Should I vote to let the queers marry?

should I vote to let the queers marry?
how has it turned out in your cunt?

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I'm voting no sick of such a small minority whinging and sick of their degenerate bull crap.

kys you sad cunt

>degenerate bull crap.
Its honestly one of the more compelling arguments FOR gay marriage actually. Literally the opposite of degenerate behaviour and you want to stop it?

Gas yourselves

I don't care if people are gay I just wish it was thought of more as a disorder or problem.

I will be voting yes.

They just like a bit of cheeky cock mate.

Chicks seem pretty into it so what's the problem if some fella feels like a go?

the fuck is even the point, pollies will make their own decision regardless

The survey is being challenged in the High Court, there's still a chance that the High Court will strike it down on the grounds that the Government doesn't have the power for this.


hell no

and that, boys and girls, is how the gay marriage debate in Australia ended

It doesn't affect anything because people can still do whatever they want to, but it might be useful to let the fag brigades know they are not getting any free political power

I'm voting no. I don't particularly like gays but they've got SSM virtually everywhere else now and if it ends up being yes I wont be too peeved. Despite having legitimate reasons to vote "no" I mostly just want to see a political upset and have a laugh at how upset everyone else gets.

>Despite having legitimate reasons to vote "no"
Care to explain that to me please? Interested in what the arguments are

No him but I want not having gay couples in your country to be a human right

kek on what fucking basis?

How does it affect you at all?

It changed absolutely nothing. Gays will still protest over something no matter how miniscule.

No, you should look out for the well being of gays that are being nagged into marriage. They don't even know how good they have it.

Gays ultimately are a genetic dead end, they don't actually benefit the community they're a part of because they can't reproduce. I'm willing to tolerate them but in no way do I want to incentivise or promote their behaviour.

How does causal racism and sexism effect anyone? Still minorities and women complain about it and try to push censorship laws to stamp it out.
Homosexual couples make me physically ill. Their existence compromises my quality of life.

>incentivise gays
>less dudes fucking your womens
they are fucking based

Well they can raise kids actually. Look at Penny Wong's family

Why do you think about it at all?

Changed nothing. It's not that gays stop existing if you don't have gay marriage, and suddenly all men turn gay as soon as it's legal. Thank god the gay people I've known here aren't full blown faggots organizing huge parades around their faggotry.
The church still opposed it, the people that opposed it before it was legal oppose it now, etc. etc.
if you're a non degenerate country, this law changes nothing

Back to Sup Forums you fucking retard.

Hmm because when I turn on the television this propaganda is spewed.
When I leave the house to go to uni and work I see posters promoting gay marriage.
I am constantly reminded that my opinion on gay couples could get me beaten to death in some places.

Gays are good.

= less people breeding
=more children adopted

Back to Twitter you liberal turd

>my opinion on gay couples could get me beaten to death in some places.
>opinion getting you beaten to death

I guess you now know how gays used to feel.

>Have no kids
>Get no benefits for kids
>Still pay taxes
>That go to benefit straight couples with kids

How does that help anything man. I asked him what his opinion was in good faith. He might be playing a bit loose with a bit of it but it doesn't really help to shout him down.

Gay couples can adopt already. Its actually a little fuzzy for me about what marriage would actually mean really

Vote yes and quit being a faggot. It has no impact on your life. This wouldn't be a problem if autistic judges recognized pension and heritage rights to gays instead of making a huge deal about muh marriage. I hope they also approve of adoption rights.

Gave me a chuckle haha
Giving a tiny group (homosexuals) right to express themselves without fear of repercussion by enforcing repercussions on a significantly larger group (those against gay marriage) ?
That's just a net loss + propagation of sexually transmitted disease.

Just no argument

I don't think things should be done just because they can. Same sex couples raising children is not the same as a mother and father and certainly isn't ideal. I'd say that a single mother is better for a child than two gay parents.

>I'd say that a single mother is better for a child than two gay parents.
Based on what? Why would having one mum be better than having 2 mums?

Looking back on it I'd say that its very intense only having 2 people in a family unit. Might have helped out a lot if there were more people

t. only child of a single mother

It's less socially isolating than having two gay parents for the kid. If you're the kid with two dads you're going to have a rough time growing up. You're much less likely to be harassed for having a single mother. Not just that but if you're a single parent the choice to remarry is there, it's a situation that's more easily fixed and is a much more natural environment for a child.

