/vocaroo/ thread

I don't get why these threads aren't more popular, there should always be one up.

1. Post something in you're language or request something in someone else's
B. Go to vocaroo.com/ and record yourself
iii. Post your recording and receive criticism, and critique other's.

French sample :
>"Notre histoire est noble et tragique
>Comme le masque d’un tyran
>Nul drame hasardeux ou magique
>Aucun détail indifférent
>Ne rend notre amour pathétique
>Et Thomas de Quincey buvant
>L’opium poison doux et chaste
>À sa pauvre Anne allait rêvant
>Passons passons puisque tout passe
>Je me retournerai souvent
>Les souvenirs sont cors de chasse
>Dont meurt le bruit parmi le vent"

English sample :
>In poetry, a stanza is a grouped set of lines within a poem, usually set off from other stanzas by a blank line or indentation. Stanzas can have regular rhyme and metrical schemes, though stanzas are not strictly required to have either. There are many unique forms of stanzas. Some stanzaic forms are simple, such as four-line quatrains. Other forms are more complex, such as the Spenserian stanza. Fixed verse poems, such as sestinas, can be defined by the number and form of their stanzas. The term stanza is similar to strophe, though strophe sometimes refers to irregular set of lines, as opposed to regular, rhymed stanzas.

Other urls found in this thread:


too scared to do the french and english ones because i actually know how they're supposed to be pronounced, it's just that my tongue can't do it and the natives WILL bully me :^(

give me some weird language and i'll try

We won't bully you, we will admire your courage for trying, ruffle through your hair, pet you on the back, give you a kiss on the cheek and a cup of hot chocolate with marshmallow.

Voc threads are a bully-free zone lad, no one will make fun of you. We're all friends here, no mistakes, just happy accidents.



Niet bang wezen, gewoon doen. Ik kan niet eens Frans uitspreken. Als je niets doet ga ik je pesten.

Sounds like incantations

Nice lad, sounds a lot like old french to my ears, nowadays consonants are often not pronounced at the end of most words.

I had no idea what I was saying, but I wanted to encourage the other Dutch flag.

I'm a native French speaker, but could I pass for a Frenchman?
When I talk to Frenchies, it's pretty 50:50, some guess I'm not French, some don't.

You sound 100% like a frenchman

Cool, je viens de Belgique, souvent ce sont les Parisiens qui me disent que ça s'entend. Probablement parce que leur accent est plus prononcé et très typé français (pour moi).

rate my ingrish plz


Did frogistanish in school for about 5 years

Can't remember a thing about it

Are you a krautnigger?

Ich bin kein Neger

i hope that after 3 years of french in middle school at least my pronounciation is decent vocaroo.com/i/s0KMtSJk2KEj

also, putting up this italian sample:
Tre volte e quattro e sei lesse lo scritto quello infelice, e pur cercando invano che non vi fosse quel che v'era scritto; e sempre lo vedea più chiaro e piano: ed ogni volta in mezzo il petto afflitto stringersi il cor sentia con fredda mano. Rimase al fin con gli occhi e con la mente fissi nel sasso, al sasso indifferente.


you have a very good pronounciation, but you have that "outsider flow" that could be improvable by listening mother tongue speakers.

Thanks! I try to do that, I listen to Italian music and radio