Is she responsible for his special sucking so bad?

Is she responsible for his special sucking so bad?
He went from an edgy, angry cutting edge comic to... durr durr McDonalds... durr durr I'll sink a
Cruise ship. I'm a huge billy redface senpai but I can't pretend that this special wasn't complete garbage

>im 15 gais!


All he does now is talk about Nia and his baby seems.

I couldn't listen to the Rogan podcast because he was going on about how "funny" she is.

Hi nia congratulations on your 18 years of childywhen you leave dummy billy

He has no one to blame but himself. He's become a lazy, self-indulgent, average white man. Listen to his podcast, the guy makes the least effort to give a fuck.

He'd be happier doing anything else, but nitpicking tv shows and yankees games is the only thing he's good at.

I know I can tell she's always in his ear just using him to try and have a career. I wouldn't be shocked if she makes their life with a new baby a reality show

This is true. I stopped listening to his podcast a few episodes back when he made it seem like He was doing his fans a favor by having a podcast. I listen to him while I workout and was just like "fuck this guy"

Maybe getting married and having a kid changes a person.

Maybe nobody stays the same forever.

Maybe people are only at their best or peak for a few moments in their lives.

It happens. But if you're disappointed because your favorite comic no longer appeals to you, maybe you shouldn't blame the comic. Maybe you need to stop depending on somebody to be your dancing monkey.

He's not even witty anymore. He just complaints about whatever stupid shit he saw on tv, calls for Nia to validate his opinion and ends the podcast.

Fuck that. People shit on Rogan but the guy makes an effort.

Even the Chris Hardwick's podcast is more entertaining than Bill Burr's.

Hahaha if you're too much of a smug cunt to recognize the complete drop in talent of his stand up act then you are truly blind. I was pulling for billy. "He can be the angry I don't want to get domesticated but I am father like turn his comedy into the al bundy stand up. It's not my fault he blows

analyze yourselves and find all the ways you've changed, then go search for another crutch to lean on

I mean it'll suck if he becomes less funny as a result, but the dude seems happier. As much as I love him being a mean asshole, I'm happy that he is happy.

You'll notice that I didn't say anything about the quality of his material.

Is there any reason why he should be the spokesman for anybody other than himself? Stop following what some comic says and think for yourself.

I'm talking about his pure entertainment value asshole. His comedy sucks now and I'm wondering as to the reason why. Is it her? You're smug fart smelling liberal I can tell.

He sucks yeah

Objectively yes.
He goes to therapy the "manage his anger" for Christ's sake. You hear the gradual change week by week in his podcast.
He used to go on epic rants about everything, but now he's constantly self-sensoring himself before he even starts and just goes "ahhh... What do I know..." and just drops it before he even gets into it.
Then he goes and reads some gay as fuck letter from some beta asking what he should by his girlfriend for her birthday.

i always thought half of what made him funny was his ability to get mad at anything and rant about it. I hope his wife has a juicy black ass to make it worth

I'm sorry that you just aren't in love with your man anymore. I guess you'll just have to find some new balls to fondle.

*self censoring* you nailed it whether it's nia or just getting older or whatever his self censorship is killing his comedy
Hi again nia congratulations on your 18 years of child support & alimony

Yep, if you listen to the podcast over along period of time you notice he's getting more and more careful about "offending" people.
Now he apologizes BEFORE ranting about something, and then after he does the good old "what do I know though". Hate that shit.

So often when Nia is on she always finds a way to say "that's offensive", and tries to argue another point of view instead of letting Billy Redballs just RIFF like he's supposed to.

Your getting too old for this place.

no he was just never funny