Is Mike Cernovich an autist...

Is Mike Cernovich an autist? He was on Stefan Molyneux's show and the whole time listening to his voice I imagined he looked like a basement dweller.

Jewish vocal syndrome

pretty based. He's like Scooby (who also has a funny voice despite giant body)only more Redpilled

He is literally fucking retarded. One of the worst of the people that jumped on GamerGate for fame. He decided he wanted to be the official juice salesman of the alt right, which seems to be working terribly well for him.

he managed to get alimony from his ex wife, so that's pretty sweet.

Awesome guy. Is a bit too into "trolling" people and winning "le epic Twitter arguments", but he has a ton of good content and his book is really good for beginners looking to get into mindset training, physical training, etc

damn he looks pretty fuckable


That is easy, it's because he is a broke piece of shit. They always award alimony to the spouse that makes more.

he uses roids

i dont mind small dicks

good, everyone should

He's definitely a more autistic/nationalist version of joe rogan but he's on the right track with his ideas of self reliance and cultivation of physical/mental prowess.

I listen to his podcast on soundcloud sometimes when I'm driving and it's entertaining. About 50/40/10 retarded/irrelevant/useful.

>he doesn't want free income from a discarded mate

hahaha so true, I thought the exact same thing

I believe so

i dont think you got the balls to say that to his face. be glad he isnt murdering you right now he got more muscle than you

I fucking hate this guy.

He was on Gavin's show and his "alpha macho guy" shtick is embarrassingly forced. He uses the word "cuck" unironically and thinks that grunting like a gorilla leads to enlightenment. His book sucks and is generic self-help.

Also he talks like a fag

>assblasted lefty upset by the word "cuck"
Does he describe your effeminate cock-tucking skinny-jean faggot attitude a bit too well leftyanon?

>muh proud alpha male
>annoying high pitched voiced

Literally a parody


Don't you have a documentary to shoot and a book to shill, Mike?

Jews have weird and annoying voices

Decent content overall
Is there something stopping him from sounding less gay?

>Small brown migrant cock
Jealous Mohammad?

no wonder he's such a retard

>cuck fantasies

nothing new here