How is the battle against the cultists going in your cunt?

How is the battle against the cultists going in your cunt?

Quite wonderful here thanks for asking

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The government here basically forces people to be religious by running orthodox tv programs, putting heavy focus on Putin's church attendances, shaming non believers in prime time talk shows, passing laws outlawing anti-christian speech to the point of putting people to jail for saying the god doesn't exist (I'm serious, there were several cases) and going as far as installing giant billboards stating "*blank* is the city of orthodox culture".


>How is the battle against the cultists going in your cunt?

Pretty good, the number of lutherans has been declining in the past decade.

Not going fast enough.

Much better than 50 years ago. Most "christians" aren't really christians anymore. The older generation is dying, and my part of the country is relatively non-religious anyways.

Where do you live ?

New Hampshire

>Eastern Germany: the most godless place on Earth

Sad what happened to your country. Really not going to escape that nightmare for at least another century

Communism did most of the work.

Russia's loss of religion in the soviet era didn't occur naturally due to education, it was forced onto people.

The only way to truly defeat the cultist is by gradual education of the population until they realize that it's absurd. If you suppress it, it will always experience a resurgence.


Pretty good. It doesn't change much in the life in the country in practice, but compared to for instance the US, we're spared of rage-inducing religious nuts who self-righteously believe that their viewpoints or interests are somehow more valid because the other side doesn't believe in the Lawr'-da and therefore is evil.

Islam decreasing?
How did you do that?

Just block radical preachers from Saudi Arabia: the terrorist creating nation.

Where I live, I'm pretty sure 90% of all people under 30 aren't even religious anymore and they just day they are "Christian" because of their parents and how they were raised but no one actually goes to church or knows any Bible verses

I know and that was obviously a mistake

That's good, it means the generation that they raise is likely to have a sharp decrease in identifying as religious

Maybe if you smiled people wouldn't be so fucking butthurt about everything.

This is so sad. For a good thing that communism had...


The only argument religious people have is memes. Because even a kid can realize your beliefs have no sense in a developed world.

>Lutheran cunt

It may be notable that atheists usually remove themselves from the gene pool since they don't tend to reproduce at anywhere close to the rate of big religious fundamentalists.

I will never understand how atheists could have more sympathy to Muslim than Christian in western countries.

Richard Dawkins did finally come around and admit Islam is vastly worse.

Yeah, intelligent people tend to be more individualist. In the other hand, you have niggers having children like rats. If that's a thing to be proud for you...

Islam is more disgusting than Christianity since people actually follow its rules.

I respect the right to practice it, but it's a plague on civilized society.

As the number of Muslims is skyrocketing.

>Yeah, intelligent people tend to be more individualist

Yeah, we intelligent people who are too smart for this world and sit in a dark basement masturbating to MLP characters. Having sex/children is for normies, not enlightened types like ourselves.

Not very good, most members of the current cabinet are also members of Nippon Kaigi, which is basically nationalist cult based on state shinto

I am pretty sure he was always aware of that but Islam was really not part of the general discussion pre-911 which is when he got famous. Also there were a LOT less muslims in the western world then

>tfw too intelligent to reproduce
Don't worry, I'm sure Abdul's 8 grandchildren will be more than happy to pay for your retirement.