Christian General

One Church founded by Christ
One Faith founded by Christ
The Orthodox Church, the Orthodox faith

A pastebin with FAQ's and reading lists with links, to answer questions Catholics and Protestants and atheists and others might have:

Other urls found in this thread:

> people still believe in ancient fictional shit


>people still believe in Brussels


>i'm smarter than you, the post

Starting off addressing the assertion that nominal followers disproportionately skew eastern orthodox statistics:

The group attending "seldom or never" is comparable to the compared romanist and Baptist respondents to the pew survey

Thank you king of the merchants, you are truly my greatest ally


>implying evolution isn't the way God chose to make his creatures
>implying God didn't create the laws of nature
science merely studies what God gave us, user

Human evolution is contrary to a direct reading of God's timeline in Genesis

>>implying evolution isn't the way God chose to make his creatures

Evolution works by itself. If you wish to postulate that it was guided, please design and perform an experiment which demonstrates that to be true.

>Christian women are the ones in a cult
>Christian women are the ones subject to conditioning
>Christian women are the ones easily controlled


It's not that it's guided, it's that God, knowing all, knew the exact conditions in which to start this dynamical system that we live in.

The Earth is flat

Dumping evidence of eastern orthodox followers' liberal ideology, reflective of anti-scriptural theology

Yeah, most nominal believers will go to church during Holy Week (that is something so incredibly I'm sure even anti-theists would find it beautiful).

There are a lot of nominal Orthodox because the religion is so bound up with ethnic heritage. When someone in America boasts of being Irish, doesn't make them that likely to identify as Catholic, but if someone boasts of being Greek, they will almost surely identify as Orthodox.


No, those systems are themselves part of God. As are you and I.


Your anecdotal evidence does not undercut the reality that eastern orthodox followers do not obey the Bible

He is in everything but this is also his creation.
>implying crusaders did anything wrong
fuck off with your retarded deism copout


>makong this exact thread again
Fuck off.
This is stupid. Why are you adding this unnecessary step with no proof?

dude, the big difference here is that it's common to identify as Orthodox or Catholic without really being one, while Evangelicals don't identify as such unless they're really into it.



On a more serious, non-shitposting note

What do christians of Sup Forums think of this movie? Do you think it represents sterotypes, arguments and situations accuratly?

>this is stupid
Ad hominem. Not an argument.

Because there's proof of evolution, proof of big bang, and physical proof of countless miracles including transubstantiation affecting accidental properties and things like uncorrupted bodies.

>He is in everything but this is also his creation

Nope. The universe is not created for the same reason God isn't; they are one in the same.

>fuck off with your retarded deism copout

I am not a deist.

>eastern orthodox followers
If you don't practice or go to church or believe, but identify purely for ethnic reasons, you're not really a follower, are you?

There are more self-professing Baptists in America that do not participate in church than there are for eastern orthodox
See Show me a statistical analysis in argument for a dismissal of this data


Terrible movie. Kevin Sorbo is a Christcuck to the max


This movie is like if there were a Christian Sup Forums, and a board called /sht/ (for shitposting), and they made a movie based on it.


>Oh, so Jesus is never coming back then?


>When u just want a thread for discussion of Christendom but shills hit hard

>There are more self-professing Baptists in America that do not participate in church than there are for eastern orthodox
So? Even so they identify because they have some sort of believe (even if it is poorly practiced), not purely for ethnic reasons. There is no such thing as a "cultural baptist".

Then which verses are actually referring to Christ's return that do not also indicate it is imminent?

My point was, even assuming the charts have a high margin of error due to respondents answering with ethnic association rather than real practicers, the consistent followers still hold these heretical views

>One Church founded by Christ
>One Faith founded by Christ
>The Orthodox Church, the Orthodox faith

Ok, thanks for the information, Russian Ministry of Psychological Warfare.

>at least once a week
Those are the ones to look for. If you don't attend at least once a week you're pretty much a nominal follower.


There absolutely is, why would Russians and Greeks have a monopoly on this phenomenon?
Baptist faith is centuries old and very much tied to heritage

Seriously. Well, to help at least steer all of this Orthodox-Catholic-Protestant-Fedora shitposting, I decided I'm gonna try to read and study as many chapters in the NT this summer, along with trying to get Christ back into my life.

