7 Reasons Women Like Men Who Treat Them Like Crap

Written by a woman


>1 You can never really have him.
>2 Everything is a surprise.
>3 He doesn't care if you need him.
>4 He is sure of himself.
>5 The "chase" period never ends.
>6 Other women want him, too.
>7 You are convinced that you can fix him.

Your thoughts on this, Sup Forums?


nice thread faggot

Women's rights were a devastating mistake.


If there is one red flag you should pay attention to is this one.

Women don't grow up until they are around thirty years old on average.
This shouldn't be surprising.

>Clicking clickbait.... Ever
Go kill yourself

You have already posted that on /r9k/, sage.

This is how a real man acts

You don't need 7 reasons to know why women want people who treat them like shit.

It's because women hate themselves so they want someone who treats them what they are.

And 2: I get pussy for being an asshole and I do anything for pussy.

Fuck with this bullshit.

Sounds right. No need being triggered by grass being green.

Can confirm, this works for nations too.

Another name for this list could be 7 reasons I don't care about women in abusive relationships.

>ever giving a single shit about what women think

Women, generally speaking, are stupid cunts.
That said, a real man should take all that can be taken. If you love a woman who demands loyalty, be loyal.

Haha you made me giggle

I'm still waiting for the robowaifus tbqh


women are disgusting, they literally evolved to be more attractive to people who treat them less humanely.

You are completely deluded. Women don't want to be hit, unless they are after your money or want drag you to court, but then you are the retard, since you too blind to see it.


pick one


>You are convinced that you can fix him.

But wouldn't a women stop wanting him the moment he is 'fixed'?

Trying unsuccessfully to think of an example of a reasonable woman.

that's the thing, he never gets fixed.

Underrated kek. Eat shit Moortugal

1 wanting something you "can't have" implies that if you get it you won't want it = crazy
2 placing safety and dignity in the realm of surprises = crazy
3 admiring someone specifically because they do not respect you = crazy
4 being sure of yourself makes it okay to be a shit person = crazy
5 wanting to perpetually exhaust/demoralize yourself for fun = crazy
6 putting your self respect and relationship on the line for petty infantile competetion = crazy
7 the oldest line in the fucking book = crazy

all signs point to crazy, case closed

Women are stupid

It's true for most of them, i know a girl who is still chasing after the same guy who is still fucking his ex. When she tells me she must go with her "honey" and i ask if he ever said he loved her/said clearly is in a relationship with her she can't say yes.

But most of the time it's the kind of girl who will cheat on you for muh feel reason so i'm happy to see her shatter.


Well hued huebro

Women are all whores, you have no reason to love a filthy whore. Just use them as the meat holes they are be gone.

They respect more a man who does that, than a dude who is down for a LTR. They are the most filthy things evolution conceived. Just sin and meat, is what they are.

Treat em as such, and they will behave to serve as they were designed to.

>About Sophie

>Sophie works for a politician and therefore cannot reveal her true identity. She assures you, however, that she is beautiful, interesting, and always incredibly well-dressed. She reads all of her comments.

Bullshit she's not really a women.

>Written by a woman
Who should be handed over to our robot overlords along with others like her
Perhaps they can figure out how to fix them after they thoroughly probe them at the mechanical breeding grounds

>TFW you learned the art of getting pussy from being an sociopath a long time ago, but you can't bring yourself to treat people like that anymore

There is absolutely nothing wrong with treating trash like trash.

>I miss my dad

bad post

bad post

bad post

bad post

medium post

bad post

bad post

bad post

bad post

bad post

bad post

very good post

bad post

bad post

bad post

bad post

bad post

bad post

bad post

bad post

bad post

bad post

medium post

bad post

bad post

bad post

bad post

bad post

bad post

bad post

bad post

bad post

bad post

bad post

medium post

medium post

Bad country.

fag post

fag post

>Written by a woman

Can I get a girlfriend too if I bully them?

the fucking amount of shitflinging bantz that takes place on this board is unbelievable. well bantered, my friend

Spot on. Kek

desu the chase and first secks is the best, maybe I can emphasize with that.

That entire article was written by a woman with issues, probably daddy. Women who like to be treated like shit have very shit self image and esteem. As a grown up you learn to avoid women like this. As a young man in college you'd use this knowledge to get your dick wet. No longer.

>9(09) ad infinitum

we're done here.

It depends on what you mean by treat them like crap. I just like terrible men myself. People who hate the world so much, but love you?

That's a delectable treat. I'd never hook up with someone just to change them

Based PatrĂ­cio.


Wrong women don't like assholes.

Women prefer to be treated nice but superficially.

When women are emotional you can either react to their emo BS or you can just ignore them and GTFO, if you GTFO when they behave insane they think you are treating them like crap, but you really aren't.

No woman will start a relationship with a guy who is openly an asshole.

Women will call a guy who doesn't deal with their crap an asshole and they think that such a guy is confident.

But you aren't going to get laid by pointing out all her flaws in the first 30minutes of knowing her, if you want to get laid be superficial as fuck.

If you figure out her flaws in the first 30minutes(95% of humanity can be figured out in ~5minutes), don't beat her up on them instead try to give her a reaffirming feeling, give her the feeling she is special and that she is really close to fulfilling her dreams and that she isn't as flawed as she really is.

