Muh neoliberalism

>muh neoliberalism

Doesn't this guy ever shut up about his stupid fucking conspiracy theory? Seriously it's like he has never heard of cultural marxism before.

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Cultural Marxism is a conspiracy theory. Neo-liberalism actually exists and the people who support it are rich and powerful. They're also pretty vocal about their plans.

There are literally no groups or individuals that openly identify as being "neoliberal." He might as well be whining about the fucking masons or aliens. It's the same type of bullshit.

that's what they call applied neoclassical economics

The thing is, he's semi redpilled

No, it isn't. Neoliberalism is a very well studied economic philosophy. Maybe you should read a book or even a wikipedia article before you decide to sound stupid on Sup Forums again.

His belief in neoliberalism is like his belief in libertarian socialism, neither one exists.

Cultural Marxism is like "white supremacy" or "the patriarchy". It doesn't exist, in that virtually nobody is actually an avowed "white supremacist" or "patriarchist" (Sup Forums edgelords and fringe groups don't count), but believers see it everywhere, in the walls, on tv, on the bus, trying to destroy everything they care about. Likewise, nobody actually calls themselves a "cultural Marxist" (though people like Tim Wise advocate white genocide) but right wingers see it as a background mesh, a series of interwoven ideas and groups who willingly and unwillingly promote an agenda.

Neoliberalism is similar but it's less abstract.

Cultural Marxism is a set of beliefs that leftists hold, neoliberalism is a smear against anyone that a tiny bit capitalist.

It's not all the Jews

>Cultural Marxism is a set of beliefs that leftists hold

Muh, Manufacturing Consent. Take what you will from him. He at least gives you something to think about, if you can stay awake through his droning talks.

>le libertarian socialism doesn't exist meme

>Dismisses well-known term for global economics as we know it as a conspiracy theory.

>Acts as if cultural marxism is a real thing

Hmmm... I sense b8.

>There are literally no groups or individuals that openly identify as being "neoliberal."

And we're done here.

He occasionally makes some dryly funny points.

In that sense capitalism doesn't exist either as the term was coined by Marx and used as an insult for most of the time since it was coined. My point is, it does exist. Same with SJW. Just because a term correctly identified an ideology in a way that ideology doesn't like doesn't mean they can veto it's use or that it's not valid.

"I don't understand it so it doesn't exist! >:("

Good old Noam, filling the goyim minds with falsehoods.

He's the typical leftist Jew who hates Israel because it means that ultimately whites will disturb his subversion gravy train and make him move there. They prefer controlling white America over playing alone in their Jew desert. The idea that the Israel option exists triggers him because he wants to live forever of the 6 millions guilt train that whites are currently beholden to.

I guess this guy doesn't exist then.
>particularly popular with the ((Clinton)) administration

Imagine being this disconnected from reality

Wasn't Rockefeller a neo-liberal or was he just progressive - or isn't that the same thing?

The idea that a thing can only exist if the people who are called that thing agree with the label, is actually an example of the "self-identification trumps all" meme in society today.

He should be pressured to talk about what is going on in Venezuela

Insightful, but most people think it's
"le fascist to deny people their self-identification". But it's not fascist for them to destroy whole countries.

cultural marxism is a made up alt right term. it has zero intellectual validity. What your describing is liberalism with an authoritarian bent aka neoliberalism.

>cultural marxism is a made up alt right term
isn't it even kind of defunct now? don't the majority of autists here use "regressive left" now because people realised that the same people who say "cultural marxism" probably advocate for the genocide of jews.

Look up the Frankfurt School retard.

Pierre Joseph Proudhon coined the term, not Marx.

Frankfurter Schüle, du ignorante Amerikan.

Woah. Mindblowing. Im a #TRUMPet now

Chomsky is the ultimate leftist troll. You can never pin him down on anything, and when it looks like you've done it, he denies it.

He claims to be an anarcho-syndicalist, but if you actually listen to him talk about everything the government should do, or should be prohibited from doing, you'll realize it's completely incompatible with anarchism of any sort.

In linguistics his views have mostly been discarded as useless or unworkable. Some of the stuff he did over half a century ago is still useful, at least historically, but since then he has made no serious contributions.

