Planning to go to Paris on December. What should I expect?

Planning to go to Paris on December. What should I expect?

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It'll be a pleasant experience as long as you stick to your online tour guide. Paris is full of beautiful, culturally relevant monuments, and the richer areas and streets are perfect if you ever feel like you just want to enjoy the atmosphere of the city. Depending on what you want to do, you may or may not need to know a bit of French; most decent shops and restaurants will have workers who know English, so no problem here, but you'll definitely need French if you intend to party and enjoy the nightlife. The people there will generally be indifferent to you(you'll blend in easily, Asian tourists are commonplace), but they'll be happy to give you directions as long as you greet them with a "bonjour"--never forget to greet people when starting a discussion, or you'll be seen as rude.
And that's pretty much all I can think of. Have fun.

Oh, forgot to add. Unless you have enough money to rent a car, you will need to use the subway, and the subway really sucks in Paris. It's always packed, and it's the one place you won't be able to avoid thugs and pickpockets. Be prepared.


Watch out for gyppos trying to get you to sign petitions around Notre Dame and niggers selling 'friendship bracelets' in Montmartre.

doggie poops on the street.

This is true
Dog owners do no take care of their pets shit

This basically.

And this.
Just don't be a retarded tourist who buys shit from gypsies and niggers. You people are the ones enabling this traffic anyway so stop it thanks.

t. Parisian


>le 56% face

here's some arabic words, it might come in handy

choukran = thanks
wallah frere = i swear bro
hmar = have a good day
cheh = i empathize with you
fils de pute = you're a nice fella!

use them sparringly

P*ris is a meme go to Lourdes instead

la france est un meme just dont go

A good time

I was there in December last year and loved it. It's a bit dirty, but the buildings are beautiful, the food is great and the people are generally very friendly contrary to the stereotype. There was one french woman at a bakery that was rude, but the rest were shockingly nice, not just to me as a tourist but to random people on the train or on the street

you are quite a fils de pute! choukran for helping :^)

one of my mates is from Paris and says you can always pick the locals out from the tourists since they're the ones looking down at the ground to see what shit they're about to step on instead of the city around them

Fuck off shitskin

I'm growing increasingly tired of your obsession with us

de rien hmar

A truck of peace

ou tu vois une obsession? la France me répugne tellement que je n'y mettrais pas un pied même si l'on me payez. hmar de la vie

>toute la France me répugne

Bravo, la feuille

C'est un bougnoule après tout

Avoid the areas on this map, and be careful in the subway, around train stations and touristy stuff. Paris isn't as bad as the memes say, but it never hurts to be careful. Very often Asian tourists in particular are not used to not trust people, and are easy pickings for thieves. Paris is one of the most beautiful city in the world, and you will be surrounded by History and art, just please try your best to ignore ou hopefully temporary population problem.

One thing that shocked the family of my Japanese roommate is the army and armed police everywhere. So also prepare mentally for that.

Culture, romance and a strangely melancholic feeling you will never forget

Expensive af, too much tourists, immigrants sleeping on the streets, demostrations

>Expensive af


>too much tourists

Maybe, but we need all the tourists we can get nowadays.

>immigrants sleeping on the streets

The few migrants that spring up occasionally are always cleaned up fast by companies of CRS.


December isn't demonstration season.
