1. Cunt

1. Cunt
2. How bad is your accent when you speak english?

Other urls found in this thread:


1. Paragoy
2. i sound like a damned wetback

compared to who?

I'm from South Dublin, and sound like a diet American to everyone but actual Americans (who ironically think I have 'a bit of a British accent')

1. Nederland
2. I'm no Louis van Gaal but I have a slight accent compared to native English speakers.


It's far from perfect

made me burst out laughing for some reason

Just admit that you're jealous

Really bad.

Which is natural since I almost never use it, aside from a few English courses I had to take by obligation.

However, It's not like I need it, anyway. I don't have any interest in talking to dumb, gun toting fat fucks. I'm only interested in reading the knowledge that european foreigners produce in English for American universities.


You know this isn't true
Australian accent is not what anyone would call "perfect"

The Australian accent is perfect

t. Crocodile Dundee

very bad, I stumble over words and speak with a heavy Icelandic accent
but I of course don't have any experience speaking it, so no wonder

Near perfect, only my natural speaking ability bottlenecks me. Slur words sometimes, blank out for words other times (do the same thing in spanish).

I can't even handle how to say "how"

Super bad people don't understand me

Very good.

I sound like a retard, and generally Poles and slavs do. It's not a language for satem Indo-European language group...


I speak impeccable, accentless english


Canadian English is the only true English.

Flag and i think it's shit

I trained hard to have no accent at all. I did it because I felt self conscious at first as gringos speaking portuguese sound horrible, so I thought I sounded the same to them when speaking english.

retard, you're supposed to embrace your stupid accent



I speak english like a russian from the siberian steppes would

terrible since I've barely spoken english, my fluency comes almost entirely from browsing the internet from an early age.

why is France the best poster on this board

Seems suspicious

mine is proper Engrish

really really bad because i don't speak very often so i would sound like retarded

put a text and ill vocaroo it

Very malo

"The beige hue on the waters of the loch impressed all, including the French queen, before she heard that symphony again, just as young Arthur wanted"
This is a phonetic panagram, it has every basic English phoneme in it.

I don't have a strong Caribbean accent like Jamaicans, but it's a mix between Standard American Accent with a little spice of West Indian accent.

nothing will convince me this isnt an american imitating a cartoonish french accent

To the extent where I feel ashamed when I speak english

Do you sound like that hydraulic press guy?

Well not that bad, but it still bothers me so much that I don't really enjoy conversing with native speaking people. It probably doesn't bother them so much tho.


friggin' rite 'der bud

Trained my accent away so I can pronounce words without getting a laughtrack in the background.
I'm still not completely fluent tho


please r8 my friend

You pronounced loch as Spanish "loj" it's more like Spanish "lok", at least in American English. Put more effort into your consonants, they're what differentiate words, not vowels


>You pronounced loch as Spanish "loj" it's more like Spanish "lok"
people always mention "the ch in loch" to talk about the "J" sound
even wikipedia tells me im doing the right sound
which part of america are you from?



Texas, I don't even have an accent. Also, try to bring out the "ge" in beige, it should sound like the j in French "je"


your English is pretty good but you do sound like a faggot salu2

damn you france you sexy bastard


Very poor I try to speak like the gringos but I just can't.

>Accentless English

Every person on this planet has an accent mate.

As an Australian, I see your purpose in enforcing this idea

2.i sound like i am a proper subject of the queen, thank you very much

I assume you are talking about the Queen of the nigerian queen Amina

Listening to someone at least trying to speak English is much preferable to the niggerbabble here.

your un representative didnt even speak english at the unsc meeting lmao.

To everyone posting: please record a voocaroo of you saying "why don't Americans celebrate Easter?" and post it.

Why speak another language than the diplomatic one when handling diplomatic issues


But I like Brazilian accents :3

Say "Le 56% face"

British tourists say I don't have an accent at all


Frenchanon, it's like 5 AM. Why you gotta make me laugh like that?

Perfectest English you'll ever hear

I've been exposed to the language so much, to the point that my accent is actually quite decent.

When I was a kid I sounded really weird, like a stereotypical greek accent.

Now I sound more like a european immigrant in south USA kind of accent. It's hard to explain.

are you that Tahitian guy from Bordeaux?

Every time I hear my voice on playback I cringe


ignore the sound at the beginning, just me reloading my semi-auto

I sound gayer than when I speak French (yes, it's possible)

Why is French accent so hilarious ?
I mean I'm French but it still cracks me up, there's no way chicks find this sexy

Most people think I'm american when they hear me speak

Why, are you fat?



It makes no difference.

I once spoke with a completely Brazilian, broken accent on purpose and Anglos said "it wasn't that bad, at least I can understand you perfectly".

Then I switched to my normal accent, which is far from native but way more fluid, and they said they couldn't notice the difference.

So I guess there is no such thing as an accent when it comes to English, pretty much anything goes and the language will keep on being corrupted by massive widespread.

People tell me I sound German online.

Irl my Mexican accent is more obvious but not too bad, mostly just trouble pronouncing certain sounds.

Why would you try to fix your English accent when you clearly have a much worse carioca problem to deal with in your mother tongue?



How did we let Japan happen?

Pretty shit

No I am not
I am Breton
as everyone

Tfw i speak standard American because my area is too young to develop it's own accent.

I wanna be different

I like to think that I have a neutral American accent but I probably have a light southern accent

At least in America, French is seen as a très séduisant language that is associated with Paris, tasteful fashion, art, etc. Plus foreign, yet understandable accents make you stand out and more interesting to listen to which is why some TV commercials will use a English, Australian, or a West Euro to narrate a voice over.

The fuck are you talking about, you have an accent

Almost non-existent. It is not 100% native though
t. Spent a lot of time in south FL as a kid

You sound like a Haitian... I guess that explains their accent

Fucking terrible. Even my Portuguese accent is shitty, and I avoid speaking at all.

Are you carioca tho?

No, and I don't understand why the hate against rio de janegros. The dragged S sound is annoying but you get used to it.

Because it's the most annoying and ugly accent of all Brazil.
Even the nordestinos have a better accent (at least i think).
On the subject of english accent for us, i belive that people who are from São Paulo have the better odds in having a good english

I'm Dutch with Turkish parents but have a Dutch accent while speaking Turkish and English and a Turkish accent while speaking Dutch, kms

Yes i have an American accent, but my accent isnt distinguishable like a southern or new york accent. I just sound american