Is /nofap/ an ultimate form of redpill?

Is /nofap/ an ultimate form of redpill?
>resisting jew media and not lobotomizing yourself by releasing your sexual tension in non-procreative activity

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i fap and still have energy so no

nofap is 100% bullshit

Priests are not exactly known for being hulking, masculine individuals. Use it or lose it.

how do you know they do not fap?

I did nofap for a week and I felt so much better. It works, don't let anyone tell you otherwise, stop masturbating.

How do I get more testosterone?

This is bullshit, if you need to stop fapping to boost your confidence then there's other issues with you

You're supposed to atleast fap twice a week. You increase you're chance of prostate cancer when you don't.

Stay away from porn, and try to cut back on masturbating, but don't stop completely.


Maybe catholic priests, but orthodox priests, which are required to have a wife, are pretty intimidating, especially with their kvlt black robes.

Masturbating doesn't change anything but getting laid is different. You will exchange hormones with your girl, in a way that she will receive testosterone as you will get estrogen (so in the end you loose testosterone and you gain estrogen, so basically you're getting weaker fucking a girl)

Who the fuck taught you biology?

Sustanon 250 injections every week or every other week if you have a testosterone deficiency is what we typically prescribe.

If you are withing a normal range and want a boost, try weight training. Squats and deadlifts especially,

>if you need to stop taking drugs to raise your confidence then there's other issues with you
if I don't respond to every post because I have not yet formulated a response it doesn't provoke me to answer or I have not yet formulated a response it means I'm baiting?

Feminist bullshit, you'll get an adrenaline rush and dopamine while screwing, could also get it with extreme sports. Sexual release is the same.

A woman

Yeah, I know about this but it's not related to hormones

Well the problem IMHO is that now fapping is a bit abused. I mean, It's ok in the teen phase as you're a walking hormone rush but, it's wise to not fap like every day of the week.

I have a GF and also love to fap but, I try to not fap everyday like i was used to.

Somehow it makes me more lazy, so yeah I reduced my faps.

I've been doing nofap in the past, for a very long time.
I'm trying to get back on the nofap train again. It's actually fun but holy shit the urges are hard.

It's a very positive thing, all the people telling you it's bullshit are just mad they don't have any strong self control. Do it.

Isn't hairloss somewhat more likely when not fapping/cumming regularly since you have a way higher testosterone level? Especially if you suffer from premature balding anyway (lack the enzyme).

So, you should consider this.

You could also just have an iron defficiency and anemia. It helped me to get my (literal) Iron Pills.

Fapping is just easier. I'm lazy with or without fapping even fucking is the same fucking thing. Also if you spend 10yrs trying to jerk off or finding the perfect porn that is just wasting more time. WHich is what I used to do stopped doing that take maybe 5mins looking for something.

I've jerked off twice and had sex in the same day its all fucking made up christian shit.

That's the most retarded thing I've read today.

Problem is not fapping, it is porn.
Fapping is just an occasional way of releasing sexual frustration when the other is an addiction-inducing drug.
Without porn you would probably just milk the stick 15 minutes and then do other things (unless you are 14), with porn you will binge because there is endless novelty and more arousement.

Here are some symptoms of Anemia:
>Anxiety often resulting in OCD-type compulsions and obsessions
>Irritability or a low feeling
>Mouth ulcers
>Hair loss
>Fainting or feeling faint
>Twitching muscles
>Pale yellow skin
>Tingling, numbness, or burning sensations
>Missed menstrual cycle
>Slow social development
>Glossitis (inflammation or infection of the tongue)
>Angular cheilitis (inflammatory lesions at the mouth's corners)
>Koilonychia (spoon-shaped nails) or nails that are weak or brittle
>Poor appetite
>Pruritus (itchiness)
>Dysphagia due to formation of esophageal webs (Plummer-Vinson syndrome)
>Restless legs syndrome

If anything fapping increases testosterone, just like regular sex

interesting I'm going to get some iron pills today. The signs in that wiki file are pretty much me with the exception of a few.

