Status in the new economy, losers.

>Okay...It says here you worked as a shift manager at Menards for four years
>Wow, and you've spent four years doing independent reading on a variety of subjects!
>You're hired, Gomez! Welcome to Google!

This is the problem with the modern economy, and the reason why everyone is shit at their job. Employers will pick an educated idiot over someone who learned on their own, 100% of the time. Paperwork trumps skill, because liability forces businesses to have a scapegoat prepared for when something goes wrong.

Revisionist history and ebonics respectively

he believes in global warming the post.

Also OP what is your job? Are you an analyst?

Do real art degrees even exist?
I think music is the only one that still has some decency

Depends. Is the profession overpopulated? Then yes, the degree is used to limit applicants. In highly technical jobs, degrees mean jack shit. For example, if you're good with VR right now, you can write your own ticket, degreed or not. If you're an EE, you can get a job with or without a degree. For example, my father was an EE without a degree for 20 years before he went back and finished his degree.

The only time a degree is absolutely necessary is when the government steps in to protect prestigious positions for their friends and family. You get healthcare, engineering fields, and government positions for which a degree is non-negotiable, and sometimes even illegal to practice without. They're like union positions for the upper middle class, and much like union positions, they leech money from the rest of society.

Incorrect. Most of my colleagues have degrees, but I don't.

University only makes you dumb and not employable if you major in the wrong thing. Most STEM degrees are great and can net you a high-paying job. The problem is that most people (5/6 I believe) who graduate with a bachelor's degree major in non-STEM/unemployment degrees like psychology and English.

Yeah, it's called the elite. They don't just let anyone in, you have to spend lots of money and time at a GOOD university.

Face it, you're the new peasant. It's okay. Obama's already talking about a permanent welfare system. You're even getting $15 an hour minimum wage!

I have a biology and am unemployed. never worked with my degree before. seems like biology people just need to be doctors or do something else. what is there for people with a bachelor's in biology?

This is why I came to the UK and put myself in debt (12k £) just to get a piece of paper from a good uni. Regardless of my skill or intelligence, this piece of paper will trump the skill of any other candidate without it. I don't like it, but it's the way our modern society operates

wtf thanks for enlightening me, I'm now a #ShilaryforHillary

>Paperwork trumps skill

Spending four years straight turning in 5-10 page academically credible essays and giving powerpoint presentations on subjects you just found out about 6 weeks ago counts for something. Each professor is like a manager, and many of them are total ass holes depending on what college you're at.

I get what you're saying though, there are some positions where somebody with 5 years of skills should account for something. But if somebody spent 4 years in a university, they probably have the mental capacity to learn whatever job they are starting.

Psychology degree holders insist it's STEM and not witch-doctory.

>Good luck applying for a job if you tell them you educated yourself
>applying for a job

lol, working for anybody other than yourself? Stay stupid, I seriously need people like you to make my money for me.

Music is a total joke. I am a classical guitarist, and I perform at music colleges. I have no music degree, but music majors come to watch me perform, and I'm regularly told I am a better performer than many people with PhD's in music.

Correlation doesn't imply causation. Academics of the last half century are pressured to avoid the obvious cause, racial differences in intelligence.

Haha my neighbor has a biology bachelors and he waits tables, poor guy. That major isn't easy either.

I would never hire someone without an engineering degree for an engineering position.

I would never hire someone without an accounting degree for an accounting position.

I would never trust a medical doctor without an MD.

Most professions are speciality professions. No one is going to hire someone who doesn't have the fundamental merits of a profession.

Accounting bachelor degrees are more popular than liberal arts degrees. Sup Forums would have you think that everyone majors in gender studies, I never met anyone in university who took a gender studies class.

>I taught myself structural engineering on the internet!


STEM degrees are just fine, University whould purge their marxists parasites (who constitute 90% of the "educational" body").

>the self employed meme

My entire family is self-employed. Nearly every single person, even my mother. That shit is seriously over-rated though. No benefits, no retirement, and usually no respect from the ass-holes of society.

I have my own business, but i'll probably go work at a corporation after I graduate.

