Is Trump the new Gorge washinge?

Is Trump the new Gorge washinge?

*George Washington

Sorry guys I don't know how that happened.

He's literally the new Hitler.

new mayme: george washinge :^)

George Washington chopped down a cherry tree and rode into battle on a horse.

Trump doesn't do manual labor or badass shit. So, no, not really.

Yeah but he was the original uncucker in chief of the USA though.

he never chopped down a cherry tree you dumbass spic

Washington was the richest man in America
Trump is also rich

so basically he same

Gorge Washinge was a good man, the real leader of our country, but he doesn't compare to Dolan Trumo

no, he's the reincarnation of General Patton

The only thing Mexicans are good for is manual labor.

Go build the wall, Jorge.

This, Trump was born a year after Patton died.

Don is the Dwight D. Eisenhower of today.

If Trump was in the same bar where the founding fathers discussed revolution, his ass would be tarred and feathered.
Then he'd probably run off to the red coats and snitch like a lil bitch.

Nigga, have you even tried the tacos over here? Get some culture you inbred fuck.

> chopped down a cherry tree

Nigger, are you that dumb?

>Mexican education

> ur jealous of my culture ese

And stay over there you Manlet cunt.

>Gorge washinge
"I love the poorly educated"

george washington threw a dollar (~$150 todays money) across a river for absolutely no reason

trump knows the value of money and would never do that

trump > washington


I cant wait for all the funny Donny voice lines we'll have of him once he loses the election

Memes for years to come

no man alive today is comparable to George Washington

> Needing to ask that question
Nigger, are you that dumb?

[spoiler]Am a white American on vacation.[/spoiler]

Holy shit, Sup Forums, never change.

>"Trust me i'm white"

Only in your wildest lucid dreams, Jose

>look at me I'm being a retard
>fuck off retard
>jokes on you I'm not actually Mexican

>implying Patton wasnt the reincarnation of George Washington

Both are masons so yes


Closer to Andrew Jackson



>I'm white I swear!
Topkek. Fuck off Paco.


No, while Trump is great and all, he is not even in the same realm as any of the founding fathers.

These men fought a war for freedom and liberty for all.


Washington wasn't even that good of a general.

His best military decision was ordering his troops to camp the night instead of march miles through muddy terrain because he knew a frost was coming and it was going to freeze the mud enough to walk over top of it.

Dude was a farmer, Benedict Arnold was the best general.

This. Trump has the potential to get close to the Founding Father's but right now he's nothing compared to what they all accomplished.

How do stupid fucking threads like this always get replies but my well-thought-out and grammatically correct posts don't? How could you misspell something simple you fucking retard?

Fuck this place.

buy my water filters.

Actually they are similar in a few ways, real estate, and interjecting themselves into politics. (Washington used to show up wearing a british military uniform, and then acted surprised when they picked him to lead the army)

Another similarity is Washington was very particular about the construction of Mt. Vernon, he wrote dozens of letters to the people in charge of building while he was fighting the Revolutionary War. He thought at least if he didn't win the war his estate would be a masterpiece. Trump seems to similarly be obsessed with getting construction right and has very particular tastes.

One big difference is Washington was obsessed with learning manners and how to act properly in high society, Trump well... if he starts taking speech lessons or something I would say he is becoming more Washington - like.

As it is he does seem to admire Washington and Lincoln as well as some of the "real" Republican Presidents.

>comparing a spoiled daddyboy who never enlisted to Patton


cont. Something I forgot to mention is while he was President, Washington fought against the freemasons. You could compare this in some way to Trumps fight against globalism and for American interests.

Obviously in the end we are talking about different men living in very different times.

50% of the "posters" here are just shills/bots/sliders/JIDF
Nice double triples though, Satan

I'd say more like andrew jackson or JFK.


I don't care if he's Washington, the reincarnation of Patton, or literally Hitler, as long as he's not the new Alexander Hamilton.