Why are medical services in Usa so fucking expensive?


large bodies require more labour


1. because it's the best in the world

2. insurance companies don't actually pay the amount listed

When I worked for Optum they told us it's the hospitals inflating costs

because they are sooo fucking stupid!!


because we don't want to waste it on poorfags

>delusional states of america

But you do, through Obongocare that the gubberment pays with your money, stolen from you by taxes.

people don't deserve to live. everyone should die.

We got to make sure insurance companies get their cut of our misfortune money, duh.

Literally better dead than red
>Hey guys what if I give you universal healthcare
>REEEEE fuck you commie

Us: We can't let the gubment take our money and spend it on other people! That's socaliat wealth redistribution!

Also Us: Take my money insurance company!
*Insurance company takes big cut of money for itself then redistributes wealth*

pol is right behind the corner

Its true though.

>But you do
Not to the same extent we do.

As someone who works for a pharmaceutical company it certainly seems to me like it costs so much because of all the regulations. We waste a massive amount of money trying to meet all these unessecary beuracratic rules and then we just pass all the expenses on to our customers (ie hospitals)

It's the same thing for everything that gets used in a hospital, which are considered medical devices. There is so much regulation, Paperwork, and shit a company has to so to suck the FDA's cock that it inflates the whole market. It is impossible for the market to compensate by cheaper competition to arise and undercut people because it takes years and millions of dollars to get through all this red tape. Naturally this makes it impossible for most people to even consider starting up cheaper alternatives because the starting capital needed to do so is far beyond what most people are capable of generating.

So then the hospitals just pass of this expense to the consumer.

we have understanding complex ideas like "every other country with universal healthcare pays less than we do and receives better or the same quality care."
also: (((they))) pay for legislators to keep it this way.

To give this some context, we literally have had to hire several people whose only function is to prove to the FDA that the Excel based spreadsheets work the way we say they do. We also have several people whose entire job is making sure that literally every item had an identification sticker on it. We also have a whole department dedicated to parsing semantics of our paperwork to make sure it complies completely with a set of rules that are so archaicly written we need a legal team just to interpret them.

Oh and we also have to spend money on developing the SCIENCE, but that's clearly secondary to making sure the government is happy.

>Redistributes wealth
yeah right

Insurance companies want special discounts from medical services, so medical services charge them regular price but invent a cartoonishly large price as the "real price" in order to preserve the illusion.