I still can't believe Donald the TV star Trump is President

Holy fuck. It all started with some controversy about some illegal Mexicans, which got his show cancelled or something, now he's President of the USA. Who's next?
>inb4 back to Sup Forums
Trump is a TV icon regardless of the politics.

back to Sup Forums


He belongs to Sup Forums now.

people said the same shit about Reagan back in 1980, despite him having been governor of california.

Why are you calling him a "tv star" when he's much more well known for being an extremely successful business man who has had close ties to politicians for a long time?

Yeah but he didn't have the level of controversy that Trump has. Trump has always been so flamboyant and a little bit sleazy.

we have bent the pattern to our will. reality is at our command now

thats actually one of the funniest things I'ver seen because it shows how much of a clown/item trump is, made me realize the impotent worship of him is done by fat losers who post pepe images and LEPPO HAHA memes and anime

but the real killer is mcmahon goin ILL NEVER FORGET THIS! ILL NEVAA FOTORGORBRBRBRBR

Nah, he's been way better know for that Apprentice show, and some TV interviews long before that. A lot of people don't even know what line of business he's in besides being on TV and appearing in magazines, even though that's all basically just the promotional side of his career.

Don't you get it? Him acting sleazy and showing his power level appeals to the common man, at least he's upfront with his bullshit

Maybe if you're an idiot who spends all day watching TV instead of paying attention to the real world.

>clown/item trump is
more like what an ingenious promoter. Try putting aside your own personal politics and distaste for the man or frogposters and whatever; his methods work really and he outlines them in his book.

psychometrics + immigration crisis = $$$

Oh boy here comes the half baked shit posting. Most ordinary people just see these big celebrities in passing because they have other things to focus on in their lives.

It's not my fault that you only took an interest in business or politics in the last year. I look forward to you going back to not caring about either in a few months.

Tfw your pornstar waifu is on the right side of history.

>fat losers who post pepe images and LEPPO HAHA memes

found the butthurt libertarian

Implying celebrity biographies are the be all and end all in business and poltics

They're obviously on the left side

As a foreigner it seems weird to me that Trump was such an American icon and sort of in the entertainment spotlight for so long, then suddenly over night he supposedly the next Hitler.

The noise is all being made by liberal millennial who have just recently come of age. Obama has been their president for most of their post-child life and so they aren't used to not getting their way.

Anything that doesn't go their way is a tragedy, anyone who doesn't agree with them is Literally Hitler. This is the American Left.

I would have found it more plausible comparing him to some capitalist scrooge building a bunch of casinos...but comparing him to Hitler is just telling how hysterical these people are.

Yep. Plus the whole wall thing was something Obama and Hillary had wanted to do, and Obama did a six month travel ban on Iran before. But Trump is Hitler because he's not a Democrat.

>But Trump is Hitler because he's not a Democrat.
He was a Democrat at some point though. Policy wise Trump would have done fine as a Democrat in the 90s if not for his media image. Democrats stopped representing blue collar workers and instead went into pure race/gender bullshit and completely fucked themselves over.

Jesus you're uninformed

>He was a Democrat at some point though

And he already got to use his catchphrase


ahahahaha democucks eternally BTFO

nice standards bro kek. did you take your cousin to prom by any chance haha

Yeah ever since the Dems went full identity politics they've been fucked. Jim Webb was the only Dem I could see myself voting for if the Don didn't win the R nomination. Top bad he was out after thr first debate. Donald won the nomination anyway so he still wouldn't have gotten my vote but still... Webb was old school.

Enlighten me.

>Yeah ever since the Dems went full identity politics they've been fucked

Wait, you mean your average American adult cares more about economic policies and ending foreign wars than they do about what pronouns and bathrooms we use? Say it ain't so!

Obama's travel ban for starters.

Right? Someone should tell the Democrats because they've been doubling down since their loss. People wanting to take over the DNC saying shit like "white people need to stop talking and listen! We don't need white people in charge of our party right now!"