Remind me why I'm supposed to un-ironically think white women look better than this

Remind me why I'm supposed to un-ironically think white women look better than this

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>liking girls depending on their skin colour
I like good looking girls, the race is irrelevant

she has white features

How's her footgame though?

She's not white?

you will need to post more pictures to support your argument

Because she is an Indian with strong typically white features. She could even pass for white.

Stop with these memes, with enough makeup any woman that isn't morbidly obese or deformed could look good.

Well, she's Indo-Aryan.

She is literally white.

Congratulations you managed to find one attractive woman out of 1/2 a billion female Indians.



>Because she is an Indian with strong typically white features.
Most Indians have strong typically white features.

This. We Punjabis are Aryans

maybe in Nigeria she'd be white

My point is - why settle for white women when you can get a hot ethnic girl who LOVES white guys?

Remember the golden rule:

Players liiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiike ethnic girls

Fact: race-mixing usually results in superior offspring. Healthier, stronger and more intelligent.


is your image supposed to prove that?

> why settle for white women when you can get a hot ethnic girl who LOVES white guys?

Throw a stick in a roomful of white women and you're bound to hit an attractive girl sooner or later.

Throw a stick in a roomful of Indian women, and you're arm will get tried before you even come close to hitting an attractive woman.

Her ancestors were probably raped by some sultan's European slaves.

Why do you throw sticks at women? That's not very nice.


damn Indians are rly good looking.

Only white / Asian mixing.

Go poo in the street pajeet

>posts pure white girl

they look exactly like him, holy shit.

And by Asian I mean the slant eyed fucks, not dot heads.

>tfw remember when this slut was just a kid doing funny things with her eyebrows on YouTube

I don't live in India though, autist.

Oh well, I should mention that I live in multicultural West coast America. You know, so I have all the options of all the women in the world over here, you know.

That's why I mean - why settle for white women when I can pick a superior hotter ethnic chick

Mixed race Indians are qt


>why settle for white women when I can pick a superior hotter ethnic chick

And I'm saying good luck at finding one. It's like winning the lottery. Your chances are slim as fuck.

White milk is strong and has plenty of nutrients!

This chick is so much prettier than these gooks

Now she's wearing see through clothing while modeling... good times.

Not at all lol. Dating sites, Stacie.

White women are obsolete. I've been dating all kids of chicks off okcupid - all cute nigga

No she's not. Average looking girl with nice eyes.

Average with nice eyes is still better than chinks with shit eyes

Except none of the girls I posted had shit eyes. They're eyes aren't as good as that other girls eyes, but they're better everywhere else.

Gorgeous with average eyes > average with gorgeous eyes.

>white """""""""women""""""""

>any of those gooks
Try opening your eyes, Wang

How can an entire race be defeated by the sun?

>indian """""""""women""""""""

lol you have shit fucking taste dude.

Either that or you're gay.

Imagine how smelly and hairy her pits and pusy are

interracial sex is always more fun than regular vanilla sex though.

That is, even sex with an ugly girl brown will still be more exciting than with a white girl

Don't eat my dog pls

Put-puts smell pretty bad. Even the girls. I went to school with some indians, pakis and bangladesh...ians.

Don't shit on my street please.

> even sex with an ugly girl brown will still be more exciting than with a white girl
You're doing sex wrong then.

>literal who vs one of the biggest female celebs


>Shailne Woodly
>Big celebrity.

Never go full retard.


I could shit on your plate and you'd call it a dumpling.

Anyone else here only attracted to white women? I don't even think about women of other races when I jack off, nor do they catch my eye in public.

I've been hit on by many cute asians and latinas but they just do nothing for me.

Mostly yes. There are the odd other breeds that I'll find hot, but 99% of the females I'm attracted to are white.

>Indian women are superior.
>Uses literally the most white-looking Indian he can find as evidence.

No. I like other skin colors. Like I don't necessarily think Nicki Minaj is super hot, but her skin color is top tier.

Indians are white
Also superpower by 2030

You're the only non underage poster in this thread

>posts direct descendant of alexander the great

>Indians are white
>Also superpower by 2030

Alexander had only one son who died before having any children

I have raw, degenerate sex with my white girlfriend and I had raw degenerate sex with my hapa ex.

Still jerk off to the ex all the time, had the sweetest and tightest brown pussy


im too lazy to crop it out



wow, gadots neck LOOKSLIKE THAT?

He's right you know tho


Looks like this

Africans are more genetically diverse than whites

She's black?

lol okay. just keep those 50 shades of black in Africa then

middle easterners and indians are considered white in the US

no they're not

This isn't white according to Sup Forums.


And rightly so. Turks are not white.

that's fake news

No wonder why 99% of this site are kissless virgin adults. Your standards are ridiculous.

Don't be this stupid Sup Forums

>balkan rape baby genes kick in

We white as fuck dude

She's white tho.

Iran was better to be quite honest senpai

Brb gonna nut in this Syrian chick I've been seeing then MAGA. White woman belong in the trash

Fuck ABC for wasting Priyanka and Hayley Atwell in meddling, middle aged mom-tier dramas. Women that talented and hot deserve better.

check some random turkish soap opera

it's literally 90% white people

they are, you're dumb

The more east you go the less Balkan rape baby genes kicking in then you get something akin to a Proto-Kurd or some shit

>no u

>white features

wtf are white features othern than white skin and thin lips?


is that a serious question?

You know they literally advertise skin bleaching in India right? They sell skin bleaching creams over the counter and encourage people to use them constantly.

They do that in other Asian countries too