Anyone else doing something similar?

>On a more serious, non-shitposting note
But these threads are all shitposting.
It wasn't ad hominem. The argument was that he's adding an unnecessary step with no proof for it.
>Because there's proof of evolution, proof of big bang
Yes, but that has nothing to do with what you were talking about.
>physical proof of countless miracles
No, there isn't.

So looks like I'm going to be dating a mormon chick. Anything I need to know?

This Proves Eveloution BRUHG

> lol good on ya brother

She's in a cult and doesn't hold the scripture as final authority, but is likely conservative which is a big plus

>Baptist faith is centuries old
But these traditions are not preserved in your worship, you have zero tradition or richness in your worship. You bring in the newest styles of music and you don't any distinctive aesthetics. There are not baptist masterpieces of literature, music or art.

That's cool, I usually study the early church and it's schism. I go to church every Sunday but I really need to ready more and pray more.

If you want such a thread, make it on /x/ or even /his/ now. Here it's just off-topic crap.
Oh, it's imminent, it could happen any time. It's just god's time works different yhan ours.

>She's in a cult

So are you. You don't realize it for the same reasons she doesn't. Nobody in a cult ever realizes that's what they're in or they would leave.

I am not a Christian but I think people lose site of what the ideas of Christianity has done to shape wester culture and politics. The ideas of free will and personal responsibility have lead to some of the most free, tolerant(if you care about that), wealthiest, and prosperous nations to ever grace this earth. While I do not think it is likely God exists respect must be given to this religion that has lead to the Renaissance and the Enlightenment. Anyone who thinks that the western world including the US was not shaped by Christianity positively needs to read history past high school. Well done Christfags take care out there, but no more crazy shit, ok. No more inquisitions, looking at you Spain, knock it off. Perhaps another Crusade is in order though I would sign up for that.

I meant imminent at the time of writing, as Christ himself repeatedly insisted.


>what are the hosts turned into slices of human heart
>what are the blood clots that liquefy on certain dates
I could go on

Posting a couple of orthodox hymns (English) (Greek and English)

I've only read a little bit of a textbook version of the split, but it was something I would eventually want to look into down the road, despite being Lutheran (MO Synod). Also, how early are we talking? Orthodox/Catholic early, or the Trinity Divide early? And what denomination are you?

>/x/ hahaha I said it again
/x/ is for dude weirdos who believe durpo spirits.
When a religion held back ottomans and preserved western civilization, having Vlad tempes impaling muzzies I think it's a Sup Forums religion. You can have your own thread though. We won't go there promise.

If she's faithful she'll have a restrictive diet among other things. No alcohol, no tea, no coffee. I don't remember which other restrictions they have. For other restrictions on other topics, check "Doctrine and Covenants".

There is not a single hymn I sing on sunday that is less than 100 years old, but in any case, why would older have greater inherent value?

There is a great history of baptist architecture comparable to the history of eastern orthodox architecture in aspects of sacred light, path, plan, and sound. I just took history of sacred architecture at Texas A&M

This entire thread is bait. Especially when you consider that denying evolution is now more or less heresy considering the Vatican accept it.

Kept you guys in a better condition, mate. Placebo or not.

She's conservative in most senses I suppose.

She doesn't care about much of anything "bigger picture" though, so your graph hardly applies. Even less seeing as we're in Norway.

As for cult, well now. Being apatheist myself I have actually taken the trouble to look up her religion. And she seems to think that she's an ordinary protestant christian, but with missions and more focus on church. I'm starting to think I know more about actual mormonism than she doesn.

She's only mildly faithful. She's young. I knew about the diet-thing from my research, but she doesn't exactly keep to that.

Yeah, like I said, it is imminent and we need to be prepared but God works on different timeframes than we do.
I don't know what are they?


You speak with the blind fanaticism of someone who is in a cult, so there's really no difference. You're probably a freemason or something like that. I'd pray for you but I'm too much of a lazy piece of shit to be bothered with it.

