Has anyone else read this masterpiece of an analysis of Stanley Kubricks the shining? If not...

has anyone else read this masterpiece of an analysis of Stanley Kubricks the shining? If not, I doubt anyone will reply to this thread any time soon, you cannot get a TLDR if you want to fully embrace the rabbit hole.


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Is this about the moon landing?

Keep it on /x/

This: Is it about the moon landing? I won't click the link unless you say no.

come on just click the damn link, and dont tell me its not a hyperlink that can be clicked

What did he mean by this?

I won't ask for a TLDR, but I do want to know whether it's an actual analysis of filmmaking techniques and themes and real criticism rather than conspiracy nonsense? Too much of the analysis over this film is in the later category and it's never as interesting as actually looking at the movie as a work of art rather than a crossword puzzle.


wtf is wrong with your font rendering. This is eye cancer

I assume the font rending you use is what I would call eye-cancer. Isn't it funny how people can be so different? Should I write 458 pages about how these differences indicate that the moon landing was faked?

Do it and i'll read it with your font rendering

theres no bullshit conspiracy in this, as he clearly points out at the beginning of his long long TLDR, he only goes based on what is actaully presented EXPLICITLY in the film. so there is no meandering and trying to create something out of nothing...

So the actual answer is yes it's more long winded conspiracy shit, great

this has nothing to do with the moon landing. there are no conspiracy theories in this analysis. The purpose of the analysis is to show you that there was an extraordinary degree of things being hidden in the move (sometimes under your nose) to such a degree that makes this movie possibly the biggest puzzle movie ever created. and he managed to do this without anyone realizing it, except for this guy.

there is no conspiracy for any purpose. simply a movie thats been twisted without anyone realizing it.

>'moon landing'
>1 of 2 matches

ok fine ill give a TLDR for you fucktards that are on this page and are not reading it, and dont deserve to read it in its entirety. enjoy getting your shit ruined...

Where is the obvious symmetry that Stanley Kubrick created with “The Shining’s” time codes?

Stephen King has “Redrum” appear right at the beginning of the novel (Chapter 4 - Page 23), but Stanley Kubrick places “Redrum” in a very special spot. As I mentioned before, it’s precisely three quarters of the way through the film, to the minute. As Jack questions Wendy after she looks at his novel, Tony visions “Redrum” on the door. But the word is not seen in the flesh until later on their bathroom door. If you divide the running time of the movie (2:21 after Warner Brothers logo to the July 4th photo) into equal quarters you get :35 minutes and a few seconds. In fact several major inversions to the novel occur precisely at :35 minute intervals. Just in case you’re into numbers that’s two of the special numbers he wants us to notice added together, :24 + :11. Stanley Kubrick has created a movie where the running time is obviously symmetrical.
:00 minutes – The very first thing we see, the yellow VW, reversed from the red VW in the novel.

:35 minutes, one quarter into the film - We see Jack‘s reflection from the left side of Wendy’s bedroom mirror and “Stovington” is in reverse on his shirt (In the novel it’s Danny, not Jack, who wears a green sweatshirt with “Stovington” on it - Chapter 2 - Page 12).

1:10 minutes, exactly half way through the film – As he walks into room 237 Jack “Shines” that image into Dick Hallorann’s mind causing his return to The Overlook. The reverse of the novel where Danny walks into the room and sees the woman and Jack never sees her at all.

1:45 minutes, three quarters into the film – “Danny’s not here Mrs. Torrance” and Tony sees “Redrum” on the bathroom door. Tony never sees “Redrum” in the novel and it doesn’t appear on a door but in a reflection in the bathroom mirror.

2:21 minutes - An inversion of the novel where The Overlook is destroyed, Jack burns to death, and the party is over. In the movie The Overlook survives, Jack is frozen to death and the party seems to go on as he remains frozen for a second time on the wall as the Manager “for ever, and ever, and ever”. The very last thing from the story that we see. Even the July 4 photo is a mirror image of something in the novel as I’ll explain later.

he 2 words “NOTGNIVOTS” and “Redrum” are both precisely positioned reflections eventually seen from opposite sides of Wendy’s mirror, equidistant (:35 minutes) from the center of the movie. Stanley Kubrick shows us with precision that he has indeed edited the time codes to come out the way he wished and that he has indeed inverted Stephen King’s novel. This must have been the most difficult cinematic feat for Stanley Kubrick to accomplish. It was a lot of work to set up similar scenes at equidistant spots in this film. There are several other occurrences that are time symmetrical in “The Shining” and I’ll mention them again at appropriate times in this article. The red Calumet can appears behind Dick Hallorann’s head as Danny “Shines” to him in the storeroom :27 minutes from the beginning of the film. The same cans appear behind Jack’s head at precisely :27 minutes from the end of the film as he “Shines” and talks to Grady. The visions of the bloody elevators are an omen of death. When Danny sees his vision of the bloody elevators it’s :11 minutes into the film and Wendy sees Dick Hallorann’s dead body at precisely :11 minutes from the end of the film. Wendy has the exact same vision of the bloody elevators :08 minutes from the end of the film and at precisely :08 minutes into the film Mr. Ullman tells Jack about the Grady murder suicide. At :59 minutes into the film Jack has a dream about killing his family and at :59 minutes from the end of the film we first see Grady who tells Jack to kill his family. Jack looks into the Hedge

if you want to get your minds blown more do the rest on your own

the shinings opening credits, a mirror, is it sinking in yet?

wherees my channers

I'm reading the text OP, I actually rewatched The Shining a few days ago.
I'm getting a feel that there's no payout to this.
I can see that there are these recurring themes and numbers and whatnot.
I guess I just don't have the gray matter to figure out what's the big purpose in them.
Subliminal messages to hook people in?

no.. not at all.. its really simple. the Movie is mirrored (as i TLDR'd above). Also. it reversed every single fact in the novel. but thats just the tip of the iceberg.

note the indians

there is a message here...

if you know stanley kubrick, he never explicity shows or shares the meanings of his films.

remember the monolith in full metal jacket, behind the dying soldier, relating to 2001 a space odyssey.

Yeah, I just read that part. Kubrick's special mirror.
I'm going to read the text and my thoughts here every once in a while.

its not a coincidence, that the Indians are facing the characters.


oh shiiii

Holy shit OP, nobody cares and stop clearly samefagging your own thread.

first of all, im bumping my thread, but not samefagging it.


ndada bump?

>Movie is mirrored

Yes but what does that mean?

Room 237

the purpose is that it occurs throughout the movie without anyone realizing it.

But why does that matter?


normal movies dont have numerical coding like this movie does

Normal movies usually have other things to worry about.

Ok. So what does it mean? That evil is inherent to our nature and a mirror of our good intentions? That the indians are a mirror of us? Where are you going with this?
Rockets aren't designed that way just to look cool, they're supposed to fly at high speeds.