Gay Vikings?

Were the Vikings actually gay or it's just a liberal meme?

I'm gay myself and I like the Spartans, so this is not some poor attempt to troll Sweden. I'm legitimately curious.

Not to any significant extent, no. No sources to my knowledge mention homosexuality in the old norse world. The oldest mention in Sweden was in a law from the 1280s that said it was illegal to insult someone by calling them gay.

There was at least never a thing like in that comic here, that is just a southern european thing, the idea that only a submissive actor in gay sex is actually gay or something

>Finn "expert" on Scandinavia

enough said. you're Russians in denial.

white people in general are gay

in "Germanicus" the punishment amongst Germanic tribes for homosexuality was to be drowned in a swamp or a tub of mud.

It's the swede who's studying in the Åbo akademi iirc.

And watch who you call slav, you worthless
third world slav.

Yeah well, this "third world" country endured for over 1000 years, repelled invaders, resisted Slavic and Turkic influence and kept its cultural identity.

Can you say the same? Nope. Your country is not even 100 years old. Pffft.

really, are you fucking gay?

>resisted slavic influence


I'd rather get AIDS than hanging out with a Spanish woman.

Then you're not gay, you just hate spanish women.

Clearly. :P

>resisted Slavic and Turkic influence and kept its cultural identity.

Bah, And this land has done better in that puny 100 years than yours has in 1000. now bend over and get ready to receive my limp cock you slavo-turkic rapebaby who steals his high culture from Austria and speaks a uralic language. you absolute mongrelic baboon

This beach swede is in full denial mode.

Ancient Norse were gay as fuck but their gayness wasn't romantic but about establishing dominance through anal rape of other men and thus feminizing them.

You're just a bunch of Slavs LARPing as mongols. If Swedes hadn't domesticated you Finns, you wouldn't be any different from the rest of those Finno-Ugric tribes in Russia. Actually, you ain't that different from them now.
Living deep in the forests like savages, communicating with grunts and basic gestures like mountain trolls, because real men don't talk, they drown their sorrows in vodka, and hang themselves quietly in the shed, to be discovered months later, when the sun finally rises after 6 months of darkness.

You ought to be grateful your country was in such close proximity to civilized folks.

You really shouldn't be talking about suicide Hungary. Your people have much higher suicide rates. I guess life just sucks there.

>You're just a bunch of Slavs LARPing as mongols. If Swedes hadn't domesticated you Finns, you wouldn't be any different from the rest of those Finno-Ugric tribes in Russia. Actually, you ain't that different from them now.
>Living deep in the forests like savages, communicating with grunts and basic gestures like mountain trolls, because real men don't talk, they drown their sorrows in vodka, and hang themselves quietly in the shed, to be discovered months later, when the sun finally rises after 6 months of darkness.

I don't even wanna fall into that and see where it goes.

Hungarians historically committed suicide out of shame or failure, like Japanese people and their seppuku. Our culture values honor and dignity greatly, bringing shame and besmirching the family name used to be unthinkable.
Many of our prominent politicians, noblemen, poets and scientists ended their lives when they failed to meet what they expected of themselves. For centuries we looked at suicide almost fondly, viewed it not as something shameful, but as a viable alternative, a chance to finally take your future into your own hand. Even if you had no control over anything else in your life, at least you had this. Freeing yourself from the mortal burden, and earning redemption.
That legacy carries on till today. Well, it did, before foul American culture started permeating our media and poisoning the minds of our people.
I wouldn't expect you to understand.

I hear afghanistan is great at this time of the year

Also there's a legend that says that Hungary is a "cursed" country, no? That may be another factor to take into account.

>It's the swede who's studying in the Åbo akademi iirc.
You got it mon.

>resisted Slavic and Turkic influence

How they created Russia then

In Lokasenna the gods constantly insult each other by calling each other faggot*, so it's probably seen as a really bad thing.

*I use "faggot" not in the edgy Sup Forums kind of way, but as an accurate translation. They used a really strong slur against gay people.