I can't believe how racist this movie is

I can't believe how racist this movie is.

Well to be fair, we're still kinda iffy on whether or not Asians are people too these days.


Please, they showed Pajeets in a good light

They didnt even bring up the designated shitting streets


I unironically love Shortround

i unironically think this is the best in the trilogy/series

Me too. Maybe because it was the first one I watched but I love it. I'm probably even more in the minority because I think Raiders is the worst of the trilogy. Crystal Skull doesn't exist

I can't believe how shit it was.

Serious drop off in quality from Raiders for sure.

>I can't believe how racist this movie is.
Yeah, the dinner scene had me cringing hard. So did the part where the little asian boy is walking on bugs and says "Feels like I'm stepping on fortune cookie!" Movie is casually racist throughout lol.

Same. The other ones aren't even real movies. This movie is incredible and has a dream like quailty. The others are plodding, and BORING>

Racism = This race is superior
Xenophobic = Strangers are weird

Remember, when most people say 'racist' they mean to say "xenophobic."

>has a dream like quailty.
i always thought this too, it feels kinda surreal almost but not experimental. maybe thats just because they were trying everything (comic relief, kid appeal, etc)

Reminder that (((they))) want you to hate Raiders and Crystal Skull because the villains aren't National Socialists.


Meant Temple.

In it's defense, it is an homage to serials of the 30s and 40s, which were a product of a very different time

We know, you're still a shithead.

I rewatched the trilogy recently and I agree. Raiders is good but there's a kind of sophomoric feel to it, like they're still trying to figure things out. Whereas Crusade is way too over the top and clowny. If you can get over how "culturally insensitive" it is, Temple of Doom is great. There's a kind of energy and passion to it that propels the plot forward, there's never a dull moment.

I also like how Indiana is unequivocally the good guy. Indy starts out seeking "fortune and glory" but ultimately he ends up changing his mind and freeing the child slaves and defeating Mola Ram. In Raiders and Crusade there's this assumption that you're supposed to automatically cheer against the Nazis because we know all the heinous shit they did. But during most of WW2 the Allies had no idea just how awful the Nazis were. Nazi Germany was just an aggressor, which America has been in countless wars. If you take the conflict as just two opposing sides of a war, Indy is just some asshole government-sponsored thief who kills a bunch of people. The Nazis never do anything all that evil in the movies, we're just supposed to hate them because they're Nazis and we have the benefit of historical hindsight. Whereas Mola Ram is unquestionably evil, he's committing heinous acts constantly, kidnapping children as slaves, stealing sacred rocks, tearing people's hearts out, some real sick shit.

>Raiders is good but there's a kind of sophomoric feel to it, like they're still trying to figure things out.
raiders is them perfecting the formula

doom is them taking more risks making a more enjoyable exciting film experience (i like this the best even though all the comedy doesnt land"

crusade is them going back to basics with raiders but still upping the anty and using a bigger budget. however, they didnt take as many risks as doom and ultimatly while crusade is a great film its "too safe" too much like raiders for me to truly get invested

Yea, but Belloq is set up as s douche pretty early on in Raiders not just for being a nazi but for stealing the idol from Jones and the implication that it has happened before.

wasn't it set in the 1930s?
Hate to break it to you user, but that's kind of what India was like back then (minus the supernatural shit mind).

It does a good job of setting up the rivalry between Belloq and Indy, but at the end of the day are they really all that different from each other? They're both grave robbers, their only distinction is the government they work for. You could argue that Indy is actually WORSE than Belloq because he slaughters people indiscriminately. Belloq only tries to indirectly kill Indy, he goes out of his way to avoid harming Marion.

I'm Indian and my dad would tell me he always ate snakes and monkey brains back home everytime we watched the dinner scene, so I grew up thinking my people ate that shit

Now I just stick muh big macs

>You could argue that Indy is actually WORSE than Belloq because he slaughters people indiscriminately.
you mean he murders other mercenaries/nazis who want/are paid to kill him and/or marion? yea no beloq is a piece of shit who only cares about himself

Indy might have an excuse to kill people in the context of the scene but ultimately he still ends up with a huge body count. Indy only cares about himself too, there's nothing noble behind what he's doing (at least in Raiders), he does it for the thrill and the paycheck. What's supposed to make Indy better than Belloq (which is even covered in the movie in the bar scene) is that Belloq has "sold out" to work for the Nazis. The Nazis getting the Ark of the Covenant would be the absolute worst thing ever because they would become unstoppable, take over the world, and usher in a global thousand year reich or something like that.

Fantastic, isn't it?

Can't believe how shit it is.

You know the Thugees were real people? It's like getting mad at the Nazis in the other films when the Nazis were a real group.

3 >1 >2 >4
I'm right and you know it

The only racist here is Speilberg.

1>2>3>>>>fixed it for you


And the first three are ridiculously overrated.

1>3>2>4 the patricians choice.

2 > 1 > 3

The other movie is not worth acknowledging.

still fun as fuck. the heart ripping scene gave me nightmares as a kid.

Have you ever read the transcripts of Spielberg & co. brainstorming for Raiders? They're throwing so much casual racism it borders on hilarious.

>Indy only cares about himself too, there's nothing noble behind what he's doing (at least in Raiders), he does it for the thrill and the paycheck.
except saving marions life?

He's the reason she was in danger in the first place, and he actually lets her stay tied up in the Nazi camp because he doesn't want to get caught before digging up the Ark.

>He's the reason she was in danger in the first place,
he indirectly got her bar burned to the ground, but also saved her life and it was returned when she shot the guy in the back saving his... he didn't force her to look for the ark with him, she wanted her money and wanted some excitement and adventure. I'm sure Indy even objected to her coming because he's being hunted by dangerous people, but she's Marion, she's fiesty and in some ways can handle herself (she fguns down a truck with a handful of nazis without flinching)

People need to lighten up. It's a stupid fantasy adventure movie with Kali-worshipping death cult Thuggee villains with an adventuring tomb raider archeologist protagonist. It is meant to be ridiculous.

This is the definitive ranking.


dubs confirm

>muh casual racism
kys please

Huh, that's funny, I'm Nepalese and my dad told me "yeah that's bullshit" every time we saw that scene.

i would let the nazis take the ark remember what happened on the island imagine that up in hitlers home turf. need no dday after that

I think the correct term is redpilled as fuck

hell no they are fun and tense to watch. im not a huge fan of temple but if you forced me i wouldn't fight you

This movie isn't racist at all

Op is being ridiculous.

i would like to say also that 4 suck but there are moments that are really good like the opening race scene


Needs a new one set in Korea. They have death cult worship there.

I had no idea Doom was a prequel to Raiders, but apparently it is.

I agree, In many ways, Raiders and Crusade are better films, but I still enjoy Doom while everyone criticizes it as bad. The setting / plot was just fun and enjoyable.

Y yoo auways anwy missur jones?

Same. Some of the most memorable moments in the entire series happen in Temple. It captured the spirit of Indiana Jones perfectly.

Yeah, nice Reddit Letter Media opinion.
Since Mike said so everyone now is "omg temple of doom is my favorite Indiana Jones"

inb4 you and all the others try to deny it