How wasteful is your country's bureaucracy?

How wasteful is your country's bureaucracy?

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If we took all the money we spend on welfare and divided it up evenly amongst our adult population we would each recieve 5000 dollars a peice.

Keep in mind this does not include local and state programs.

Extremely. People who are not even citizens and pay no taxes are able to access them to pay for their living costs while we are 20 trillion underwater.

And it is considered bigoted and racist to suggest we take steps to stop this.

Depending on the bureaucracy, we have 4 governments national, Flemish, French and one only for Brussels. All of that in a country you could piss across. We also have a European Parliament... What do you say?

sliding what?
theres no fucking news of importance

Bloody hell m8.

Trudeau implements extra bureaucracy just because he can. During the fire at Fort Mac, he put together a committee to deal with it late into the game, thus effectively being useless.

>need declaration of good behavior for airshit permit
>have clean record
>still takes weeks to arrive

That's just the top layer it all trickles down from there. I'll provide you with a good example... I told you about the 4 governments well on top of those we have 3 regions which are also milkcows of the taxpayers money... Shall we continue?

Do you pay taxes to multiple governmental entities?

Saw this video about the situation in Belgium. Why do you make things so complicated?

Taxes are paid to the federal government, the taxation however depends on the region where you live. The total amount of collected taxes are then devided between the different governments. Which allows every entity to continue and fund the policy they are in charge of.

>why do we make it so difficult
Well Flanders and Wallonië have different interests... So they both want to have more control over the taxpayers money to spend where they see fit. In general this wouldn't be so bad if it was done efficiently... It isn't ofc.

Why do it simple when you can make it so complex most of the people do not understand. You can squeeze more money out of them.

One thing I want to ask you, a Belgian.

Why is Belgium so terribly planned? I'm talking about urban and rural planning. Why do people live in rural areas and commute into urban areas? It's the only country I know of that is this way. It's obviously terribly inefficient as you can see on the amount of traffic on the roads, the most congested roads in the world. Even more than L.A.

It's not really the problem, Belgians like to live in their home with a garden. Thus we live in rural areas. Most of the work opportunities are based in urban areas so we go there to work. The roads are at a standstill due to unbelievable bad public transportation. Trains don't run on time connections are horrible so we all buy a car to get to and from work even if it means congestion of the roads. The maintenance and planning of old and new infrastructure is severely under funded so we basically have infrastructure built in the 60s for traffic of today.

You want to discuss public spending... I can rant on forever about it's efficiency.

What kind of spending? Healthcare, police and such?

I'll give a go at how infrastructure is planned and build. I'll be doing it in 15 min as I'm about to drive home BRB.

The absolute worst.

The state has used more money on following up a case I have had than it would cost me to pay the fees they think they have the right to charge me for. At this point they could just write it off and call it even.

>Why do people live in rural areas and commute into urban areas? It's the only country I know of that is this way


Probably the worst in the world. 60% of the population (at least) is on welfare, jobs disappearing faster then black fathers, president spent R250 million on his personal home and fuck knows what else.

There twice as much lawyers as there are cops in my country.
I win.

Get outta there Reinier.

Nevn én by.

So public spending.

So here is how it works.

When the Belgian or Flemish or walloon government wants to build a school, the first thing they have to do is make budget available for it.

Let's say for the sake of speeding things up the budget is found. They then have to go to private companies which can all make offers to the government requesting the work. This has to be done to guarantee competition.

Let's go ahead and say there are 3 offers. A, b, c. Which is chosen is up to the government...meetings are held, offers compared, friends are made, bribes are paid and a decision has been made.

A will get the contract.

Now when you are working in the house and you have to get some work done, you ask a price and when the work is done, you pay the company. The price will be more or less what was originally agreed.

In public spending this is all illusions. Once a company starts the work the company is being pay till it finishes the job, bad contracts are maid budget is massively overspend.

To give some examples, we recently rebuild the European Parliament, we spent a ridiculous amount of money and in the middle of the progress our government (national) changed other friends had to be included in the deal extra work was created, the results were massive overspending to the point that it would have been cheaper to tear down the building and build it anew.

I could look up the official numbers but I'm preparing to go to work.

I would like to talk about welfare etc but really those are very complex issues and typing it out would take forever.

Do you work as a eurocrat in brussels or something?

No. If I would I wouldn't mind the above.

>If we took all the money we spend on welfare and divided it up evenly amongst our adult population we would each recieve 5000 dollars a peice.


Also can welfare in itself be considered to be bureaucracy?

Shit example. Airshit was banned up until relatively recently, because replica's fall under our weapons and munitions law... But even before that and still today, you can go out and buy an airrifle that shoots people dead provided you're 18+ and have a valid ID. On top of that, getting an airshit permit is by FAR the simplest weapon license you can get in this country.

Try getting permission from your municipality to cut down a tree that's in your own yard (!), or building a car port that sticks out for a meter or 2 beyond the facade of your house.

I was more referring to the fact that VOG's take longer to process then they need to.

>Why do people live in rural areas and commute into urban areas? It's the only country I know of that is this way.

Why the FUCK would you do it the other way around?

>VOG's take longer to process then they need to.

Depends on what municipality you live in.. Most process them within 2 weeks, and they're valid for a year anyway. Usually it goes faster if you already had one in a previous years.

but what's the point in letting it expire?
I understand that it'll be rendered invalid if you commit crimes but having an expiration date is just stupid.

no bribe
no progress

Well we just spent 27 million on not changing our flag.

Not a lot in terms of government spending, but I would have not changed the flag for half that price.

>but what's the point in letting it expire?

>Get VOG
>Get firearm
>Commit violent felonies
>Retain VOG because LOL. why even bother letting it expire?

You do realise the VOG for airshit is basically just the 'VOG schietsport' right?

Also it seems I was wrong.. VOGs are basically valid indefinitely, it's just that employers and organisations that require them usually request one that's less than 1 year or 6 months old. Seems reasonable.

Didn't say you would. Just said it was the only country that does it on such a large scale. Most countries have suburbanites commuting into the cities, not rural dwellers.

Bureaucracy at it's finest.

>I would have not changed the flag for half that price.

I'll do it for 10% less than this user.

We are all children of the free market. Competition is something that should bring prices down. Unfortunately we are now haggling each other to charge the government for a change that isn't going to be made.

I forgot, the best way to handle this in public spending would be we (producers) make an illegal agreement in which we set a more or less fixed price. One of us will receive the contract which we can then outsource to each other, thus all gaining from it and maximize the amount received for it.

10/10 not bad at all, it only took me 8 hours to write this comment since I had to talk to 5 different offices conveniently situated 10 Km from each other