How accurate is this image?

how accurate is this image?


why? what's wrong?

Yes it is a good represenatatio of Poland

t. 1/64 anglo-saxon

True of every country. You can cherrypick good looking people just as you can cherrypick ugly ones.

I'm literally 100% anglo-saxon actually, even my name is french sounding anglo

Uhm, is this supposed to be offensive?
The bottom rows don't look much uglier than the top row


But the people in the top row are germanics?

what the fuck is the point of this image

You are 100% Sucks On Anglo not hte other way around


The top ones are ugly af tho, except for pic on the second right, he looks good.

I do not understand what you're trying to say

I think it was a pun

Saxon, sucks on

kek OP is that polish neo-nazi who gets really butthurt when you show him a picture of the stereotypical slav because it reminds him of himself and starts posting ugly germanic as if he has something to prove

I recognize you


Nope. I'm not OP.

it must suck to look nothing like propaganda posters :(

I'm not norwegian nor germanic

doesn't really suprise me. 80% of posters under western flags are arabs and negroes.

I'm not a sandnigger either dumb retard, I'm croat

what's the difference?


kek those square heads

sign of having high testosterone. steroid users have them too.

Rare flag.