Ruth Bader Ginsburg Smacks Down Future Abortion Restrictions In A Single Paragraph

The 2013 Texas law that the court struck down would have required all abortions to take place in ambulatory surgical centers, or mini-hospitals, instead of regular clinics. Ginsburg kept her argument simple: Abortions are statistically safer than many simpler medical procedures, including tonsillectomies, colonoscopies, in-office dental surgery and childbirth — but Texas does not subject those procedures to the same onerous requirements.

>“Given those realities, it is beyond rational belief that H.B. 2 could genuinely protect the health of women, and certain that the law ‘would simply make it more difficult for them to obtain abortions,’ Ginsburg wrote. “When a State severely limits access to safe and legal procedures, women in desperate circumstances may resort to unlicensed rogue practitioners ... at great risk to their health and safety.”

It's great to see this. I'm so sick of you uneducated rednecks holding us back from advancing technology and society


You're assuming they care, and are rational actors when they push their pro-life bullshit.

The pro-life movement boils down to:
>muh babies

How does killing fetus' advance technology or society?

What if Texas implements it for all the procedures she listed?

It gets rid of the "bad weeds"

>I'm so sick of you uneducated rednecks holding us back from advancing technology and society

When has killing children led to advancements in technology, in any society?

>Dead babies
>advancing technology and society

killed a bunch of jew kids in the 30s and 40s and germany got out of an economic depression and started making rockets and shit.


The only bad weeds are the people who would abort their healthy children to begin with.

I can see aborting a fetus with defects, but aborting because you were a dumb slut who should have used her tremendous power of reproduction to find a suitable mate rather than spreading her legs for any jack ass is hardly removing bad weeds, save for no child has to be subjected to her undoubtedly horrible parenting.

Because that saves money so you don't have to pay for foodstamps with your tax money or buy your babymama a new weave with child support.

Would you rather not give social aid and have the child starve to death because heir parents don't want to get jobs?

Poor people don't need to have babies, especially when they don't want them.

Would you rather pay for muh 24 weeks of maternity leave?

No it doesn't.

Incentive based Eugenics is what we need.

Get your nuts clipped? Here's $40,000. Get them reattached? You need to spend the $40,000 in addition to the medical costs UP FRONT.

Same with getting Fallopian tubes tied off.

$40,000 paid, tax free, will ensure most people who don't want kids or who need money and couldn't support them will jump at the chance and drastically reduce child production in the poor population.

I really don't care if leftists want to kill their unborn children and sterilize themselves out of the population.

Yes, yes! Eugenics AND profit!

Thank God they made it ok for doctors that aren't able to admit people to the hospital to keep giving abortions. Those dirty Texans wanted abortions limited to real doctors who keep up on their training and certifications.

They might have a leg to stand on then.

In fact, if they truly wanted this trainwreck of a law to stand they should have forced hospitals to accept admitting request from abortion facilities at the same time they forced abortion clinics to have such agreements.

They should have made a graduated phase-in of the Ambulatory surgery center provision for abortion clinics to adapt to, and maybe some kind of tax credit or loan program to finance it like they and other states typically provide for other small businesses.

Of course each of these presumes the TX government actually cared about women's health and not shut down abortion clinics.

>people actually think the supreme court had the power to pass laws

Why the fuck are you opposed to abortions? Do you realize America would be 50% nigger by now without abortions? It's like a fucking eugenics program that libshits support.

Jesus Christ.

>people actually think the executive branch enforces or follows the laws anyway

I would rather people take responsibility for their actions

>have biological ethics issue
>rebrand it as a women's rights issue
>instant victory
God I fucking hate dems

>women in desperate circumstances

What circumstances would allow a woman to murder her unborn child?

Getting raped by rapefugees and having to go down to a Supreme Court mandated back alley for a coat hanger operation from a barely legal hobo?

it also kills white babies and promotes degeneracy

if you want eugenics, pass eugenics

it's not like nigras raising 10 kids is going to turn out well like whites raising a few would

Sup Forums doesn't know the abortion stats and that niggers are committing a self genocide with abortion
their population is expected to decrease at the current rate of abortions

the more you ban it the more single moms with 5 nigglets

I would love that
I'm gay so I'm not having kids anyway

>a kid can't turn out good
People like Clarence thomas and Thomas Sowell are worth thousands of the useless shits

The eye patch makes a good point.

>if you want eugenics, pass eugenics

Yeah, the country that is the birth place of progressivism, cultural Marxism and anti-white sentiment would actually pass eugenics targeting dindus.

You gotta be realistic and pick your battles, autist.

>it's not like nigras raising 10 kids is going to turn out well like whites raising a few would

Whites having abortions are generally white trash and only marginally better than niggers themselves.

Yes this board does
Are you retarded or is this is your first abortion thread?

>the country that is the birth place of progressivism, cultural Marxism and anti-white sentiment

you might want to check that information my friend

want to cull bad parenting? stop facilitating it with welfare

>Whites having abortions are generally white trash and only marginally better than niggers themselves.

yeah, rich chads and staceys never get drunk and fuck and immediately regret it, it's just the rednecks

rednecks don't get abortions, they do other vile shit like force miscarriages or leave their newborns in dumpsters

A large number of states used to have eugenics laws. We used to sterilize poors and invalids.

