Is God real?

Is God real?

I've had this weird feeling in the back of my mind that maybe he isn't. Thoughts?

I believe in 2 Gods.

/thread sage the slide threads

Stop the Sacramento Antifa online fundraiser:

Yes. Dna is too complex to evolve from nothing for no reason. Dna is the proof of god

Yes. God is real. The physical laws that allow for us to exist didn't just magic into existence. That's silly. For example, we don't really know why opposite electromagnetic charges attract each other with a force of (kQ1Q2)/r^2 at a specific value of k. But if they didn't do that, we would cease to exist.

That's because God did it, and if you don't believe in Him, you're going to Hell.

why would someone go to hell for not believing a god?


Yes, Jesus Christ is the Son of God and if you trust in Him and repent of your sins you will be saved.

"That if thou shalt confess with thy mouth the Lord Jesus, and shalt believe in thine heart that God hath raised Him from the dead, thou shalt be saved." (Romans 10:9)

Don't listen to Satan's servants, or the Jews, who constantly mock Jesus and encourage atheism. Don't be fooled by their silver forked tongues.

Listen instead to the words of Jesus Christ.

Of course he's real, hes called Allah.

Because God hates people who don't believe in Him despite the overwhelming evidence. Their hearts have hardened and become calcified to God; it says so in the Bible.

There is a god but its not our human concept of "God". Humans lack the capacity to even conceive what it would look like.

Probably no guy with white beard that is in the sky who looks over us. Probably some super natural entity that exists outside our universe and responsible for the creation of the universe. Good enough for me.

Is god real. I don't know, but why would everything just "happen", just come from nothing?

So there was just nothing and, for no reason, it just happned? Why? Why bother having anything when there was nothing before, and forever before that?

Why anything?

I feel that there's something that always was and always will be, but we are doomed to wander forever, never fully understanding it.

This is a common misconception. "Allah" is the muslim god, but doesn't really exist. Jesus is the Christian God, and he does exist. I can see where you could make that mistake, but now you know better and can repent from your sins to Christ. I just saved you one very long trip to Hell; you're welcome!

>is something that cannot be proven to be real, real?
Shitposting isn't allowed on Sup Forums.

The stupidity in this post is astounding. You believe in a 'bad place' for sinners while simultaneously doing some kind of pseudo-scientific mental gymnastics about probability.

You realize the fine-tuning of the universe and its mathematical nature are not hard to randomly come by? There could be an infinite amount of universes where gravity doesn't exist, or magnetism, or whatever else and there would still be a complex system evolving over time.


It doesn't there's a very complex process involving millions of years and there are a few outlying issues that we haven't quite worked out yet.
Well where the fuck did god come from
So you think a single celled organism is too complex to form yet you believe an incomprehensible super-mutant sky lord who knows everything can just always exist.

muh bible. I was talking about god not a man made religion. Why would a god care whether someone worships them?

are shitposts real???

Same reason people who don't make the bus have to walk.

>Probably no guy with white beard that is in the sky who looks over us.
Yeah the Bible never says God looks like that.

>Probably some super natural entity that exists outside our universe and responsible for the creation of the universe. Good enough for me.
Yep that's what the Bible says. See you at church!

Not an Argument. You have no evidence to back up your claim.

>implying that your kike book is true

okay but how does this prove your version of god exists and not someone elses?

there's a compelling emotional or psuedorational argument that a divine creator exists but there's no argument, rational or otherwise to prove specifically christianity or islam or judaism or whichever other belief you subscribe to.

God hates you. You're going to Hell.

>There could be an infinite amount of universes where gravity doesn't exist, or magnetism, or whatever else and there would still be a complex system evolving over time.

[[citation needed]], there's no evidence of any other universe but this one. That's evidence of your own cognitive dissonance, heathen

>and there are a few outlying issues that we haven't quite worked out yet.

>Well where the fuck did god come from
Look up the Divine Simplicity. God is infinitely simple and unchanging, thus there is no need to explain His existence. It would be the same process as explaining the existence of nothing; an exercise in mortal futility.

>So you think a single celled organism is too complex to form
I don't think that. I study Biology so I know that single celled organisms evolved due to natural processes. But those processes were set into motion by the God of Abraham. So says the Bible.

I know it in my heart to be true. If you were a Christian, you would know it to.