The "prostate cancer" "study" is a lie.

Go to for details. Pornography and masturbation sap your mental and physical energy beyond reckoning and induce sick and depraved fetishes in you. But you can recover from them by abstaining from both.

But you should probably first check why you have anemia. Iron isn't always the help.

eat more fat, sleep more, lift heavy

As a daily fapper aged 22 with male pattern baldness that makes me look 42, I call shenanigans.

I squat 480lbs. Anyone who claims to not be able to squat at least 400lbs is 100% bullshit.

>Iron pills

Eat lentils
Industrial levels of lentils

Fap is just a self produced drug, it boost your dopamine for a while then your organism try to balance it reducing the average dopamine you have, so you feel more tired if you are addicted to it.

the fat tissue is fucking retarded, rest seem pretty plausible

Hair in unquestionably 100% genetics

Not really, it has a genetic component though. No one really knows what triggers hair loss, and what makes it faster/slower.

>1 post by this ID

Or you could stop viewing porn and cut back on masturbating.

Low ejaculation frequency has no link to prostate cancer.

I kek'd a lilttle I'll give you that.

There is a new study about that.
Anyway prostate cancer will most likely not kill you (it is one of the least agressive cancer), especially with the 2070 medicine.

How is this bait? Fapping to pornography is one of the worst things you can do to your brain

I'm not even taking about using your hand either. Your body may release it during nocturnal emissions.

Nope its degenerate feme nazi shit.

No fuck off beta pussy



Yep if I stop jerking off my production in terms of art and creativity increases 1000% percent

Masturbating doesn't affect test levels.

It can induce ED and lower sex drive, though.

Basically no fap is just a way for people addicted to change their lives. Their rationalisations are retarded though. Their lives improve because they're not fucking addicted to something that was controlling them.

Stop believing this kike lie

>didn't fap for Brexit
>Brexit won
>celebrated by fapping three times in succession
>got a headache that hasn't stopped yet

I concur. Fapping is on the no-go list for me, at least for the coming month.

Nofap is a stupid meme for basement dwellers who think their life will be turned around if they stop touching their micropenis for a while.

What if you were to replace fapping with fucking?

What difference would it make?

Nofap is bullshit.

Porn addiction is serious business though. That shit really fucks with your brain.

I don't get how fapping lowers testosterone.

So have sex a bunch lowers your testosterone?

If i've never successfully fapped once in my life, am I fucked? I can only cum in my sleep...

So it turns you more feminine? got it.

Daily reminder to resist feminization and increase your testosterone

>Get outside, get vitamin D
>Avoid most Hygiene products (shampoo, conditioner, etc) which contain massive amounts of estrogen boosting chemicals
>Get lots of Zinc and magnesium
>Meats and veggies (brocolli, radishes, asparagus, spinach, lots of dark greens)
>Exercise, lift, cardio
>Avoid soda and processed foods
>Take cold showers (increases test)
>Wake up early, get lots of sleep
>Read, learn, strengthen your brain. Marcus Aurelius meditations is a must.
>Engage in hobbies, stay busy, keep your hands and legs moving when possible
>Avoid tap water and processed foods
>Avoid to much alcohol consumption, tobacco is ok (seen study saying it increases test by small amount)

Do your part for your people and don't be a cuck.

/nofap/ is nothing but a shitstorm created by plebbit cucks. masturbation is perfectly healthy and has health benefits (decreased chance of prostate cancer)
porn is the ultimate bluepill and should be avoided at all costs

ITT broscience

holy shit this might as well be a reddit thread

Nofap was actually very common until the sexual jewvolution.
>what if we made the goys less agressive by bombarding them with porn and pro-masturbation shit? wow, this way we also stop them from procreating! two rabbits with one shot!

Aren't those the same guidelines from the Mormon guide for avoiding masturbation?

Being an artist is like getting pussy on god mode. You don't have to be either good or gay (though either or both helps).