My professional goals are related to diplomacy, I don't give a fuck about you or your small-ass shit excuse for a business

>falling for the 1 post by this id ruse
Shiggy digg mai niggy

yeah pretty sure music is the only one close to a real degree? is photography a real one? I hope not as i wisely dropped from it, too many degenerate man children

>Falling for the biology meme

Every biology major I know has a shit time after college. It's a worthless, but difficult degree. Pretty funny.


Good goy, go to leftist hq and give them lots of money that you have to borrow. The "education" is totally worth it.

Hydrology/SoilScience PhD here, I will be laughing my fucking ass off when the world runs out of drinkable water and people are looking for the ones who know where to find the remaining sources... all the SJWs and liberal arts cucks will die off first from complaining that "muh throat dry cuz white man took muh H2O"

>I was dating a philosophy major. She was mocked around every corner.
that is actually depressing

I almost ragequit one of my statistical and classical thermodynamics physics classes. It was a formula for radiation penetration of materials and the experiment was a complete failure because they were using equipment that was over 70 years old. The prof refused to listen to reason that despite 15 inches of lead surrounding the device that it was malfunctioning he believed it was because another student that was easily 20-30 feet away influenced the device which caused over 100 counts per minute, which is impossible being covered in that much lead, but he was a gross ass somali bastard that wouldn't listen. Even the black SA grad started questioning him and the chinese grad student did too and he shut them up pretty damn quick. I still passed but that was complete bullshit.

you can LITERALLY learn all of that without university by simply studying on your own

Leaving performing aside, do you know if they teach real theory and history and stuff or "let's just talk how Jamal and his mix tape revolutionized music"?

Not really. From what I've seen, philosophy majors just read second-hand accounts of books written by philosophers.

I'm pretty sure I had read more books written by philosophers than she had, and I'm a business major who hates philosophy.

You can study anything without going to a university. Universities are more than just access to knowledge.

This is clearly a bait thread so I'll tell you why without getting angry:

Sup Forums is not anti-intellectual. Rather, Sup Forums prefers pure intellectual substance without bias, which cannot be found in many university courses/environments.

Sociology, economics, and cultural studies are the big three.

Laugh now but the work of these academics goes on to influence major policy decisions.

>trusting your engineer
>trusting your accountant
>trusting your MD

Fool detected. If you know what your condition is, 10 minutes on the internet will make you more informed on it than your GP. Yes, the breadth of knowledge of their domain is going to be greater, but spending even a modicum of your own time researching will make you more informed than them on your specific circumstance.

Grainy infographics and cuck memes are not "pure intellectual substance".


Oh yeah, absolutely. You can learn all kinds of theory on Google and buy a couple books though. Private instructors are great too. I just don't think a music degree is worth it.

It's definitely not degenerate though.

it's been a while i actually agreed with a leaf but pretty much this.

>thinks Sup Forums is unbiased

How to actually name things MY EDDITON:

Artists should have guilds that people join from 14~50 or whatever. You're part of that guild and once you finish you get a title like. Master Artist or some shit. Not to be confused with real degrees aka STEM.

Social, Gender etc fields get their own name like. I'd say Retard be added to their name but they'd want something cool like Psy or Philosopher something don't care just remove any association with actual things from them.

Actual factual objective History get to say in the STEM courses because it's actually needed. "Black History" "Womans History" "Mens History" all of that gets canned to the above.

Languages get a ling infront of them not to be confused with actual degrees. I speak German, English, Czech and Croatian. This all means jackshit compared to my Computer Engineering degree.

>influence major policy decisions

You mean when special interest groups come together, and they usually get the academic community backing them? Yeah I agree, it's bullshit. The average person just thinks they're fucktards though.

Conservatives should just organize into special interest groups, like the NRA does. Maybe we could finally illlegalize homosexuality again.

Biology + any sort of mathematics or programming is an excuse to print money these days.

He should be learning how to program in his spare time.

English? Really
>He doesn't read novels
What a fucking simpleton.

>10 minutes on the internet will make you more informed in engineering than a professional engineer

Are you like 12 years old?