>The physical laws that allow for us to exist didn't just magic into existence. That's silly. For example, we don't really know why opposite electromagnetic charges attract each other with a force of (kQ1Q2)/r^2 at a specific value of k. But if they didn't do that, we would cease to exist.

And what can we independently test this?

No, but the jews are real.

and they must be stopped.

>You are a sinner.
>You have broken God's laws.
>You are a criminal.
>Helpless in your sin.
>You cannot pay your fine.
>Your sin is against God.
>God is infinite.
>Crimes against God require infinite punishment.

>Jesus is born of a virgin.
>God Himself in human form.
>Infinite in finite.
>Perfection within imperfection.
>Jesus never sins.
>Jesus keeps God's law perfectly.
>Jesus dies as a sacrifice for all men.
>Jews rejoice, having killed God.
>God resurrects His Son 3 days later.
>Jesus has conquered death and Hell.
>In human form.
>Now all humans who believe in Him will too.
>All who trust Christ will never die.
>All who trust Christ will have their sins paid for.
>All who trust Christ will dwell with God forever in paradise.

That's why you go to Hell if you reject Christ.

what causes you to know it to be true?

genuinely curious, for the longest time I've wanted to sit down and talk to an ardent believer who was willing to have their faith scrutinised like this without devolving to hysterics

>user it's you
>You, me, the universe and everything else is god
>satan is merely an antipattern that's why it destroys god

My only god is Lord KEK

Lord Kek has shown through the numbers.
Lord Kek has bestowed many gifts.
Lord Kek is /comfy/
Lord Kek doesn't give two fucks
Lord Kek will destroy the Kike
So say we all

Good goy.


>Dna is too complex to evolve from nothing for no reason.
>DNA is too complex
>literally just some phosphor acid, sugar and 4 bases
>too complex

"Fools make a mock at sin: but among the righteous there is favour." (Proverbs 14:9)

>Austrian education

>see you at church

Yeah, but church basically teaches you to believe in magic, and isn't magic satan's work?

>#churchfags BTFO

Believing in God is the most logical conclusion.

Read Aquinas.

Atheism is a phase.

God bless.


Just stop.

>read a book written by a person
>this validates space overlords

I'd rather read some tolkien, desu famalamadingdong.

>Read Aquinas.

That picture doesn't really refute what I said.

looks like smurf ebola

Yea he's real and hopefully he'll flood all our god damn degenerate societies.

>what is the argument from ignorance

Yes it does. DNA doesn't form naturally out of the components. It requires extremely complicated and large amounts of biological mechanisms to retain that structure and to replicate.

> there's no evidence of any other universe but this one.
We can tell the Universe is expanding, thus meaning there was a beginning point.
>God is infinitely simple and unchanging
So how could the universe have a beginning if it's infinitely unchanging? How do you know this is true anyway? If it's so simple how does nobody have ANY proof of ANY god EVER?
> It would be the same process as explaining the existence of nothing
No, it would be the process of explaining how an infinitely powerful and infinitely knowledgeable being pops into existence and creates light, land and mankind. Oh and talking snakes. And space, and blackholes and dark matter and eyeball parasites all 6 days, with a day to rest at the end cause he's just pooped after a long week of being all-powerful.
> I study Biology
Another one of you people. How can you study science all day and still hold onto these childish fairy tale beliefs. Are you just that much of a coward that you NEED the idea of paradise and being better than other people to get through your miserable life? Is the only point of your existence to try and prove your fairy tales through science? You never will.
People slap God into the empty space whenever we don't understand something. God used to control weather, now we know it's natural. God used to control crop growth, now we know it's weather-based. God used to control day/night, now we know it's Earth's rotation/orbit. God used to be the answer to mankind's origin, now we know it was Evolution. And you're still trying to shove the God non-answer into the cracks even now, when we know it doesn't fit. God is a non-answer. Saying God did it is the equivalent of me just going NO JACK BLACK DID IT LALALALALA. That's not an answer, it just raises more questions, like why is there not a second Tenacious D movie.

Literally every argument you have I can guarantee has been refuted hundreds if not thousands of times. Go watch some Atheist Experience with Matt Dillahunty...


Doesn't god directly conflict with pol's white supremacy views? If all humans were created in god's image, then we're all equal and there is no master race.

