You got a problem with that?

You got a problem with that?

Because Jews.

Anchor Down!

>Not hating Maryland

Mines the same map, except switch texas and Tennessee and change new Mexico to like

how can you only like south dakota

never been

remember the Alamo, senpai

>Lives in redneck central, hates a state they've likely never lived in.

California is a fucking awesome place to live. Currently in NY but spent a few years in San Diego and plan on moving back.

Fucking hicks can't get anything right.

>assumes people in TN are hicks
>can't define hick because family guy never defined it for them
>something about walmart
>assumes i've never been to California

I actually have been several times, as my ex's parents are from San Diego and a childhood friend lives in Echo Park. I'm sure you live in a very cool part with a lot of outdoor activities, dunes, trails etc. but i havent been. all in all, it's a shit state tbhfam.


>Thinks I can't define what a hick is.

The fact that you're defining a cool area strictly by outdoor activities and not cultural aspects proves that you're a hick.

Shit, I accidentally loved Arkansas.

Even gerbils have cultural activities.

what culture? (((diverse))) urban areas, crime, drugs, prostitutes, trannies and coffee shops? eat my shit, spic

Is that a sign of respect down in hillbilly Tennessee? It wouldn't surprise me from you inbred loser fucks.

How does it feel being the inferior version of white? I'm proudly northeastern white and live affluently.

You're not white, senpai. Actually people like you(spic, semite etc) have the highest rates of incest.

Look at this post. Now tell me what my dick looks like, faggot.

i-i like you too.


>mfw all these people liking or loving Vermont, which might be the single most cucked state in the nation

Hi, I live in Oregon. Perhaps you've heard of it.

Your state is pretty bad - it's just that Vermont is even worse.

New Mexico should be neutral rather than like.

fuck oregon except some parts

>all these people loving Indiana

Y-you too


Come on, none of you actually love or hate any of these state let alone have visited all of them. Yellow are states I generally found boring or vulgar on my road trips while green had something remarkable. I have spent more time in England than any other place outside of California so that's probably why I don't care enough to pretend I love or hate any place outside of California.


Blow your brains out m8

Why the hate for Kansas, user?

For me I like all states by default and any interaction I've had with them(politics, vacation, family visits, road trips etc.) will sway opinion one way or another.

Hating Wyoming seems really random to me.

Wow rude

>people hating oregon but loving washington
Literally what?

>loves the UP


>being this much of a faggot
you're definitely from my state

>not hating New York

shit tier map desu famalam

There's no good reason to be upset about someone using a word correctly. Why are you so triggered?

You voted remain didn't you?


bad experiences there
i had a really really really shitty experience at yellowstone, thinking back now i shouldn't have damned all of wyoming for that park, so sorry if you're from wyoming

Thanks... dad

It's a Scotcuck deliberately not highlighting his place of origin.

Daily reminder and hateful comments against Americans, English people, pro EU comments all come from Scotland.

Hope you all learn what Scotland actually is, it's a scumpit nation of filth, leftism and cuckolds.

Burn it with fire, acid, bullets and nukes immediately and trash them to hell!

If I roll dubs I'll post some amateur work I did with an ex to prove I'm not gay.

if you don't like oregon stop fucking moving here you cucks

>Sees OP has SC in dark green
Thank you, friend!

So you hate California? It's ruined your life? You *LOVE* Texas? You would die for Texas?

Am a Portlandfag and thus in your green zone.

Only reason I dislike Washington is you fuck up our traffic.

Also, Seattle is the worst planned city in America, next to Boston.

Shit, I just realized I did not meme arrow this post. See

is that what love and hate means to you? or are you trying to put words in my mouth? cool, dude. you're a cool guy

I don't see much of Western Washington, going through the pass is a bitch, so I just sit here in good ol' Tri-Cities. Whenever I do go over though, traffic is always shitty so sorry about that

Oh come on. Leave NYC next time you visit(avoid Yonkers though).
Anytime based SC!

>all these rednecks hating on california

I'm just amazed you are such a sensitive guy that you could love and hate something so remote and abstract. :^)

Tell me about it. The only reason why people leave California is because of how expensive it is. If we could increase wages or get some better rent control then we'd be flawless.

burn in hell commiefornian, your the tumor of this country

>Sit'n up in Norcal wandering why you're such a fucking retard.

"The inanett said theyz all be sjw and Is believe it massa oh yes I duz."

That, and stop stealing water from the rest of the western states to build sprawling cities in a fucking desert.


We haven't stolen any water. Dindu nuffin.

I've never been to Chicago but Illinois was boring as hell when I passed through. Nothing but cornfields. Do have to get satellite internet or something over there?

concern trolling isnt a good look for a spic on a prowhite image board in a thread where everyone posting has stated they dislike the state in question. try harder, sweetie.