The inventor of the transorbital lobotmy even had a "lobotomobile" he drove around the country to cut peoples' brains apart and brag about what a great idea that was. He even did it to Rose Kennedy, a member of one of our past royal families.

>you might want to check that information my friend

Check it where? The US is the very first country to get pozzed, European countries adopted it later and cranked it up even harder.

>want to cull bad parenting? stop facilitating it with welfare

Not happening with an ever-increasing number of Latinos who vote for the ever-increasingly more socialist Democrats.

>yeah, rich chads and staceys never get drunk and fuck and immediately regret it, it's just the rednecks

I said mostly.

based Ginsburg hating on niggers as usual

>When has killing children led to advancements in technology, in any society?

when the majority of the women having abortions performed are black apparently

>The pro-life movement boils down to:

it's actually a lot more complicated that that,

basically Liberals want the right to fund abortions of minorities to promote racial hygiene, but they love minorities and want their votes?

get it? to get political power when you're black you have to advocate for the eradication of your own race,

sell yourself out and all is yours

sick twisted bullshit, so did you know you can call planned parenthood and ask that money you donate be reserved for a woman in need of a specific race and area?

so you can donate a million dollars to aborting nigger babies in Detroit and thats what the money will be used for,

now remember that the majority of their donated funds come from general dynamic, dow chemical, places like that

but it's oh right to choose vs think of the children

but when liberals play the think of the children card over firearms it's perfectly appropriate

sick assholes every one

I meant the only good would be that the innocent child wouldn't be subjected to their mother's inevitable careless parenting.

I'm aware there are exceptions, but just because you met a tall chinese guy doesn't mean all chinese guys are tall.

Regardless what you think of abortion, attempting an end-run around Roe v Wade by placing extra restrictions on that one procedure was never going to stand up in the courts and was doomed to failure.

If you want to get rid of abortion start working on doing it legally. Get an amendment into place. You even have a leg up on the process, there are more red than blue states so all those flyover states could potentially ram a constitutional ban down the throats of the smaller number of lib states.

Why do people keep shilling pro-abortion shit like a majority of Sup Forums cares? Niggers, spics, and white trash killing their young in the womb is a net profit for us.

>(((Ginsburg))) kept her argument simple: Abortions are statistically safer than many simpler medical procedures.
I didn't realize that killing a patient was considered a safe operation. Is euthanasia also a safe operation?

I'm not saying you think they don't exist, I'm saying the good ones being culled with the bad isn't morally acceptable

>niggers, spics and white trash

Uh, they're the ones who DO NOT have abortions. It's the white upper middle classes who want to have careers and not live on welfare.

Your groups don't give a shit and see it as a moral obligation to live off the government.

>something being safe is all that matters
Pretty sure it's not too dangerous to surgically remove limbs either, but we specify when you can do that too

Ginseng is the most phony saint the left holds up, she doesn't deserve the recognition she gets. The only exceptional attribute she has is her exceptional blatant disregard for the law

>It's the white upper middle classes who want to have careers and not live on welfare.

You're actually mistaken. Niggers and spics have abortions at a disproportionate rate.

>i have no idea what im talking about: the post
niggers especially love to kill their offspring. white upper middle class whites are usually smart enough not to be in that situation in the first place.

It's pretty cool that you can go online and spell and everything given how fucking retarded you are.

Why do you guys want more niglets?

Pro-lifers really need to move the fuck on. Especially since these are some of the same good Christians who want to execute retards and juveniles.

(((Ruth))) (((Bader))) (((Ginsburg)))

Jesus, Was Sheila shekelsteingoldresonblatt already taken?

i audibly chuckled

I too am a big fan of abortions and especially Margaret Sanger.

>The US is the very first country to get pozzed, European countries adopted it later and cranked it up even harder.

ALL the hippie marxist shit was born in Europe, bro. The 60s cultural "british invasion" was part of that. Europeans and bongs birthed marxism and it took root in the US afterward.

>Not happening with an ever-increasing number of Latinos who vote for the ever-increasingly more socialist Democrats.

Guess we'll have to get Trump elected, then.

Golda Rosenbaum-Seinowitz was too busy getting gassed, so we had to do our best to save at least one from the 7 billion.

Texan here

I welcome it. That means less children raised by single feminists mothers and indoctrinated by them and less urban streetchildren.

>Abortions are statistically safer than many simpler medical procedure

Not for the fetus.

See, this is the Jew mind at work. Simply ignore the victim, and there can be no crime.

Majority of women are pro life.

Only the antisemitic ones.

>Simply ignore the victim and there can be no crime.
I feel like I've just become enlightened to how liberals can focus on making criminals 'good boys' and 'heroes'.

>women in desperate circumstances may resort to unlicensed rogue practitioners ... at great risk to their health and safety.
but that's an argument for it / two birds with one stone