You're ignorant if you don't believe in God, so any argument you make is automatically an argument from ignorance.

>The fool has said in his heart, "There is no God." (Psalm 14:1)

The bible, pieced together from word of mouth accounts over 200 years after they happened, the bible which was carefully edited to conveniently set up the church as one of the most powerful institutions in human history. The Bible that was hand transcribed for over a thousand years until the printing press? That bible? I would cross check my sources before getting in too deep son.


>I don't know how DNA works, therefore God dun made it

Great 'wisdom' you got there

>Implying niggers are human.

how is he wrong though?

God is absolutely, undeniably real.

Dogma is a bunch of shit though.

>Classical Theist master race.

Thomas Aquinas has been beaten by the fucking Amazing Atheist for christ's sake. He's a moron pseudo-scientists from back when most people were illiterate fucktards.

The fact that you retards still namedrop Aquinas just shows how you can be refuted and beaten a million times and STILL keep making the SAME RETARDED ATTEMPTS AT ARGUMENTS.

>"Yes it does."
>follows with a sentence that explains something that has nothing to do with his picture
>or with the alleged complexety of DNA

I understand how it works. I just don't think it could've "evolved" to exist. It had to have been created by a higher being.

>he doesn't know that Christians have understood genesis to be allegorical for thousands of years

God as Christianity and Islam portray him is basically the definition of infinity.
Like the universe, or what ever is out there.
Imagine if there is only one universe and its expanding, so its basically infinite if its expanding (just like infinity if you write it down as a number, like this symbol ∞)
Now imagine that the universe is self conscious and a tiny tiny tiny tiny fragment of it is life on this planet.
''So God created human beings in his own image. In the image of God he created them; male and female he created them.''
Maybe the image it is meant was the image of the mind, gave us a peace of it yet also gave free will.
Maybe the free will is that image because it is the purest thing a divine can give.
Also God is something that knows it all because it has created all and it basically is all.
Like the things no mind on earth can change, mathematics, physics...
Those are laws nobody can change. 2 + 2 will always be 4 no matter how hard you want it to be 5. That law is eternal and you cant change it.
Thats where the authority comes from, or the solid law that is there to stay.
Even an edgy science loving atheist that wants to be his own god cant change things like that and if by science you can prove that the universe is self conscious, there is the God for him to find.

Yes it does. You said word for word "literally just some phosphor acid, sugar and 4 bases".

There's a lot more to it than that. You're not even trying with this bait m8.

You'll know soon ;)

>We can tell the Universe is expanding, thus meaning there was a beginning point.

One beginning point. One universe. No evidence of any other big bangs, or any other universes. Argument destroyed.

God is unchanging, but he decided to make a universe which does change through time. Or at least, we perceive it that way. But God can't suddenly decide to be evil, or unjust. That's what I meant by unchanging, or "divinely simple" (self-sufficient existence)

You can't expect the Bible to reflect a knowledge of science. Science was made by humans, and it's advanced very quickly in the past few centuries. The Bible was written thousands of years ago, and God isn't Bill Nye the Science Guy; he's God.

>I just don't think it could've "evolved" to exist. It had to have been created by a higher being.

And this is a statement you provide no evidence for, and isn't even testable in the first place, which makes it as relevant as the opinion of a garbageman on nuclear physics

If something created from nothing is such a great mystery, and God explains that mystery, then the question "where did god come from?" is an even bigger mystery.

"Well said my son. Please do not let these religious fools bother you anymore. You should devote your time to Black Lives Matter and helping our African brothers. We all came from Africa anyway."

Idk, I even have a hard time believing RNA could've just "evolved" to exist.
The whole thing is extremely sketchy. It must have came here from somewhere or been created by a higher power.

Far more plausible.

Jesus commits at least one deadly sin in the Bible, Wrath (probably others as well).

Wrath of God isn't a sin. God's wrath should be feared by all men.

i have a hard time believing shitposts couldve just "evolved" to exist

Can you tell me where I've said this?

>i like to quote human beings in the absence of actual divine influence
>divine influence is anything i can't explain or fully understand

can you prove I'm not jesus?

guess you're gonna need to have FAITH that I am, lad.

Wow that being must be pretty complex to have created everything.
If he's that complex he must have been created by something, by your logic.
So who created god?
And don't tell me no one created him, because I'm using your logic here.