The difference would be that you wouldn't spill your life force on nothing, you would use it for it's purpose, which is creating new life.
Why would the mormons support someone that persecuted their progenitors?(Marcus Aurelius)


here are some things user might like to try, I used to be into no-fap even before i heard about it on the internet, idk why, I just felt like I shouldn't always be jacking off even when i was younger

>dont watch video porn
just use still pictures, and dont jack off to girls you know, or people you meet in your everyday life, I keep a folder of images that I like, and only add certain pics that are fitting to me, dont just load it up with tons of porn
>try cutting back
try once a day if you are already doing more than that, then try to do it even less than that, doing it 3 times a week is a very doable goal, it also makes it feel better
>try edging
I dont know 100% about this, but it helped me, look it up, I can now orgasm without ejaculating, and then can start again in like 3 minutes, this can be bad tho because sometimes you try and draw it out for hours just edging, it might not be good to add something else to something you are trying to quit
>dont look at porn
when someone posts porn on Sup Forums, dont look at it, dont open the image, close it fast, dont stare at naked girls on the internet
>learn to hate girls
in real life if sexy girls scare you, learn to hate them, treat them like men (not a feminist), this works so well, its almost like being gay, where girls know they hold no power over you, they can feel it, if you dont wanna fuck them, they can tell that they dont hold that control over you and it usually ends up making girls become more friendly and sometimes they will try hard to be sexy to get that power back. treat them like a sister or something, it fucks with them, just in your head know that they are not equals

Assuming you bang the crazies, you'll acquiring vaginal rabies and if you're not careful she'll be pumping out slim shadies and accusing you of the rapeys.

Unlike most of these fuckwits who say it's all lies here, I'm the product of personal destructive fapping.

Sure, if I can survive the week without fapping as soon as I see a glimpse of titty I'm ready to go.

But this is the downside, because once I abandon any sense of not fapping, once I allow myself to fap whenever I want then I start degenerating.

It's no longer generic porn star porn that does it, now I'm onto something a bit more violent like gagging or abuse. Then that no longer works, I'm onto shemales and if the mood strikes /d/ oriented content. But I'm not done, this no longer motivates any erotic reaction now, so I move onto the smut, scat and beast content. Not to mention since I downgraded from generic hardcore as soon as I nut I instantly feel absolutely disgusted and completely worthless. Give it an hour and that soon wipes away leaving, allowing the fap to take hold again. You'd think it would end there but it doesn't, I won't elaborate but it's not healthy.

All the while I'm in these states I'm unproductive, my mood is abysmal, I genuinely have very light flu like symptoms and I live in perpetual frustration.

I've been out of this state a few times and it's great, I wish to always be in that place. All it takes is a bit of innocent, healthy generic porn and sometimes the downward spiral kicks in from there.

It's happened so many times now that I've considered castration out of desperation, although that would do more harm in the long run. It's a discipline issue, but I've been dealing with it for almost a decade now. There is no hope.

glorious trips.

Actually getting laid increases. Your body detects female pheromones and increases testosterone and sperm production accordingly

Humans don't produce pheromones

I have no idea.

Even if the supposed healthy benefits of nofap are bollocks, I would advise my fellows anons to try it, even if just for a short while, to hone your willpower. If you're used to fapping upwards of several times a day, not doing it at all for a longer periode will require some restraint.

how the fuck do you even
>1 post by this ID

I have 4chanX and that is not an option
>am i being rused?

Fapping causes a spike in testosterone you imbecile.
You feel tired and run down after fapping because it is a tiresome activity.

We dont, but your smell literally gets altered based on your hormonal activitity. Thats why "after workout smell" makes women go crazy, but if you're fat your smell is also disgusting.

It's just speculation, trying to help eachother out a bit. If it's to much for his highness' genius you can leave any time m8.

Hover your cursor over their ID


>being this new

Do you do drugs?

It seems like you are using the feeling from fapping like a substance, you need another vice, really you shouldn't let something like this ruin your life, yall need jesus

i know a guy who used to be the same, would have porn running constantly on a computer, met jesus so to speak, has been no fap for like 12 years

Can confirm. Orthodox priests tend to be svelte as fuck. The body is a temple.