False equivalency straight off the bat. You used two dads to be evocative even though I mentioned single mums.
But if you say two mum's rather than one mum?
Two dad's rather than one dad?

How is it socially isolating in a community that is actually accepting? What you're saying is that the intolerance will make it hard so lets be intolerant.

Who knows man.

>his country still doesn't let homos get married

Still, they don't increase the amount of child benefits being paid because they don't create new kids.

What reprucussions?

Mmm. The sexuality and affairs of individuals' is different to the culture and political influence of groups that have a association or basis in sexuality.


Voting no. I'm not even religious, but gays just make me sick for some reason. Also, voting yes to shut them up isn't going to work, they'll come back with more demands. I guarantee it.

The point still stands. Regardless of whether it's two dads or two mums, that child will be isolated. A single parent is better for the child rather than two gay ones. If you're up for adoption in the first place it's because you're in a situation worse than a child of a single parent, because you've got none. Adopted children, even with an adoptive mother and father, face difficulties in not actually knowing who they are or where they're from, why would you worsen that by allowing a same sex couple to adopt them?

>How is it socially isolating in a community that is actually accepting?
It's not, in a community that is accepting. How you'll create a community that is entirely accepting I'd like to hear.

>What you're saying is that the intolerance will make it hard so lets be intolerant
It's not because it's hard to implement it's because I see it as immoral and unnatural.

You're allowed to express hatred for gays and we are allowed to express hatred for people who hate gays.

Gay migrant who can't vote here. Not sure what the civil partnership laws are like here but if it's equal rights like my old cunt then this vote doesn't really matter.

You don't know my mother obviously.

cute trap

Gay people usually don't live around bogans.

Not really a fan of mine either mate, I don't envy adopted kids with gay parents though.
Must be in the water then.

It went shit here. Gays run everything now and get access to easy mode difficulty if they survive early years bullying. Vote no op, save yourself.


How exactly is gay marriage any different from a civil partnership? It's not recognised by the Church so in essence it's not really a marriage

it literally isn't, the entire debate is just a way for both sides to be retarded at once

people in favour of it get to make a big deal out of how much we need to bring in this thing we've had for years, and people against it get to make a big deal out of how this thing we've had for years is going to lead to the end of the world

Why are functional members of the community marginalised though? There are a couple of gay couples in my extended family and they're super functional members of society with jobs and whatnot.

Don't be a cunt and do it. What have you got to loose?

I'm in favour, but only because it changes literally nothing

No it's a slippery slope to dog fucking

t. had to fuck a dog to get my driver's license

Voting no, fuck the left

Coherently explain to me what the left and the right in Australian politics means at the moments and point out 5 main policy differences please

>Coherently explain to me what the left and the right in Australian politics means at the moments and point out 5 main policy differences please

Hey man, can you like not be a retard and listen to your very smart countryman? Thanks.

Interesting answer and all but I'd be surprised if you could actually answer the question.

Unfreezing the medicare rebate is the only thing I can think of that's a real issue with different policy being put forwards

Apart from blithely picking up political memes from the yanks without any attempt at relating it to the actual realities of our own society, Australian politics is more explicitly set up around the divide between organised labour and those political forces that would frustrate the power of organised labour. Our Labor Party is still based around the unions and the internal conversation in the union movement about issues is still the main determinant of Labor policy. So if I were to point out 5 main policy differences between the Government and the Opposition they would all be over industrial relations, e.g. penalties for black bans, right to site access for union representatives, the Building & Construction Commission, fairness tests for awards, minimum wage levels.

Good answer.

Now why do people like this who are putting forwards the image of the working class say """fuck the left""" like its America?

No but I'll tell you something actually relevant to my statement. The reason I'm voting no besides it being a literal meme issue is because it will clearly show the nations stance on politically correct rubbish like this and convey that we, the majority of the citizens are sick and tired of being persecuted for not being overly PC. People who are against gay marriage for example are marginalised and demonised for expressing a conservative opinion and it was the same if you are a Trump or One Nation supporter. Gay marriage is not the equivalent of racial segregation or persecution, gay people will get along all the same in life with or without it and frankly if it's that big of issue then leave. If gay marriage succeeds it will only be another politically correct meme issue next. Just fucking stop.