>Implying religion has nothing to do with culture and politics

The better it connects to the old, the better it should be connecting to the original bi-millennial teachings of Christ

Respek, as a Christian. We'll probably see another crusade with the current situation and our Islamic leaders here in America.

If you eat pork and think its justified based on Peters dream in Acts, you are following the doctrine of men.

Your faith is well founded but without adherence to the commandments, you will be killed on the day of Judgement.

I am here to clarify any Scriptures you may be misinterpreting.


The Hebrew Israelite

It has so little to do with politics, it should be a policy to ban it.

>She's only mildly faithful. She's young. I knew about the diet-thing from my research, but she doesn't exactly keep to that.
You probably hit the jackpot then

Ken Ham is right. Compromising on scripture's authority here leaves no reason not to compromise the rest of it, the basis of liberal theology

:DDD tibs fegora

I'm orthodox and am currently looking at the first schism (think it's the first) with the docetists. Docetists believing Christ was only a spirit pretending to be a man rather than both man and god.

That's not true. You're misunderstanding it in order to hold onto notions you thought were implied.

God does not lie. However, Adam and Eve lived for hundreds of years after the fall, despite them supposedly dying the day they ate the fruit. The days are abstract; indicating periods of time, or phases of creation.

>implying the Bible is at all trustworthy

It was written by men, and over the years has been subject to an extended game of telephone radically altering entire passages and meanings, along with constant translation error. Taking anything in the Bible as literal is stupidity of the highest order and merely makes another victim in the eternal cycle of corruption.

But it's 2016!

*Tipping intensifies*

>Genesis creation is obviously not literally serious, duh
How is it any more ridiculous than the afterlife? I don't understand this "yeah, some of this bullshit is obviously fake but other parts is definitely true".

If one actually bothers to look into it, "day" is a total fuckup of translation, as the original hebrew word (fucking hebrew and its confusing nature) both meant "day" as we know it and "really long-ass time".

Why are any other miracles trustworthy?
What hermeneutic do you use to understand scripture?

nice try, the word is "yowm" and it means "sun rises, sun sets"

>How is it any more ridiculous than the afterlife?
God created through His word. Essentially the closest representation we have is coding. The afterlife is having our programs or files not deleted when the corrupted system has run its course.
The Bible is written in many genres. Genesis is written in poetic language, as opposed to Evangelions, or Acts.

Okay, so it was that one I tried alluding to with the second example, abet poorly. Yeah, I think that was the first schism, in which Christianity finally reached all over, and it tried to begin to coalesce into a unified belief, with the divinity of Christ being the crux of the issue at the time.

How is your research into it so far, or have you not started?

> Take Jerusalem because "muh holy sites"
> They don't take Morocco and start working their way eastwards, taking Tunis, Libya and Egypt then Syria
> Not stabbing the heart of the Muslim beast
> Sacking Constantinople in the 4th, weakening it to a horrible level.

Dumb Crusaders.

>Why are any other miracles trustworthy?
Talmud, the book of our enemies, acknowledges that Jesus did commit miracles. However, they associate it with "Egyptian magic". Essentially we have witnesses from both camps.

However, regarding creation, we even have God asking for man where he was during creation, for man to teach God of how He should have done it... (Job)

I would wear the Cross o be a part of that. Pls happen.

Having no believes is what makes your state a cuck state. Hej

>I don't know what are they?
Look up eucharistic miracles, there's a ton of them. One famous one is Lanciano. A priest was doubting on faith, and after consecrating the eucharist, the bread changed into living flesh and the wine into five pellets of blood. They weigh 15.85 grams, any combination of them. If you weigh the 5 at once, the scale will read 15.85, if you put 4 in one scale and 1 in another one, each will read 15.85 too. The flesh and the blood haven't decomposed and they've been around for over 12 centuries.

So the scripture isn't authoritative, we believe the miracles are as written because a second source confirms?

>"I know you are but what am I"

Well meme'd my friend

Ken Ham's argument is flawed in that you can't take the bible literally. Even Jesus explains in the NT that the Kingdom of Heaven cannot be explained or understood through earthly means. That is why he spoke to anyone who listened through parables.

How does a Christian avoid ressentiment?