I get your trying to ironic but literally the entire country fucking hates you, every fucking poster there will defend there shit state with a passion except on /k/ where they cry themselves a fucking river. Your practically a spic state and might as well be ceded back to mexico

Southern New York needs to be hate
Northern California needs to be like

Drunk already dad?

No it's because you're all a bunch of arrogant pricks trying to live the "best existence evar XDD"
fucking faggots

Were one in the same ahmed

>California is an awesome place to live in
t. drought, massive taxes, terrible transportation, extremely high cost of living, flooded with immigrants, liberal central

How can you hate NC but like SC?

yeah i actually think as a gesture of goodwill with our southern neighbors we should give them California in exchange for the spics in the other 49 states.

There's a reason I liked NYC and not California, and it isn't "muh sjws".

It's not the city I hate, it's the politics. That and New York doesn't honor my CCW or actually any state's CCW as far as I'm aware.

>Yay! Marxism! I love being a cuck!
That's literally how anyone sounds when they defend California. It's not a good look, family.

I've got a relative living with an American in commiefornia and they both have an irational hatred of Trump and told me their moving "back" is he gets elected.
I asked them " why the hate on Trump?" and the SJW said something along the lines of " he wants to get rid of everyone who isn't a white male! " .
Which i said quite rightly he never said, which shut the broad up.
California needs to be nucked ASAP, would ally with Texas and remove all commies


Agreed. California keeps promising to have a YUGE earthquake and break off into the ocean but I think they're just cockteasing us at this point.




sounds like a good deal, the most liberal pro democrat state gone plus the illegals

actually why haven't we already done this

I grew up inawoods with no running water and a few truck batteries for the occasional use of lights. This might come as a shock to you but the state is larger than San-Francisco you gullible twit.

>but literally the entire country fucking hates you

good goy

love you too
t. PA

>Dislike NC
Butt hurt because we're the superior Carolina and we didn't become government boot lickers by taking down the confederate flag

Chicago is a nigger fest unless you stay in the tourist parts.

And Illinois is not all cornfields, I get great internet in my town.

No, not butthurt! I actually put that as a joke because we're the "rival Carolinas".
I love visiting you guys in the Summer, it's pretty nice up there.

he's never been to Illinois, dude. he's a poor beaner living in socal. he has no culture and is mixing the Iowa meme with Illinois. In fact, the only vast fields of anything I saw in Illinois were the 100-200 miles stretch south of Chicago, but it was of farms and wind turbines.


No... the entire country pretty much hates California. You do however have blacks, spics, self hating whites and jews on your side though!

Fact: I'm kind of an accent... enthusiast. And NC's one of my faves. Gets me all tingly, how y'all talk from the throat like you do.

>people actually live there

Yes, and everyone else should stay away from our paradise on Earth.

Can you guess why?

And for all I know you are a cornpicking spic or jigaboo descendent of Thomas Jefferson. I did have to look up "concern trolling" to know what you are on about and it appears you are wrong about that also. I'm just laughing at how pretentious your posts are in this thread. It is clear that you know very little about your country yet you pretend otherwise.

So some offhand comment made by a butthurt Democrat makes you feel as if California needs to be nuked? Or is it the Sup Forums-memes repeated by flyover states? You don't really know what you are talking about.

Oh, I have a pretty good idea.

I don't think you're catching on.

what the fuck do you even do there, literally the most forgotten part of the US

New Jersey is a beautiful state and anyone who talks shit about nj either has only been passing through or is just plain blind. We were one of the original 13.we have the highest population density and yet we have the nations most beautiful forests and wildlife. The people here are some of the smartest I've met who just have this inherent common sense. Next time you're passing through take a second look.

>correct opinion man
>mexican intellectual

So you're telling me I do like California and my views of it are actually your views but I don't know it? Got it. Also what's pretentious? Oh I just had to look it up(southern education). I'm pretentious because you think I'm status signaling by not liking California? Isn't that a low brow opinion for a southerner to have?

Tell me more about me and my views on things, and also why they're wrong.


It's a big ass state with a bunch of fucking people, we get it.
Doesn't mean you aren't all connected.
You allow the degeneracy that flows into this nation unhindered to be the building block of your economic success.
Truly, nothing is more valuable to a Californian than the position he holds over others.
Be it location, money, or experience.
>I grew up innawoods
Already he assumes his life differs from ours and somehow that makes him a better(more 'full') person.
As expected.

>what the fuck do you even do there
Live peacefully in our all white communities.

>literally the most forgotten part of the US
As it should be. It keeps away the outsiders.

No I get what you're implying. You don't get what I'm saying. That's ok, shlomo. Your disinfo will be more successful elsewhere.

Illinois has some nice /comfy/ places so long as you stay out of Chicago.
