If Globalism is the end goal, why this glorification of black and muslim culture?

If Globalism is the end goal, why this glorification of black and muslim culture?

To destroy identity, and to ruin your fucking pizza, Italy! Ask Sweden (but sit down first, k?).

So what, the blacks are just gonna hand over their status after whites are culturally genocided?

>So what




Division and division and division.
It makes a people that much more easier to conquer.
Put people into ever smaller groups and tell them that each other one is the enemy.

Indian food is fucking gross
Why do they bring this shit to the civilized world? Everything kebab, everything mayo, everything sprinkled with fries and grease. Fucking end it.

They are trying to claim that the Chevalier de Saint-Georges (a mulatto) was Mozart. LOL

Don't forget that it was also the Chevalier de Saint-Georges who lost a duel to a French transvestite.

Because muslims culture is violent and in many ways opposite to the west which causes back lash in society. Black culture is almost as violent but easy to control as long as nigger music/social media is owned by jews

>If Globalism is the end goal, why this glorification of black and muslim culture?

Xenophilia. The obsession with anything and everything non-Western and non-White.

The purpose is to damage, degrade, destroy, and distort anything and everything built by either Whites or the West as a way of speeding up the collapse. This is why you see things like this.

ALSO, what do you call an Italian slum?


Black people, as a group, are idiotic and easy to control. They're powerful, physically. But, their collective mind is like that of a 12 year old boy.

Once whites and white pride is officially gone, they'll be set into a mulatto race of workers, drones and slaves.

>a French transvestite.
Redundant tbqh

Because they need to mix everyone into one culture/race and it's easier to get westerners to accept niggers than the other way around.

>every filename begins with "sweden-pizza"
>indian food is fucking gross

I agree though. I'm practically a mongol and even I am offended by that pizza.

Because we whites are notoriously hardy, innovative, empathetic, powerful, and put a lot of value on individualism and independence. Thus globalists want us out of the way first and foremost.
Globalists don't care if niggers feel high and mighty because at the end of the day they're still dumb, easily manipulated niggers.
Rappers like to think they're such hot shit but at the end of the day the record label doesn't care because they're the ones making the serious money off them and basically control them.

It's not Swedish food.
Just because something sells in a Swedish dinner doesn't make it Swedish. I recognize Indian food from a mile away. I lived in the UK for about 4 years. I know what Indian food looks like.

Protip: if it has doner meat or is soaking with mayo then it's Indian

Remember my first trip to Sweden and getting a pizza.
Didn't watch them make it, didn't watch them put it in the box, did watch the box fall apart as oil poured down my hand in the 5 minute walk to the house.

Not in Sweden. Most pizza places I saw there at least were arab.

This. I have never seen an Indian pizzeria before. The kebab & pizza industry is dominated by Arabs around here.

>tfw no kebab pizza in USA

Feels bad.

But how will they deal with the all the nublacks that now possess money, status and high education? Seems to me that they are trading one supremacy for another. Unlike you guys, i don't have that much faith in the fact that globalists are actually careful masterplanners.

globalism is not the end goal.

its just a way to exert ever more power over the people.

much of what is currently going on is steering toward the attempted disarming of america. Americans being armed is a MAJOR impediment to their overall plans.

the end goal, is for a few hundred of the top of the elites to be the sole survivors of humanity, living comfortably in a purely automated society.

of course the end reality is going to be war, chaos and an eventual devolution of civilization to a permanent spot lower than it was 3000 years ago.

>black education
now I know you're trolling

Do you ever stop and wonder, what it is Niggers really are? I know the truth, and to you I will give it.
Thirty-six thousand years ago a race of superior alien beings came to earth. They landed on the gigantic and empty continent known today as Africa, and in their load they carried a big number of dark-skinned individuals - niggers - who they brought along as slave labour from Mercury. The reason they are black is to protect them from the strong UV-lights so close to the sun.
Niggers were harmless beings as long as they remained under strict control of their masters and were not allowed any own thoughts. If left alone in groups they quickly grew greedy and started running rampant and misbehaving. The humanoid aliens who cruised in spaceships of diamond did not like Earth, for it was populated by a race of very similar beings, Neanderthals and whatnot, so they quickly left. Of niggers however, they had a great surplus, wherefore they left them to die on Earth.
The problem is that the niggers didn't die; They instead continued to flourish in their primal ways, seeing as they were unable to evolve any form of culture. They still lived in their tribal villages and townships when the Europeans arrived and brought them along on a journey cross the globe. Only now we are supposed to treat those apparently inferior beings as equals; and if we disagree that those alien scum are equal, we are racists and nazis and must be purged. Time is right for action. We must do something about this threat, for THE BLACK PLAGUE must be defeated! Their beastial manners surely is not the way civilised man lives!

It encourages Europeans to abandon their culture and discourages blacks and muslims from assimilating. Eventually erasing European culture. Other cultures will be erased in turn, eventually black and muslim culture will be subsumed by the deracinated global majority.

A little edgy, but close enough.

Read Bertrand de Jouvenel's "On Power".

Really, it should be required reading for everyone on Sup Forums. It's the best political philosophy book I ever read, and the only that most makes "sense" of things happening in the real world.

Basically, Jouvenel's argument is that since the Middle Ages, human history has been about the centralization of political power in fewer and fewer authorities, from the nobility's feud to absolute monarchy, from absolute monarchy to the nation-state, and now from the nation-state to global one-world government.

The methods through which this centralization always happen are also always the same. An alliance between the "high" powers of society and the "lower" orders against the middle. So you see in the Middle Ages the Kings making common cause with the bourgeois and the peasants against the nobility. In the 20th century, the greatest way to expand the power of the state has been to use it to benefit the working classes against the political and economical power of industrialists. Even in international relations you see this same "High-Low against the Middle" dynamics, when the global superpower, the United States, allies with more vulnerable countries like Poland and Ukraine against regional powers such as Russia.

So, the reason why globalists love blacks and muslims is because they are the "low" they can use against the "middle", which are whites. Whites can be, ultimately, independent from central government. Just look at Switzerland, for example. Now, you can say, "so do black muslims, just look at Somalia", but the thing here is that if blacks and muslims want to have decent standards of living, they need a centralized government authority to govern them. So globalists will import masses of these people into white countries to break the resistance and create a parasitic underclass dependent on the central government.

Pretty funny, that left picture is actually from a belgian classical radio station, they're having some kind of jazz event so they made a black face mozart as their ad for it, if these dindu's knew the origin of that picture they'd probably all be screaming wayciss