So I recently just started watching this show assuming Sup Forums was just memeing and being contrarian with their...

So I recently just started watching this show assuming Sup Forums was just memeing and being contrarian with their disdain for it, but it seems painfully mediocre so far. Am I missing something? Why is this so well liked by people?

Other urls found in this thread:

Fuck off Justin xD

>Sup Forums said this sucked
>I watched it
>it sucked
>what am I missing Sup Forums?

This. Your post and thread is pointless. You just want recognition on an anonymous image board. You're pathetic and need to rethink your sad life.


>hires a bunch of women to meet a 50% quota
>delay after delay
>"uh me an justin aren't getting along..."
>more delays
>hires her for some reason


Maybe you should just, you know, EXPERIENCE a piece of media, and not try to constantly obsess over other people's opinions of it.

You probably aren't intelligent enough to understand its humor. It's expected, you do post on Sup Forums after all.

Just remember that there's nothing wrong with being stupid.

But you're posting here too, so by your own logic, you're just as stupid and you don't understand it either.

Reddit posters aren't people, user. They're robots.

It's because wacky improv

>"uh me an justin aren't getting along..."
Do you have a source on this?
It wouldn't surprise me if Roiland is apolitical/neutral while Harmon is a militant lib

Hey Justin, when the fuck is season 3?

That explains why /r9k/ is such a festering shithole.

Justin is Sup Forums while Dan is Reddit

So Season 4 isn't happening then

It might seem too obvious bait, but it's really only christfags/moralfags who hate this show. I've seen it in person.

It's okay to joke about bad morals. Poe's law only applies on the internet.

>baby first nihilism
>creators are jews who promote cuck shit like womyn ((((((((wage gap)))))
>shitty animation
>entry level "geek" in-jokes, parodies, references

meh idk, it just panders to "nerds" i think

watching both this and re-running futurama again i can safely say nothing will ever top futurama. Its better than the simpsons

There was an article recently about how the next season is being delayed even more and that there's a lot of fighting going on in the writing room.

Nobody could have ever seen that coming.

Reiterating the request for a source

>in person
it must have taken a while for the animators to finish drawing those sketches for you

lets not forget how terribly animated the show is, and how dumbed down the philosophy is

More like Justin is Sup Forums and /r9k/, when Dan is Sup Forums or Sup Forums

>creators are jews who promote cuck shit like womyn ((((((((wage gap)))))

I thought they dissmissed the wage gap that in the own show.

Got the actual pic from that screencap? I tried searching for it once, but twitter is against me finding it.

>Harmon was brutally honest in taking the blame: “If Justin were here he’d agree. He and I would go, ‘Yeah, we fucked up,’ and it’s hard to put your finger on how we fucked up. ‘Rick and Morty’ keeps taking longer and longer to write, and I don’t know why.”

>As “Rick and Morty” has turned into a critical darling and a fan favorite, Harmon admitted that there has been more creative struggles as he and Roiland map out the show. “We have fights all the time and then we have fights about why we’re having fights,” he said. “‘Well, we didn’t fight during Season 2, that’s why it’s taking longer! All this fighting! So OK, let’s stop fighting!'”

spergs are falling for bait.

Harmon and Roliand argue and disagree, there's not "a lot of fighting going on in the writing room" fucking sensationalized bullshit. I think Harmon is a perfectionist. Ive seen him on Kevin Pollocks show and he really likes to get things right AND he likes to listen to fans and follow through on leads they find. Im sure he is the reason things are slowly down.... especially since he admits it is him too.

Rick and Morty is great and Sup Forums hates it because you are a bunch of contrarians special snowflake

Same thin with why you like the SW prequels

You have to be at least 1/4 jewish to enjoy Rick and Morty.

It's more fun when it was just a show. Now it's a meme TOP of the charts people posting about it on Facebook. The hype will let you down.

Can somebody explain how R&M is SJW, but not Bojack Horseman?

You need to learn how to find shit yourself


Actually, you must clearly be the stupid one. His post doesn't imply that anyone who posts on Sup Forums is stupid, just that, he posts on Sup Forums, so his lower intelligence is to be expected - as if to say the vast majority of posters on Sup Forums are idiots.

A little reading comprehension an logic can go a long way.

BoJack isn't mainstream, because first half of the first season is a pleb filter. Also furries.

Since it isn't mainstream, there is little backlash agains it

So, because R&M is popular


Because Sup Forums conveniently calls anything they don't like SJW. It doesn't mean anything anymore. Not sure it ever did.