I... what?

I... what?

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It's just about the power of evil. Lady is Jesus, old man is Devil, Shaman in with the devil (after exorcism maybe). The father didnt have faith, he lost everything. Just think about it, man


it was the opposite, it was everything that it looked like from the start

Was this directed by same guy who made The Host? Because characters felt so similar: the fumbling dumbass daddy and smart helpful daugter-in-distress

But there was literally no reason for him to ever trust that lady. Besides he spends half of the movie trying to get that old dude. And what was that with the sweater and hair band thing she carried with her?


Such a fucking pretty movie

That's my problem with the ending too. I wouldn't trust the lady with only 5 minutes of screen time to be the good guy.

Not really a horror movie but more like pans labyrinths genre

Best horror movie I've seen in a long time. Feels like a Korean version of The Witch almost.

The hairband belonged to his daughter (i forgot what the sweater looked like). When he saw that he thought it was proof she had something to do with his daughter being possessed.

She was probably using the hairband as part of a ritual to protect her in actuality. I dunno, ending felt off for me too

That's the whole point. It's to do with god and having blind faith.

Also the crow in the jar was actually a protection charm. Shamans in Korea apparently use crows to ward off evil. That part might get lost with a Western audience.

So was the Japanese guy being possessed and at the end after he dies the devil fully takes over?

Is this movie Christkino?

Why is too hard for murricans to understand this movie?

That one was left open to interpretation.

It's okay, it's not that good.

google is your friend retard


Stop shilling your fucking video

Stop shilling your fucking video

Where was the Japanese guy at the end? Was it some Cave or something? I find it funny it ended with him in that cave because it almost felt like the Priest was walking into hell.

It clearly showed the priest walking into a cave behind the Jap's house.

Stop posting your shit.



Animefaggots status: Rekt

It was one Jap. The Korean shaman was in on it too

The horrifying parts of the movie are that the supernatural entities (the good and the evil) ask for blind faith. But while the Evil has shown proofs (Japanese man), the Good has asked for trust.
And then there is the part where after deciding not to trust No Name, the Police died and will never know who was the real Evil there. He died in the complete obscurity about the culprits.

The part that really pisses me off is the first time they go to the Jap's house and there is the room with all the incriminating pictures and the cops just left.
That and the stolen items were enough to at least bring him in for questioning.

Those are rural policemen. See, the live in a small village is pretty different from what happens and how people react in a big city. The same happened in Memories of murder. It was them being useless, but there was an explanation for that.