Don't talk about her, don't talk about yourself, ask questions and comment on those questions in a positive way but NOT in a deep way. Don't even think about what she is saying, just think about how to add one or two positive adjectives to any sentence you are saying.

Women appreciate jokes but DON'T overdo it, if you seem too funny she thinks you are a great friend but a shitty partner.

Use a deep slow voice and try to use adjectives with a generally positive connotation.

Women who write or say "Women like assholes" don't actually like assholes, what they are really trying to say is "My Ex is an asshole and I kinda miss him"

You are welcome

based based BASED based B A S E D


So this woman is more likely to react positively, if you look her in the eyes and say in a deep voice "No point thinking about the others, better just get to work and make the best out of it"(better and best two positive adjectives)

Rather looking her into the eyes and saying "Your misanthropy comes from an insecurity that is reflective of your weaknesses, but I kinda like your boobs so want to have rough and dirty sex?"

Latter comment is clearly more about what she actually said, while the first is extremely superficial and pretty worthless, but 99.5% of women will react more positively to the first comment.

God, it's so based that I doubleposted.

>be a gentleman if you want a gf, no woman would literally ever date a complete asshole :^)
>inflate a woman's ego and never challenge her if you want to be in a good relationship

Holy shit... Is this some kind of unfunny kraut humor? A delusional woman posting? A 'nice guy'?

All of what you just wrote is literally the inverse of the truth

>i'm a cuck so i copy and paste what i see on the internet

Sorry lad

most of this list is true
even your mum is like this even my mum was
my dad treated her like shit and soon as he was nice she acted like a cunt

similar to my gf now if i'm nice more than say 2-3 days of the week she starts acting cocky and a cunt

seen the same with many other woman

treat them mean to keep them keen rings true here.

protip: click on the post number to quote it instead of typing all the numbers

edit: Thanks for the gold!

I'm not saying be a gentelman, I'm saying don't think about her as a human, think about her as a machine and if you push the right buttons you'll have sex.

Hardly any women has the button "I want this guy to figure out my insecurities and beat me up with them" or maybe I'm just to good at beating up people with their insecurity.

>my dad treated her like shit and soon as he was nice she acted like a cunt
My parents didn't talk to each other except when they were drunk.

>similar to my gf now if i'm nice more than say 2-3 days of the week she starts acting cocky and a cunt
I'm talking about the first 30minutes to 6 hours of getting to know her.

In relationships people in general tend to be shit towards each other. Honestly if I need to teach her how to behave like a decent human being I might be willing to fuck her. But I have no interest whatsoever in teaching my partner basic human decency(if she pisses me off to the point where I verbally beat her up, there's no point in continuing the relationship)

Noone should have ever allowed those retards - called women - the right to make any decisions beyond when to drink, piss and shit.


BASED Portugal

No, most of it isn't true. You're just caught up in a vicious cycle of toxic relationships with females because you're upbringing fucked up your perception of how a relationship works.

The problem here is that you and your father have dated trashy sluts.

It is true for the most part

sorry that you don't have experience with women.

Seriously sick of these underagers on /pol

No, no, you misunderstand me. I am flawed in the way that I would prefer to prey on people with hate. That's true enough. But, I don't think someone who hates the rest of the world would accept or appreciate someone with such flaws and nothing to make up for it.

I have daddy issues, true. But, I'd very much like to be the best person I could be and have someone fall for me because of it, not because I'm the only other option.

So no, that didn't quite ring very well with me. As a matter of fact the second one is more appealing on terms of sexual gratification, honesty, and callousness. But, both lack the type of emotional connection I would prefer to have.

Why so insecure britfag? I've had plenty of experience with women. That's how I've come to tell the good ones from the bad.

>I'd very much like to be the best person I could be and have someone fall for me because of it
And I'm sure you would be a better version of yourself if you cared less about the little shits in your way and just walked over them and just do what you know is the right thing to do.

>But, I don't think someone who hates the rest of the world would accept or appreciate someone with such flaws and nothing to make up for it.
I'm pretty hateful myself. But the more I start to appreciate myself the less I hate other people and the more I end up just ignoring them.Which is why I think, you'd be a better person if you spent half the time you waste on other people appreciating yourself, doing sports etc.

Most guys full of hate don't have many people that'll listen to them, so just by listening to them you are giving them a lot.

>But, both lack the type of emotional connection I would prefer to have.
If you are looking for a genuine asshole with objectively somewhat justifiable self confidence, you are seeking a hardcore psychopath, and you will never have an emotional connection that guy.

story time
>8 years of marriage flushed down the toilet after wife's infidelity comes to light
>a desperate housewife in her mid-40s decides to "start over" with a 17 year old boy
>after 2 years of being this kids personal cock sleeve, she's tossed aside like rotten fruit
>desperate housewife now wants to get back together and "work things out"
>she's preggers
I feel genuine pity for the stupid simp that tries to save this silly cunt from herself. BTW this will be her forth child from her third baby daddy (kids 2 and 3 belong to me).


>2nd & 3rd are mine

So literally your wife's son eh Pedro? Fuck, if she wasn't a widow, you brought it upon yourself


So are you with someone and these things actually worked out for you?

>No woman will start a relationship with a guy who is openly an asshole.


This is pretty funny to see now. I remember being in highschool and thinking the same as you do, the forever alone I was back then. I know there must be lurkers on or participants in this thread who are underage or beta as fuck and actually believe the bullshit you spew, which may only apply to roasties who are desperate