But that isn't necessarily true. They found the turn off pheromone.

It's likely they found the human pheromones decades ago. But keep that shit on DL.

Think what would if the released it. They put that chemical into everything, Society would get really fucked up. Men would shrug work just jerk off all day. Woman would be even more promiscuous.

Ejaculation and even just sexual arousal sap you of your willpower and male drive and strength. This is not as noticable at a young age as it is at age 30+.

Young people who continuously fap will simply lack the power to succeed in life. Unless of course they take drugs to make up for it, amphetamins, cocaine, meth, etc.

The sexual act exists for the sole purpose of procreation. Anything else is degenerate.

Also, prostata cancer is almost certainly related to fapping.

Sex wasn't even my initial thought for the use of pheromones.

I'd imagine they'd put it in products or use it for advertising or shit like that. They already do a bunch of psychology shit in that regard so why wouldn't they take it one step further.

I'd say that you aren't fucked :^)

What the hell?

you do know you'll have night gasms that will release it anyhow, right? fapping is fine. doing it excessively isn't.

Fapping is fine, just not to porn because then you won't get it up when you do the real thing.

Source: experience

What the fuck do you think all the men were doing behind the scenes in the 1920's when they grew up? fapping with their imagination and when they got the real deal it was all naturally easier.

In a way it feels good not to be affected by the fapping issue.

tfw literally can't fap anymore cause burnt out on everything

i fucking hate this but i guess im cured

No drugs, but I understand the process of endorphin release. Sometimes when I bust and I'm deep in a relapse it actually feels like what I would imagine shooting heroin would be like.

There have been times where it's come to masturbating for hours on end with a softy just for that sweet, temporary release.

However I won't resort to organised religion as a form of discipline.

You need to quit the Internet. Go a few weeks with no screen at all

I would be your addiction isn't just porn but Internet as a whole.

I barely fap myself anymore maybe once every 1-2 weeks at most but I'm now compulsively addicted to Sup Forums instead.

So thats why theres so many strong homosexuals in your country?

Yeah, I'm getting to that point physically where I can't go on.

Ironically, every time I've gotten control of my addiction. Whenever I browse Sup Forums that is usually when it starts to revert.


I've actually reached the point where I don't have too much problem avoiding fapping. I just come here to give myself a constant stream of fear anxiety and doom and I just forget to bother with porn.

Highly recommend daily cold showers

There are plenty of studies that talked about how porn can lead to impotence, so watching porn regularly is 100% degeneracy. However, masturbating regularly is perfectly healthy and necessary. So keep fapping as long as it's not all day every day and do NOT use porn.

What about hentai?

Not when your imagination is porn. What you say is only true for someone who never watched porn in the past. Otherwise there's barely any difference because the porn is in your mind anyway

I do all that.
Tap water is bullshit though unless you drink it from glasses bottle the water is even more charged in oestrogen.
I don't know how the water is treated outside of France though.
You basically have to choose between plastic and pesticides.

By the way many religious texts will tell you that if you ever fapped even once you are NOT a Virgin.

You're no better than a used slut really. Why do you deserve a virgin wife? Virginity has a mental component and pretty much nobody here is really a virgin

This, it does a lot for you physically and mentally that is beneficial. Literally all you have to do is lower the temperature in the shower until you're slightly uncomfortable and you will:

>Increase test
>Increase pain tolerance
>Regulate blood flow
>Stimulate Central Nervous System
>Doesn't dry skin
>Doesn't dry hair
>Increases fat loss
>Better for muscles after workout
>Invigorates and increases energy massively

At first I hated it but once you accept it and roll with it the energy you have after is ridiculous, on some mornings after a workout I would compare it to an energy drink, like bathing in steel. Good stuff.

any form of sexual media, when used in conjunction with masturbation, is not a good idea. It operates on the same concept of Pavlov's dogs where you begin to associate the noises and images of porn with getting an erection which can lead to not being able to "get it up" in the bedroom when it comes to the real thing. Trust me, stay the fuck away from porn.