> If you know what your condition is

Yeah well I had my appendix inflamed for 2 day and thought I had food poisoning. My general practical did it in 10 minutes of feeling around and say OH SNAP you better get to the hospital right now.

While google is reliable in a lot of things. But diagnosing you without any acutal data such as saliva analysis, blood analysis and so on is VERY FUCKING UNRELIABLE.

101 things have the same symptoms.

Have you tried reading Kant or Hegel in English? Fucking awful writers, it is as though they intentionally obfuscated the meaning of their works. For some of the philosophers, German philosophers in particular, if you can't actually read German, you're better off reading second-hand analyses.

>My entire family is self-employed.
So illegal Mexicans raking the leaves and scrubbing the toilets then?
Oh, so you're going to be on the government doll? So am I actually. I'm taking money every way possible. And I'll be taking way more than you ever will (lol, without a college degree) but whatever. At some point I'm sure I'll end up buying the influence you wish you had as a diplomat just as a matter of course. Like I said, stay stupid though.

After going to college, I realized that a majority of the information on the internet is either severely lacking or straight out wrong.

People who think they're educated from reading things on the internet are...possibly deluded. I do know somebody who is pretty brilliant on a couple subjects just by reading books and surfing the web though.

>what Sup Forums creates or does with information is equivalent to preferring to receive unbiased information
That is not what I said

That is not what I said

I see you've never hired an engineer before. You pay for a rubber stamp. You're an idiot if you don't double check everything yourself.

You won't get a non-meme response on this issue, is the conclusion.

depends on your specialization in biology
if you are generic biology, wildlife biology, or something super easy, then yeah chances are you will be unemployed, however, if you have a specialization like biochemistry, biophysics, or microbiology, then your chances are dramatically more favorable, also a lot of it depends on where you live.
biology is much more needed along coastal areas and larger cities

I speak German. No thanks I don't want to read Cunts that used "pretty language" and "sophisticated language"

Like you said they're purposefully obstructing the reader from reading their text with tons of meaningless words for the sake of elitism aka sounding smart and sophisticated.

The only language that should be written overly complicated and specific should be LAW language. Because you don't want your law to be interpreted in 2 ways.

Quran aka Mudslimes have a huge issues with this because it's written in crazy arabic from 1500 years ago and it's 100% true. So you get 101 conflicting things in it. Sandmongrels need a reformation but none will come because a reformation is literally HARAM since Allah is 100% correct. What fucking retards.

>Why does my side hurt?
>What is this lump?
>lol Must be food poisoning!

I had one doctor tell me I had hep, another who said I didn't. I had to research it myself to find out the hep vaccine I got when I traveled out of country was giving a false positive.

strangely enough my step-dad has a degree in music , worked on greese and is now a head teacher at a school, he has been working in teaching maths for years but he got a maths teaching job with a music degree

Yeah I read that book on the noumenon by Kant. Some parts were kinda entertaining, but I personally think it's fucking stupid anybody would sit down and just ponder, deconstruct, and theorize ideas to the extent of creating a philosophical theory like that.

Only because it's simply not practical, for anybody. Not on a spiritual level, not on an enlightenment level, nothing. It does not change or improve anybody's life in any way.

The reason you need a degree is proof. PROOF.

This "I taught myself some really complicated shit" applies to about 1% of the population. How many NEETs actually study science? How many NEETs actually emerge from their NEET cocoons with the equivalent knowledge of a physics bachelors, for instance?

Fucking none, is the answer. How many, however, will tell you they study this shit? All of them.

The actual truth is they sit at home, maybe read a wiki page per day without doing any actual work and then they go back to their NG++ Dark Souls playthrough.

Your degree parchment is proof that you've actually done some work and have been independently tested on your knowledge.

On what please? What do you double check yourself?

You you double checking your ARM architecture on your phone? Are you double checking your LCD IPS matrix on your TV? Are you double checking your washing machine?

Or you going to double check your structural calculations when building a wall? Because engineer is a WIDE spectrum of things and you're obviously referring to construction.

>Have no ambition or interests that are profitable.
>Retarded to the max.
>Basically just waiting to die.

What's a useful university/college solution? I'm thinking accounting.

