Black men superior

Its over... we're finished, our reign has come to an utter halt.. We cant fucking compete with this, we just cant. Guys. I... i'm so sorry but we just cant fucking change it. Black guys have 4-7 white girls ON AVERAGE while white men only have 1-3 white girlfriends. White women are shallow and they prefer them. They're sexier and trender can dance better and have the Rythem of the Warrior compared to us. We're done, WE'RE DONE! we're fucking finished, we cant fight it, i tried but we JUST CANT!

This is why they legalized interracial relationships........they just knew

Easiest way to compete is with a buck shot to the...

Oh... I'm sorry mate.


I have black friend in poland. he earns exactly the same as me and my polish friends (we are all engineers), he wears the same kind of clothes, he has the same leisure times activities. but he gets laid every time he go clubbing and we are permvirgins.

The trick to that is easy.

Don't go clubbing in London.

>they just knew

He said Poland. Also isn't Poland nig free?

there are always exceptions.

I'm sorry, sure him Identify himself as Polish so I assumed he wouldn't be in Poland.

Weird, didn't know they were sending them back just yet.


I am not polish working lower class I dont have to migrate

>I am not polish working lower class

It's I am not working, Polish lower class.

sorry for my stupidity I should go back to cleaning toilets in london

100 black males are all sharing the same 4-7 white girls. That is why they have HIV.

jew cuck 'stralia banter
sage thread guys, don't reply to slider threads.

jesus christ lads how can we even compete

do people actually believe this stuff?

Come on OP you're making Australia look worse.

By travelling to Eastern Europe and paying some slags to fuck you for a few bucks, just like this production company did?

If blacks are superior, why were they taken as slaves by Europeans? Where are their Roman empires? Where are their great cities like Europe? Why in Africa do they still live like cavemen? Why do 98% of blacks listen to the exact same music, wear the exact same clothes, watch the exact same TV shows, see the exact same movies, use the exact same phrases, vote for the exact same people, and do everything through a process of copying one another?
