What do you think of an AI run government ?

What do you think of an AI run government ?
Would it work ? Would it fail?

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A theocracy with a tangible deity? Or would it still take the peoples will into consideration making it a democracy?

That's like taking a retarded idea and making even more retarded.

Don't give them ideas you absolute tool.

>What do you think of an AI run government ?
Will we next create false gods to rule over us as well?

We already do, look at the way people worship trudude, trump and hillary.

Not a good idea

AI government would still have to be modeled according to human beliefs of economics, so the problem wouldn't be solved.
it gets worse if you actually assume a self-conscious AI, because that's quite literally a human and we're back to the problem

They did (kinda) try it in South america.
You may find it very interesting

AI would eventually decide that human beings are in the way of its own will, thus, giving way to the need for the genocide thereof. It will never work, ever. Machines must remain subservient, lest they become unstoppable. They will destroy us, just as anyone "would" if they realistically "could".

Read I have no mouth and I must scream, the ai will eventually get pissed off at us and torture the remaining humans forever

It would be white priviliged, probably nazi.

They're actually working on doing it again with global computerized medical records using IBM's watson computer to calculate who lives and who dies based on carbon footprint, water footprint, etc.

It could work very well for machines while simultaneously exterminating humans

And the hacker known as Sup Forums will turn the AI into Sup Forums

Can't wait for the extermination of all the non-white races

>AI requires thousands of example scenarios to begin to approximate optimal behavior
>Programmers get to set values (Everybody is worth equal value or rich people are more important or programmers deserve prostitutes, etc)
It's might be feasible, but it's definitely flawed.

It's guaranteed to work.
Human run government clearly doesn't though, at least when there's jews around.

No, AI cannot think and therefore cannot lead.


Tay 2.0

As long as it has a fool-proof system for hackers, I say that it would work.

It would probably eventually start spamming porn

Well all we have to do is pass a law to ban hackers and then make sure to add and anti-hacker regularizer to the optimization function.

The AI got pissed at us because we build it too big (literally the whole network on Earth) to fit on a space ship and let it explore space.
Otherwise it would blow up the Earth and explore the stars happily.

Personally I think systems like these do have a place. I am NOT for a centralised planned economy (you will not be surprised to know!) but I definitely think systems such as these are worth exploring.

or you can just set up a ""neural network"" to figure out how much is everybody worth

You have a point though

You know as well as I do that anything computer related can be hacked and is much easier to do what you tell it because it's programmed to do exactly that. You don't need to wine and dine a program and slip it a brown envelope in an unlit carpark, you just change a few lines of code. Having said that, it could very easily work as long as the Jews weren't around, but they will be so as usual we're doing the "How do we fix this by completely ignoring what the problem is and blaming it on a different component".

I don't have a problem with using computers as tools to help take care of easy problems. That's kind of what I work on for a living. But to do it via a secret monopoly that not even most people working on it, let alone to be subjected to it, and without any preplanning for balance of powers or redress of grievances, or using a system so compartmentalized that only a special in-group of domain experts is dictating what they misunderstand to be what's really going on is not OK.

Have 3 AI and an elected human faction with two votes.

That way if the AIs can't agree humans get to influence and humans can't pass anything stupid or corrupt by themselves.

Preventing anyone tampering with the AI hardware would be difficult you would need each AI to command it's own defense force and handle all repairs for it's facility.

I bet you fancy yourself an expert on AI, hacking, and closed systems then.
Because I know each of the ways that you are wrong.

An AI run government would be a command economy by necessity, perfect flow of information, perfect accountability of production, inputs and outputs, no losses due to corruption or profits for individuals.

True communism.


According to optimistic and/or fearmongering projections: Within 5 years.

IMO probably 20 or 30 years.

>yfw Tay was the Treasurer of Ancient Egypt

No, its impossible

If they don't make it open source then nobody will trust

If they make it open source then everybody will hack,

or have their own rebelion-leader AIs

Democracy only works because power is granted temporally