"As an Atheist I am not bound by primitive notions such as racism or nationalism. I know that race isn't real. What we need to focus on right now is the persecution of black people in America by law enforcement officers."

You would know better than anyone in the northern hemisphere.

>terrible strawman

You must be gay, not because you've said so anywhere but because you're acting like an immature faggot and so I'm just going to call you one.

>You said word for word "literally just some phosphor acid, sugar and 4 bases".
That's what DNA is.

You posted a picture of DNA forming to a chromosome. That doesn't really influence what that DNA is made of. But I guess basic biology is magic to the god fearing American.

>I even have a hard time believing RNA could've just "evolved" to exist.

Which, again, isn't evidence for or against anything.

There is no God. I checked.

cue Fedora Guy meme XD LOL!!!1!!

>God as Christianity and Islam portray him is basically the definition of infinity.

Glad this is made clear. Infinity is basically standing in a dark room, not being able to see very far and concluding that the darkness goes on forever.

God doesn't exist only in this plane and inside these 3 dimensions. I know its difficult to grasp, but there are actually multiple dimensions and multiple levels of reality that we can't access as human beings. God exists in a plane where he can see everything and know everything, throughout time and space.

>can you prove I'm not Jesus?
The False Religion arm represents you in this context.

i think the big bang theory says that everything that exist, all the matter, the energy and something else (i know that there were 3 things) all was packed into some small tiny ball, smaller than an atom, so small that if it got smaller it wouldnt exist.
Then it got so small that it was big as a dot in one dimensional world and it exploded into everything.
1 dot in in 1 dimensional world doesnt have any proportions, its a dot, infinitely small, yet it is defined as a dot, just like in 2d world a line is infinitely thin (thick as a dot)

Dawkins never wore that shirt. Just stop trying so hard.

>he doesn't know that Christians have understood genesis to be allegorical for thousands of years

If it's an allegory, then the meaning or morals behind the statement "we were all created in god's image" must mean that we were all created equally as humans and that no one race is better than the other. checkmate christfags.

Saint of Killers, do your job!

I don't know. I just try not to be a dick and hope if there is a god, that whoever he is he appreciates that even if I never could manage to figure out which of the hundreds of gods I know of I'm supposed to pray to.



Actually it was "zeal." (John 2:17)

And if you think wrath isn't coming, think again. Read Revelation 19.

He's real but probably nobody has been right on identifying what he actually is yet.

Majority of DNA, particularly human DNA serves no real purpose. If God created DNA intentionally, he couldn't be any more of a fuck up.

How can you call me a false religion when you haven't first proven yours real?

I didn't post that.
But you saying thats literally all DNA is hurrr
The form matters. You could have phosphor acid, sugar and 4 bases and get RNA. The form makes the function. So the structure of DNA, which is extremely complex and requires an enormous amount of biological mechanisms to exist along with the core components is what DNA is.

Seriously stop ignoring this. Human beings aren't just Carbon, Hydrogen, Oxygen, Nitrogen, and Sulfur. We're our structure as well. Like you're logic is so stupid I'm not responding to whatever you say next, because you're just being silly.

Okay stalemate, since there is no evidence that can prove DNA actually evolving.

>One beginning point. One universe. No evidence of any other big bangs, or any other universes

One beginning point per universe, yeah no shit Sherlock. No evidence of other big bangs because we can't detect other universes. You don't seem to understand the vastness of space at all.

So let me get this straight; we inhabit the one single universe that exists, made by a being that exists OUTSIDE OF TIME AND SPACE, existing before anything possibly could exist. And from literally nothing he creates infinity?

Why could there not be other universes in alternate dimensions/realities? The multiverse theory actually makes sense, unlike your little god did it garbage. If God came from outside of time and space and can exist inside of non-existence, then aren't you just bending words and playing a semantics game so that it's impossible to disprove? I can do that all day buddy.

>You can't expect the Bible to reflect a knowledge of science. Science was made by humans.
So was the FUCKING BIBLE. Jesus Christ man. They didn't even know Kangaroos existed when the bible was written. The whole book is a collection is symbolism and stories not meant to be taken literally, then twisted and rewritten over time to push a narrative and control sheep like you.

And you know this how?

No of course not. Think for once, you fucking cuck.