What was their relationship?

what was their relationship?

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father and son


Can somebody give me a quick rundown on these guys?

work colleagues

what was their relationship?

They went to steam baths togeter



left: bottom
right: top

Master and Blaster

Aw fuck, wrong image

Why did they pair an ugly fat guy with the buffest guy around?


you piece of shit

quarterback and wide receiver

>it's okay when the Japanese do it

They're the Smegma Crazies.


I always wondered why the villain was a pudgy guy, big pot belly, skinny girl arms, wearing knitted chainmail


junkrat & roadhog

>he thinks that fat ass is doing the face there just for funs lol but the insecure faggot does it always

they were OPs.


gayboy berzerkers

Of a sexual nature.


just two badass raider buddies no homo

what was their relationship?

obviously faggotry, making them more evil

big guy

Carb-based by the looks of things

gay niggas

That's not gay relationship. That's just what Aussie women look like without 10 pounds of make up.

Truly Mad Max's greatest horror is a world without makeup.

Something about that role was supposed to be woman but director said fuck it.

You know exactly what it was.

seems really really, you know, homosexual

probably is, you know, that way, like, you know

anyways I think a villain could be homosexual especially in Australia

I mean the guy has feathers on fit outfit and a birdie haircut

he also seems to be into gymnastics

probably a homosexual

They had a slightly more butch homosexual man in the next movie, played by Tina Turner.

junkrat wishes he was that pretty

Are those guys from LISA?

None of you guys probably saw the original Mad Max movie, like the scene at the end of the movie where the guy is running away with blood on his ass?

Knitted chainmail could have maybe worked on another buff guy.

Really bizarre casting choice.

Yeah golden youth was supposed to be a grill and the archer girl a man but the director swapped the sexes because why not

Leather daddy & leather baby boy.

What was the relationship between Achilles and patroclus?

You guys need to take a closer look at that 'chainmail' for a good damn laugh.

pretty clear it's a top/bottom situation.
no eyebrows raised here.

The butt fucking type of relationship.

We've all seen Mad Max and that scene is in the first act :-)


fully told



It's Wez and the Golden Youth
I teared up when the GY was killed by the metal Abo stick by the Feral Kid
I felt Wez's pain when Lord Humungus (The Warrior of the Wasteland, The Ayatollah of Rock and Roll-Ah) had to restrain him and told him:

"Be still my dog of war!
l understand your pain.
We've all lost someone we love.
But we do it my way!"

I cry every time.