Noam taught me that the Khmer Rouge didn't actually kill anyone, it was just US propaganda

i guess im triggered by the term since marxism is workers taking control of production and 'cultural marxism' would theoretically refer to workers taking control of popular culture instead of elites but the ppl who use the term 'cultural marxism' are not referring to that at all. They are referring to turbo liberalism. Why does liberal, social liberalism not fit what they are trying to describe better?

Fuck capitalshitism

>muh neoliberalism
How else would you describe a socially "progressive" ideology that is fiscally conservative in the classic "privatize everything and fuck the poor" sense

That's cultural marxism. The whole goal is to highlight "inherent" problems with capitalist society by inventing stupid bullshit like trans rights and then shoving it down everyone's throats.

This is why people who shout "cultural marxism" at anything they don't like aren't taken seriously.

The term comes from it being cultural Marxism as opposed to revolutionary Marxism. It was originally an insult coined by revolutionary Marxists who thought that theirs was the only way.

Taken seriously by who, cultural Marxists?

>neoliberalism is a conspiracy theory
>cultural marxism not a conspiracy theory

jesus christ this board is more retarded than i thought. I was wondering why a board of anti-semites wanted to elect a retarded faggot zionist shill - turns out they're just fucking retarded. WELP

Reddit detected

Its like the left can't separate corporatism from capitalism.

dude, you have got to be joking

im the first one to agree that cultural marxism is a conspiracy theory

neoliberalism is absolutely a political philosophy

he's actually a LOT more descriptive than prescriptive. I listen to him because he has an interesting perspective, especially on western propaganda. i don't listen to his prescriptive ideas because they are far fewer and frankly from listening to him he seems to care a lot more about the model than the solution.

Capitalism is literally the worst economic system. If an actual socialist system was ever created it would shit all over any capitalists standard of living.

Cultural Marxism just means applying power dynamics anywhere one can. Men make the family's financial decisions -- power! Movies with a Christian audience have vague Christian themes--power!

Communist detected

many have been created look at USSR, China, many Latin American countries, look at Venezuela right now. its funny that you reap all of the benefits of capitalism right now and once they are done away with and replaced with something far far far inferior you will understand since you clearly cant into history

It's like the right can't either.

That's funny because Chomsky claims that Reagan was also a "neoliberal" which is laughable.

I think we can all agree that once you hit a certain population communism just isn't possible and socialism wrings up all kind of corruption but Venezuela dying is directly the result of US and OPEC tampering with world markets because the CIA failed to instil a coup in Venezuela in the 90's

can you blame us? we need SA and NA trade union to survive in this world. Asians have a trade union with over 2 billion people, europeans have a trade union with 700 million people. USA only has 300 mil but if we controlled SA we would have nearly a billion people.

our leaders plan id guess 50 years in advance.

It's a pre-darwinist philosophy.

yes no one would ever describe Reagan as follows:

"laissez-faire economic liberalism.[5]:7 Its advocates avoid the term "neoliberal"; they support extensive economic liberalization policies such as privatization, fiscal austerity, deregulation, free trade, and reductions in government spending in order to enhance the role of the private sector in the economy."

seriously, do you just get triggered by the word "liberal" and "reagan" in the same sentence? Pick up a book retard, Stop getting all of your political indoctrination from pol

Hell yes I can blame the American Intelligence agencies. Indirectly responsible for starvation and the economic collapse of a country 1/10 your size. Chavistas prbably didn't help but they were heading down the right path but the second they took control of their own country's oil and wanted to sell it for what it was worth good ol' USA comes in to remove their capitalism and democracy.

I mean, this is nature, red in tooth and claw and all that.

We need people, we need to survive, this group of people will help us survive if we control them.

Its not about right and wrong, your blame and rage is wasted.

Cold blooded killer here.
Remember not to be cross when the chinese invade a demoralised and economically and militarily weak US because this is nature bro.

I'm saying that's how people think. Institutions eventually become run by psychopaths since usurpers are a completely different breed from founders. To fight them you have to understand them and if you don't think like them, you won't win.

A conspiracy theory? I literally took an entire class on it in college taught by a legit communist. It's officially referred to as "western Marxism" and all the memes are true.

>doesn't exist

I'll take what is Critical Theory for $400.

it is now known as 'social justice'. It is Marxism that defines social groups and races as 'oppressed classes' of people, instead of the proles and bourgeoisie.

Social justice is just Cultural Marxism by another name. It is Critical Theory and Psychoanalysis both of which came out of the Frankfurt School and started in America at Columbia University.


Here is 22 min crash course on it