What do South Americans think when they get called Mexicans?

What do South Americans think when they get called Mexicans?

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that i want to kill both Mexicans and other North Americans
(not all, Bahamians and Jamaicans are chill for example)

I think we're way too different from Mexicans.

Its all the same for me joão

OP asked what we think. You probably know more about Mexican culture than me since you live so close to it.

How is that humbrero

We think it's cool

I mean, you kinda are Mexicans right? and Mexicans are the lord of all you Mexicans

We are white

>I mean, you kinda are Mexicans right?
>and Mexicans are the lord of all you Mexicans

What do mexicans think when they get called mexican?

It feels nice tbqh



Only relevant cunts can reply to me
Not so fast argentina

I call every spanish speaker mexican
they get so mad in dota or cs

y a vos quién te conoce papá?
cuántas Copas América tenés vos?

What do the irish think when they get called british?

what is the whitest country in south america? I heard uruguay

Never happen to me. Except with American posters, but i just assume they don't know what the Mexico flag looks like. I mean, they mistake the mexico flag with the Irish/Italian/Iranian one all the time.

>his cunt is so irrelevant no one knows where he is from so he just gets called mexican

don't believe the peruvian lies, look at this pic of Bolivia instead

also notice on pic that just because Bolivia is white doesn't mean it's not poor and undeveloped, look at that shit dirtroad

if you come to america and you're brown you're by default mexican

Just another "lets hate Mexicans because Americans are a bunch of retards" episode

>American is retarded
>American calls South Americans "Mexican"
>South Americans get mad with Mexico
>Americans get away with it

That's how they think

bing bing wahoo gotta jump the wall!

Im black not brown, maybe i can be called a true american.

>South Americans get mad with Mexico
I don't think we get mad at you because of that, or at least I get mad at burgers/canadians/yuros who make such generalization

Don't know. Never went into murica's territory.

I am greek

Idk I call Canadian's Americans how do you feel?

>one shot at life
>is not born a m*xicunt
Wew, dodged a bullet there.

South American countries all have a war

who wins

the world

this, unironically

Aren't for BRs all Spanish speakers "Argentinians" though?


Not really. We make border with almost all south American countries (America only has physical borders with Mexico). And we don't really hate Argentinians. Is just a football thing.

Hmm if you're from South America then you're a Mexican, but if you're black you're a United statsian. I don't know what I'd call you.

Cause Mexico is the only revelant Latin american country.

The rest are soulless places.

No, the banter with argies is bigger tho.
but its online video games, everyone is toxic, and calling everyone mexican makes everyone triggered.
spaniards are mexicans too

Call me "father of my wifes son", wang.


>spaniards are mexicans too
goddammit, really?

>South America
The funny thing is, Mexico is part of north America. Not even Central America, NORTH AMERICA.


everyone that has spanish as their first language gets called a mexican.

Yeah but Mexico starts at Mexico-Mexico and ends at "Argentina" Mexico.

Brazil. It has the 7th biggest GDP in the world.

15-20% are anglofied, 60% are hispano-ghettoh culture trying to act like blacks, 20% are regular mexicans from mt experiences at my neighborhood in LA.

What neighborhood?


I just want to impregnate a qt Brazilian Mexican girl.

hmmm, no sweetie

We kill people
That's why our murder rates are so high
Stop it pls


>Valley nigga


What happens here? Turned it off when I heard his accent

Spaniards speak mexican

Don't live in denial. We are the most powerful nation in South America.

Not the best though, that award goes to Mexico

Honestly I don't care, to be known as cucks like you is way more offencive

Alright Mexico


t. Best