Im the only black guy in my town

Im the only black guy in my town


What is a gentleman of dark complexion do in this place?

Working, its a group foto of my team

Do you speak any other language?

Do you like Mexican food and if so, what's your favorite dish?

How do you feel about white people in and out of Yurope?

Have you ever met an American Taco?

Do you feel you belong to Germany
Do you feel german?

Yes i speak german, english, french and little bit spanish

I never ate mexican food, its not really common here.

I don't care about race, but the ones i know are my bros.


Yes and Yes :D


why is he sad in the picture

Have you fucked any German girls curious about testing out the rumours about the BBC?

Because he's surrounded by G*rmans

You don't find weird that you feel german despite not being german?

It's not weird if you think in terms of nationality

Military brat who's family decided to stay?

Well I obviously meant ethnicity. I don't think nationality has any meaning, and I don't understand how someone can feel connected to and part of a people if he has no ties to

rude and uncalled for

but seriously OP, why so sad on the pic?

>hey do you feel like you are part of one of most influental nations in history or to spear throwing niggers?

are you swimming in german pussy?

would take being black over being german at any time

have you ever experienced racism?

No one can be German ethnically speaking he's still African.

what the fuck is being black, there is like million different types of blacks


how easy are kraut sluts?

Do you know what a "demonym" is? If the name of the people was German and the country was named LOL, he would called LOLian instead of German but the name of the country is "Germany"

Do you feel compelled to destroy Europe and go to war with all your neighbors?

If yes you are a w*te German

If no you are superior black most likely directly descended from an Egyptian king

Ayy, that's a good point
People sure do love claiming to not being racist towards Sub-Saharan Africans, but then they lump them all together as if they're all the same.

Only know Somali, darklight african, african-american and dark Indian.
however, all these top being german, except for Somali imo

germans look the most american ethnic group from europe to me. I guess that's due to the eternal kraut immigration from early on in US history.

This only applies to countries in the new world. Culturally he can be German, but his race and biology remains different. The new world countries like America, Canada, Brazil, Argentina etc.... Can absorb anyone and have themselves be called Americans/Canadians or whatever. The opposite can't be said about people in Europe. Put a black person in Japan or China and call them Japanese or Chinese at the end of the day they'll never be that. At best they'll adopt the culture and integrate.

>feel german
What does it mean? Being ready to go to war with Russia and kill another 20 million of whites? Or maybe it's being ready to fuck up europe for the fifth time? Being ready to gas kikes? To accept Islam as a part of German culture (like mama merkel told you, be a good goy)

Why can Sup Forums not be butthurt for like one day?

Must be a great town then, where is it?

You know in the new world there is the "baseline" people who are the image of the people in that nation.

Have you not had enough to drink yet this evening or something Vasily?

Sup Forums will be butthertless forever when one day it will be officially announced that germ*ns don't exist anymore.

Why Canadian census still allows to choose ethnicity? Canada seems like a better usa.

Well of course, but whites were not the native populations of the Americas. They more or less became the majority hence the idea of a stereotypical person from each nation.
We'd be better if we weren't neighbors with Mexico.

hey words can hurt

Sorry Hans, but don't have kids please.

Hey I know this country sucks but verbally assaulting me isn't really nice and also useless.
I just hate how everyone picks on Germans everywhere like it's going to fix anything.
I wanted to see the world but reading things like this I'm scared of doing it.

Memes aside, Americans like Germans. :^)

you poor thing

I thought that only applied to wehraboos and german-americans?!

No we love Europeans in general, and Germans in particular are well regarded. You'd be welcome here and if you're halfway attractive and have a good sense of humor you could drown yourself in American pussy, too.

pls don't laugh but I'm not into casual physical sexual contact.
I want a serious thing only

That's fine, I was just throwing that out there. Anyway do most Germans really have the perception that everyone hates them or is that just you? Other Euros may hold WW2 against you more than we do or something, I wouldn't know, but it was fought on their/your soil, not ours.

I'm ethnic Korean leaf and I'm always Korean first and will betray all these wh*te people if given the chance inshallah

How do we convert Koreans into the way of Allah and wage a war against China and the West to save our Uyghur and Arab brothers?

T. fellow Korean

I think it's just me on Sup Forums.
I do believe it sometimes more, sometimes less.
My mental stage is a mess.

Stupid monkey.

Oh, well if it's an Sup Forums thing you can probably blame Ikibey.

>do most Germans really have the perception that everyone hates them

because it's true.
I know it's not the hard hate like on Sup Forums but the world is indeed very salty when it comes to us.
Can't really claim the victim point of view but it's still very annoying.

Christ, Germans look so fucking weird

Nice one mate

I've never seen a German smiling, kind of weird, but looks like a cool bunch.

They're robots.