Sup Forums are bunch of idiots...
At least lit and his have some knowledge. Tehy are at least hobby historians and literature readers.
Sup Forums is way worse. Full of actual paranoid delusional nutjobs, angsty teens and just lazy dumb people.

There was no lump. I had upper stomach pains with no pain in the bottom part. When I ate something it hurt. I had diarrhea.

Only when the doctor literally took his hands and rammed them up where the apendix was did I feel anything there. All the pain was non localized.

ya, doesnt help that i live in one of the most biology heavy and animal lovey place in the states. a fuck ton of competition. i dont have any specialization.

Thats more an issue with people for some fucking reason not having personal medical databases that are encrypted and can be unlocked for the doctor you wish to visit.

Had the first one known you had that he could have come to the conclusion it's the vacine.

listen here jew, I am just a passing by /sci/entist
I enjoy the craziness of this board plus I at least support their claims of killing useless trash jews.

hopefully islam and jews kill each other off soon

If you've been in college you know that cheating is rampant and with the advent of affirmative action negros, group projects and group grades carry them through.

That's not hiring an engineer you daft cunt.

/lit/ where opinions matter.

They have all my medical records you piece of shit. They just can't be assed to check.

This. Treatment is cheaper if you do it yourself as well, assuming you don't need surgery. "Fish" antibiotics are a life saver, and broken bones can be set at home.

There is an epidemic in society today where everyone thinks they are an expert in everything because of the internet. Despite the fact that other people are actual experts from devoting their life with years or even decades of experience.

It creates issues in some areas, especially medicine because everyone tries to self diagnose now.

A few years ago I had a very persistent dry cough, that I was convinced (because of the internet) was an asthmatic cough caused by allergens in my home. I went to see a (very experienced) specialty doctor who asked a few questions, checked a few things and was able to determine the cause on the spot and prescribe the correct treatment. Something I never would have found on the internet, and a skilled diagnosis that came from decades of experience. Hours of googling would never have given me the same diagnosis.

There's also an epidemic in society today where people trust "experts" just because they have some paperwork and a business. Mechanics can fuck up your car, doctors can fuck up your body. You got lucky.

>comparing economics to sociology and cultural studies .

>Your degree parchment is proof that you've actually done some work and have been independently tested on your knowledge.

Educational standards have fallen so badly that that really doesn't mean what it used to.

Also, actually doing something is better proof that you can do it than a piece of paper.

That only happens in shit colleges and unis and in shit subjects.

It's kinda hard to cheat an exam on something like electrodynamics or similar when the only thing you're allowed to take into the exam room is a non-graphical calculator. I've rad dudes on here talking about taking crib sheets into exams; unheard of if you're at a Russell Group uni in the UK or the American equivalent (I imagine).

Pah-lease. GP's assume every non-bloody cough is a respiratory tract infection and prescribe an antibiotic for it. Every rash is an allergic reaction and gets a steroid cream. That's not expertise.

What are you studying?

>The fuck? Why is Sup Forums anti-intellectual?
>I also know that statistics can be manipulated to prove anything, and look at reports with a critical eye.
You just answered your own question there, so many arguments on Sup Forums and really any political shitposting communities are just cherry-picked stats with no further analysis than 'x is scum/subhuman/evil'

You're retarded, we discuss OP's idea several times on /lit/ every week and we always come to the same conclusion: Sup Forums is not anti-intellectual, we're anti-pseudointellectual.

depends on the degree dude some are literally useless like womens study and political science.

I'd agree with you, except that Neil deGrasse Tyson exists.

You've clearly missed the gripes that people here arguing against university actually have and failed to account for the fact that Sup Forums is a diverse pool of people many of whom are attending themselves.

University USED to be for the elite to specialize but now more than ever it's become a way to make money off of good goys. Sup Forums's hangups are with liberal arts students and the Marxist bullshit that students get nuked with, not with college itself.

I would have thought that an enlightened college millennial such as yourself would be able to make these distinctions yourself but in your brilliant, unmatched college educated mind Sup Forums is all one person all decrying the same aspect of the same thing. Thank God for education.