If you could have sex with one person on this photo, who would you choose?

if you could have sex with one person on this photo, who would you choose?

employee chilling against the wall. looks like she needs a fuck and a smoke

the mother

>all female
Gross. Leave it to Pooland.

white girl on the right

i don't think i should say

Would fuck the nigger in yellow snickers. Let him suck on that BRC (Big Russian Cock)

what about this one, keep in mind the woman on the right is a famous super-model

Easy - the bitch (dog)




Hello Ahmed bin Detroux

but this is just a child, you are not supposed to be sexually attracted to her, it's completely wrong, while her mother is world famous sex symbol

nice try CIA

but let's just say Sup Forums would share my answer

I'd rape that nigger boy up the ass without lube

>picking someone who's 20 years older than me
Not everyone has the same taste in women as Macron you know

hello pedopolak, how's your court case going?

the 15 (sic!) years old white girl in purple dress

>pedro thread
>belgian and polish flags everywhere
made me think

the 16 (sic!) years old white girl in purple dress

nothing new, I'm still on the run


Children don't have boobs.

Does anyone have that pic that shows how she neglects her white child because she cares more about the brown ones?

that was Angelina Jolie

or am I thinking of someone else?

the 13 year old white girl.
also is Heidi Klum BLACKED?

You burn the coal you pay the toll of having ugly black children

>dat gimbusiara

Muh dick


Why are interracial children so ugly?

Because they get all their looks from the ugly parent

>hey user, I want you to meet my sisters Janeeqa, La-shea, and my brother Taykwan
>why are you looking at them like that?
What do?

How the fuck are her siblings not going to hate her and their mother forever? Imagine seeing your sister reminds you, you could have had a genetic-home-run running through your veins, but instead you look like a malnourished Krusty the Clown.

Poor grandpa! I cant imagine a more horrible death than having some black grandchildren, all his legacy has gone to hell because his daughter likes big penises

just 2 years off


The black girls probably hate their pure white sister since she's actually pretty unlike them.

the youngest one is pretty cute, no pedo

the fedora

I'd rather fuck the sexy cars

the nubile white girl

Greek know Dutroux ?

The right most girl (leaning on the wall).

>tfw the most well known Belgian is a pedophile serial killer

the pain in is face, and the unberable inside shame

This is a trick question, right? Obviously the girl in the short purple dress with the black lace. I'd plough her till my dick bleeds.

That he was paedosexual is the least relevant aspect of someone being a serial killer.

It's pretty relevant in his case though