Just finished Bojack Horseman, thought it was pretty good

Just finished Bojack Horseman, thought it was pretty good.
Did you like it? Does it deserve 100% on RT?

I'm almost finished. Bojack does recurring jokes/character arcs really good. Many other series should take note. Also, it doesn't go back to status quo after each episode. I really liked the use of animal powers as side jokes and never main plotlines.

100% on Reddit Today is more like it

It's pretty entertaining. Diane is supposed to be the moral center of the show, but her inability to stick to her own ideals makes it hard to appreciate the character. Maybe it adds character depth, but it feels like she's just slowing the advancement of the plot of each episode..

It's garbage. I don't get how people aren't sick of the whole "I'M A DEPRESSED, ALCOHOLIC CELEBRITY PAST MY PRIME JUST TRYING TO RELIVE THE BETTER DAYS" shtick. It's been done to death and the show doesn't have much else going for it (namely, humor) to keep me watching.

I really liked how they have animal parody names of every major business in the show and then in season 2 they need to go to lowes for some reason and its just called

>Lowes, but like an animal version

I really dislike Diane. At least they acknowledge her as an asian ripoff of Daria.

it's beating a dead horse at this point

I enjoyed it a lot as a whole

My favourite jokes were the stupid Mr Peanutbutter is a dog jokes or the no one acknowledges Vincent Adultman jokes

I was rewatching season 3 and noticed that sarah lynn isnt in the intro in episode 12

wanda isn't in the intro anymore when she leaves too

Show went to shit after Wanda, aka best girl, left

Season 4 may be either the peak or dip of this show

What do you want from season 4?

Dude the opening changes episode to episode whenever a character either gets introduced to or leaves Bojack. It's worth it to not skip the intro when something big happens.

It's the Mad Men of cartoons. I love it.

its not worth to skip the intro ever. one of the best intros to any tv show imo

Oops, I skipped it every time

Its so damn long

for the writers not to be super triggered

For Bojack to end it, like, killing himself

Would Netflix allow them to write that in?

i mean, they wrote underaged sex in

60% of the show is devoted to boorish puns & wacky antics that don't jive well with the the darker themes of the other 40%. In only 3 seasons it already seems like they've dredged the emotional depths of the titular character and that they've had to resort to kind of developmental cruise control down the same avenues explored all the way back in season 1.

But isnt that exactly her storyline?
Believing shes progressive and liberal, just to realize that she isnt actually that way and is fooling herself?

I expected him to do it at the end of season 3

I have feeling netflix wouldn't have the balls.
They'd have bojack redeeming himself in some way, beginning to feel happy and then be hit by a car or something

And the kitchen is empty in the final few episodes because everyone left him

Hes gonna be a dad in the next season.
Would surprise me if theyd kill him off after that.

Best collection of animal puns anywhere anytime. The formulaic seasons are getting stale. Still manages to squeeze in that one brilliant mid-season episode every time.

inb4 its not his kids and he goes from being a trying parent to depressed and suicidal again

Hes probably going to overinvest and scare her off or something.
Would be pretty lazy to make her not his kid.