Will we ever get white male protagonists in high bugdet movies again?

Will we ever get white male protagonists in high bugdet movies again?

Yes, but you will just find something else to complain about.

You bitch.

Misguided he may be, but at least he has something greater than himself which he places value in, as do his counterparts. Unlike you, however, who are likely nothing but another useless consumer and destroyer who is capable of contributing nothing to the world, your race, or humanity.

>has a crap ideology


Free yourself from spooks, my son.

>Tfw you realize human rights and equality are spooks
Might makes right.

Yes, that could be a simplified summation of my argument. Your inability to refute it through any means besides mockery and shouting doesn't impress, and rather seems to lend credence to my ideas. You have certainly left me unconvinced. Maybe you'd like to try again?

Please explain in more detail this ideology you have related to the concept of "spooks." You have left it very vague, friend.

and stay there!

So you say from the comfort of your protected, first world home as you sit in front of the computer.

>he wants a refutation
I hope you're an Asian nationalist.

Exactly. I love western civilization. They are the best and we not only survive but we thrive to this day.

>I love western civilization.
You don't, actually.

None of these games are for kids, though.

Grade these dog breeds for me please.

Even the dumbest, most incapable, and stupid peoples of the world have a natural right to a society, homeland, and government of their own. IQ is irrelevant.

Currently western civilization is being destroyed by political and economic movements which do not represent the interests of the white races. It would be best to adopt a tone of humility when advocating for our rights.

I don't like the hippie pacifist we're becoming but I liked what we were and what we can become again.

>race is more important than intelligence
>intelligence is irrelevant

Draw a line perpendicular to the vertical axis, see what happens.

>british children


it's the same

>makes a blatantly false statement
>you dive onto his cock to defend his retardation

You both deserve each other's stupidity.

Like Iron Man?

Or Cap America?

Or Superman?

Or Batman?

Or the Flash?

Or Spiderman?

Or Starlord?

Or Mad Max?


but niko isint white

As you deserve your apparent fixation on graphic homosexual pornography

what games let me be a shota

It's just a generic look is all. It's a perfect Everyman. Go ahead and describes that person.
>Okay he's about average height, medium build, short brown hair, white and male. It describes almost anyone.

Hmm, what's worse 'apparent fixation on graphic homosexual pornography' or stupidity?

The first one of course.

Since IQ is irrelevant.

those are 30-50 year old characters
watch the new ones like Finn from Star Wars TFA or Hancock, or blackwashed SpiderMan

>He said this thread was not worthy of his time

>>He said
Who said that?