See first sentence. The reason why we're having a fucking survey is because a significant number of the Libs and Nats are pro poofter marriage, because there's nothing particularly left wing about it, but they're frightened enough of the social conservatives that they'll let them play silly buggers delaying tactics with the process before they actually vote with Labor to put it into law.

Yeah I actually agree with that one a certain level. But I think perhaps on issues of civil rights it comes back to an actual issue.

But yeah I mean if you look at something like the American election where the media is very much selling a viewpoint and then when it comes to the vote and its shown that actually the majority of citizens hold a different view there's months of show's that are basically "Let me tell you why you're wrong"

It IS very annoying actually.

God Australian politics is a shitshow. Isn't John Howard still the last Aussie PM to serve a full term in office?

Yeah, went from longest serving PM to over decade of backstabbing

Melbourne uni lecturer made petition to get the chinese doctor in the ad de-regestered.
Thankfully we're not America-tier yet and the petition got deleted.
I heard it on the news on Triple Gay though so I assume they were trying to get people outraged that the petition got deleted or something

To be fair that's not unprecedented. That's effectively what happened after Menzies too

if I vote yes will I never have to hear about this shit again?


Its very disenfranchising I feel.

idk I just vote Wilke actually. Seems like a nice fella.

Which ad? But that's exactly the sort of thing that will really turn out badly.

Who's going to win? is it going to be a close vote?

Ad in OP
what will turn out badly?

You'll have some referendum on Transgender pronouns in a decade

vote no for the banter

Depends man. Could well be a silent majority situation.

Honestly? I'll vote yes but I'm still annoyed that I have to vote. What do we have a parliment for if when its something like this so an internal party power struggle means that we as a nation spends over 100 million for a plebisite?

That sort of SJW bullying and intimidation.

Could end up like Trump or Brexit and be surprise no vote majority

>That sort of SJW bullying and intimidation.
Seems to work in the US we just haven't reached the point quite yet

It's very possiible. Pro sodomy talking heads are certainly trying to remind people that it's a strong possibility so they're not tempted to abstain.

Doubt we want it here man.

See here being homophobic isn't a sin and shouldn't be. The fucking cheek to turn around to say that she shouldn't be able to be a doctor because she's not in favour of gay marriage? Fuck RIGHT off with that shit.

Quite possibly, you'd be forgiven for thinking almost everyone will vote yes but the ironic thing is all those people saying "nah don't do a vote all these people will say disgusting hurtful things about the fags and their feelings will get hurt", but all I've seen is the opposite, and I see it whenever I see a post from a friend on facebook contrary to the yes lobby with them in the comments frothing at the mouth in anger and calling them names.

meant for

A lot of people didn't want it to be put to a vote because of the real fear it'll be voted against lmao

Don't tell me you're the sort of person who worries on what other people think about you.

I mean the reality is that its probably an inevitability man

No, there is no end to any of the "progressive" left's issues because they want power not equality.
They move on to extortion, censorship and making any dissenting views a "hate crime".
Same route they have gone with other groups who achieved legal equality decades ago like women and blacks.
"Progressives" are the mirror image type of cancer to the left that politicized Christianity has been to the right.

>No, there is no end to any of the "progressive" left's issues because they want power not equality.
>They move on to extortion, censorship and making any dissenting views a "hate crime".
>Same route they have gone with other groups who achieved legal equality decades ago like women and blacks.
>"Progressives" are the mirror image type of cancer to the left that politicized Christianity has been to the right.

Should he be beaten up for taking his pillow?

Should it be illegal for him to take his pillow?

gay and will be voting no.

I am voting yes simply because this shouldnt be a religious thing.

they act like it isnt, but marriage and religion are intertwined, and i think we need to separate them in order to function without any dissent

kek. Go on then mate tell me a story

Once, there was an ugly barnacle. He was so ugly that everyone died. The end

you guys are so cute with your "ies" at the end of everything eh? :3

I meant "tell me the story of why you are gay but will vote no"

hell yeah more traps on Sup Forums

there is no story, i just dont believe in marriage altogether, i dont even like it when straights do it