George has a nice toupee

>George has a nice toupee
>actually looks good
>he's vibrant and confident, like a whole other man
>it triggers Elaine so she gives him shit all episode long then in the end grabs it and throws it away
He fucking paid for that shit, what fuck was her problem?

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Well that's not really how it went, but still wigs can be pricey, she should pay for it. I like how the guy on the street instantly looks better with that thing on.

Women have a problem with men they deem lesser finding happiness. Why do you think they're mean toward men who are short, or have "nerdy" hobbies? Remember the episode where George was successful and Elaine wasn't? Or how about the episode she was jealous of him getting married.

stop getting upset at sitcoms

What Elaine fails to realize is that if George were the first to display his baldness, the bald woman would have rejected him. Why does he have to date her because he himself is bald? If women can reject bald men, why can't men reject bald women? What an awful double standard.

>using Seinfeld as an example of how real women act
Riiiiiiiight, gotcha

dam he does instantly look better.

i may be an aging manlet but im nearing 30 and have hair to my shoulders so im grateful for that.

Yeah it reminds me of women complaining about a guys height but when you make a remark about their weight then you're the bad guy.

Then again you should avoid those women like the plague.

that sounds like white males to me

>that brown guy has a white girl and is successful while I don't!? REEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE *vomits on himself* *cries some more*

>that pose


I agree, user. She violated the NAP.

Elaine was a piece a shit yeah.

>He was picking up litter!
>HE WAS STEALING, JERRY. He violated the NAP!
>Kramer! He was twelve!
>Oh yeah, they always start out young. First he's stealing litter, next he's stealing mail. Huh?
>[beat] You don't have a lawn.

This isn't reddit newfriend

>brown person that isn't Indian
>ever being successful

They were all fucking cunts that's why it's funny

it was a teevee show dude

You take that back right now faggot.

I'm 23 and I've been razoring my head for a year now. I was buzzing it before that, and back in high school I grew it out to hide that I was thinning on top.

I also hate my jawline so I grow a beard, and basically I've looked 30+ since I was 16

God damn she's so hot

Uncle Rico!

that's the point. all four of them were assholes.

elaine is a 10/10 90's jewess

That she is, user. That she is.
